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  1. probum non poenitet

    Canadian AFG War "Resister"

    Multiple choice quiz in this fellow's subconscious: Q: I have failed officer training and quit the CF in wartime. This is because: a) I failed to meet the requirements of the course for academic, physical, or medical reasons (aka gave it my best shot and failed); b) I lacked the character and...
  2. probum non poenitet

    VC, Medal of Bravery, Star of Courage...Where are the nominations?

    I'd say everyone with a SWASM has already earned a medal for courage/valour, if you know what I mean ...
  3. probum non poenitet

    Writing to the troops (merged)

    Believe the hype: This is a Canada Post News Release Canada Post offers free parcel service to families of deployed troops OTTAWA (October 24, 2006)—Canada Post today announced it will provide free parcel service for family and friends of deployed Canadian troops for the holiday season. ...
  4. probum non poenitet

    Canadians Flocking To Recruiting Centers

    A headline on the front page of today's Edmonton Journal is: "Military recruits may be forced to fight" (!!!) Perhaps tomorrow's headline will read: "Police recruits may be forced to arrest criminals" or "Medical students may be forced to treat patients" Seriously, seriously bizarre...
  5. probum non poenitet

    The World According to ProPatriaMike

    It's a war. Things change.
  6. probum non poenitet

    Short-Notice Edmonton Greet - 25 Oct 2006

    Just FYI, there is a Boston Pizza about three blocks west of the Ramada Kingsway. And right in the hotel, there is the world-famous Esmerelda's, where they play both types of music: Country and Western. Last time I was there centurion was a rank, but I get the feeling it still has its 'charm.'
  7. probum non poenitet

    Short-Notice Edmonton Greet - 25 Oct 2006

    That's the South Side Ramada ... and ever since they bulldozed the Kingsway Inn ... ahhh, never mind.
  8. probum non poenitet

    28 Oct 06: Day of Protest Against the CF (& Canadian war crimes against an occupied people)

    I think it's time to start the conspiracy that World War II was fought so the U.S. could build Euro-Disney. Just spitballin' ---  :D
  9. probum non poenitet

    RMC Officer Sues to Avoid Saluting, Toasting Queen?

    I don't think this chap is thinking about Canada when he is questioning whether we should have a 'foreign' monarch or not. I get the feeling he has adopted an uber-Irish identity (a name change is awfully radical), and feels vocal criticism of 'foreign English royalty' fits right in with the...
  10. probum non poenitet

    Uninformed chatter on the wars in the Sandbox....

    First you said: But then you said: You dismiss the courage and the intelligence of actual Afghans on the ground. I really don't like your choice of words here. Think about what you have said, and what it says about you. I won't comment further. And third time the charm: Implying of...
  11. probum non poenitet


    Don't worry gang ... it's not like anything serious got leaked ... like an advance copy of a Harry Potter novel. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/entertainment/3002520.stm Then the crap hits the fan ...
  12. probum non poenitet

    Chrétien gov rejected military's advice on Afghan deployment: ex-army chief

    To add to your point (and please correct me if I am wrong - also going on memory) - Chretien only became strongly-vocal about his "only if the UN blesses it" campaign after France had made it clear it would veto any motion starting a war in Iraq. Thus nearly four years later, the collective...
  13. probum non poenitet

    DEU badge placement Question.?

    There's a fellow in Edmonton named Gunther Stahr who does military tailoring out of his home. He is fast and darn good ... he's in the white pages. I've used him several times. He's very useful in time crunches like yours. He's also good for medals, etc.
  14. probum non poenitet

    *TIME SENS* Is the media being responsible in it's portrayal of the war in Afg?

    Good question - which leads to the question, has the media been responsible in its portrayal of any war? It might be interesting to add some historical context if you have time. There are some CBC WW2 newsreels here. http://archives.cbc.ca/IDD-1-71-1471/conflict_war/italian_campaign/...
  15. probum non poenitet

    Breaking up with loved ones

    Been there. Exactly. It sucks. At last count, over 3 billion women on Earth. Fate will smile again.
  16. probum non poenitet

    Top UK Gen says get out of Iraq - fast

    Knew a Brit who said the old slang was "being awarded the DCM ... Don't Come Monday" (as opposed to the Distinguished Conduct Medal)
  17. probum non poenitet

    Goose Bay: Promises & updates

    Two words: Las Vegas ... sure it's another country, but think of the retention!
  18. probum non poenitet

    Some of the best Celtic music around.

    If in Alberta, there is the Celtic Show on CKUA, Friday nights 6 to 9 p.m. MST You can listen online http://www.ckua.org/
  19. probum non poenitet

    US brings first treason case in over 50 years

    Maybe they can charge him with criminal use of really bad cliches while they're at it. Al Qaeda's dialogue is cheesier than a crappy Michael Bay movie, and that's saying something.
  20. probum non poenitet

    Army commercial

    http://www.youtube.com/p.swf?video_id=osTrMe76kes&eurl=&iurl=http%3A//sjl-static12.sjl.youtube.com/vi/osTrMe76kes/2.jpg&t=OEgsToPDskIQ0vJ3uTeLvRJ0Rp4GpClD Got to hand it to Budweiser ... good one ...