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Search results

  1. acen

    CANFORGEN on Pay and PIL

    CRA themselves haven't received a dime yet nor have they even started the process for themselves, so the CF is far from unique. Don't spend the money you don't have in your bank account and this becomes a moot point. Treat it for what it is, unexpected money. I encountered way too many people...
  2. acen

    CANFORGEN on Pay and PIL

    I have been told by someone who works in the PIL nerve centre that it will take up to 2 month from the time they approve a file to it being paid out, after April 1st. Hang tight, it is still coming, it might just be a little bit longer than you thought it was going to take.
  3. acen

    Word association (just for fun)

  4. acen

    Questions on language profiles

    http://www.psc-cfp.gc.ca/ppc-cpp/test-examen-result/result-eng.htm Go here for the official copy of your test results. If they don't take this, they are right out to lunch.
  5. acen

    Russia's Putin calls for revival of Soviet-era fitness tests

    Don't forget region specific clothing! Siberia will push for winter clothing and Moscow will ask for a puma tracksuit, whereas the far east will say that this test doesn't represent the type of work that they do!
  6. acen

    Any Rifle Experts Out There?

    By the way, I just did a basic google search on "Waffenfabrik Bern" to start my search. Just knowing those two works alone narrowed it down to a Swiss service rifle.
  7. acen

    Any Rifle Experts Out There?

    It's a Swiss Vetterli Rifle, looks like an M81. Pretty nice piece!
  8. acen

    Just curious who is on exercise near Arnprior, Renfrew and west end of Ottawa

    I can't speak to this specific exercise, but having gone down to Ft. Knox in the spring, we brought our own weapons. All of the paperwork was cleared with customs beforehand and it was a remarkable smooth crossing into the US. When some members of the National Guard joined us in Gogama for a...
  9. acen

    6 RAR Soldier receives VC

    Well done antipode! Probably thought he was just doing his job too!
  10. acen

    M67 Vs C13

    I'm pretty sure I heard someone say (yes, no proper reference) that the C13 had a different, more reliable fuse than an M67. This very well could have been a load of hogwash that someone was blabbing to a recruit back in 2007 though. FWIW
  11. acen

    Robert Semrau's book "The Taliban Don't Wave"

    I read the preview and I think that I will pick up the book as a result. Great "readability", though it will be a little more challenging for civvies without mil-speak abilities.
  12. acen

    Vermont Restaraunts Busted For Bad Tipper Tax

    Having been to East Burke (as an anglo mountain biker to Kingdom Trails, amazing trail network if you like cycling at all), it was almost like the entire town filled up with Quebec plates for the weekend. I don't know how my fellow canadians tipped, but I always found the service there to be top...
  13. acen

    Favourite War Movies

    I'll throw in my vote for Kokoda, it's been discussed elsewhere on Army.ca beforehand but for those who haven't seen it, it's a great flick. It's all about some Aussies on the Kokoda Trails in Papua New Guinea, and brutal conditions is a gross understatement. Worth the watch.
  14. acen

    Outdoor Gear Thread

    Might I suggest the MH lasagna, noodles and chicken, and grilled chicken breast with mashed potatoes? haha it was worth a shot! I have a feeling we'll eventually get into making some more elaborate backcountry meals, but this will be a gradual transition. I'm going to bring some bannock mix...
  15. acen

    Outdoor Gear Thread

    Had I not gotten it for about half of it's listed price, I dont think I would have gotten it, but now that I have it, I'm very happy that I do. The girlfriend is a former navy cadet gun commander turned professional mechanical engineer, she's eaten IMP's and appreciates just how good some of the...
  16. acen

    Outdoor Gear Thread

    Honestly, I can't speak highly enough of the Jetboil. I can only speak for the Sol, but it's been steadfast and has worked brilliantly. If you need hot water fast, that's your ticket. The Sol comes with a stove plate adapter too, so you can use traditional pots with it as well. Where the Jetboil...
  17. acen

    Outdoor Gear Thread

    Point taken EITS...I swear I have one of those green ones lurking somewhere! I used that at Algonquin in March, I did suffer from lots of condensation build-up though. Not really an issue for 2-3 days, but longer, week long outings and my MEC Merlin -10 down bag would be starting to get quite...
  18. acen

    Outdoor Gear Thread

    I'm a bit of a stove junkie, different tools for different applications right? I love my WLI, and if I'm doing anything in the cold or with a group, that's what would come, but lately I've been fascinated with some other tools. I've picked up a Jetboil Sol (buddy who works at MEC got me a staff...
  19. acen

    Member of Ceremonial Guard Wounded by Bayonet

    Heard through the grapevine: PWGSC was out putting non-slip paint on the offending manhole covers yesterday (28 Jun). Hopefully this will improve the situation.
  20. acen

    Member of Ceremonial Guard Wounded by Bayonet

    Hope he's alright and has a speedy recovery. No matter the context, one never wants to be on the wrong end of a bayonet.