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AirDet said:
Now that we're in the second week of April, has anyone seen their PIL in the bank?

The memos have only just started to come back from the PIL team as being approved. Once approved, it's sent to RPPO for payment. Not sure if it will be lumped in with a pay run or its own special deposit.
I have been told by someone who works in the PIL nerve centre that it will take up to 2 month from the time they approve a file to it being paid out, after April 1st. Hang tight, it is still coming, it might just be a little bit longer than you thought it was going to take.
AirDet said:
Now that we're in the second week of April, has anyone seen their PIL in the bank?

With the shear volume of work here, there are priorities as to whose files get done first and whose will wait.  If you are currently in the RELEASE process, you would be a higher priority than someone who was being retained for the long term.  As was stated in previous posts......Patience.
Thanx for the reply George, I was just curious. I have my guys asking me at every briefing. It doesn't matter how often you tell them to be patient. I'm guessing several of them are getting the same question from their wives.

Several of them put in their election on the first day back in December and were thinking they'd be at the top of the pile when payments begin.
38. When will payments be processed?

PiL of CFSP will be processed on an ongoing basis commencing 1 Apr 2013 and once all information is validated and/or any necessary audits are performed. Each member’s situation will be different. CF members who are considering making an election for a PiL of CFSP should anticipate the possibility of lengthy processing times given anticipated volumes.


35. Once election forms have been submitted, will Sitreps be provided?

No. In order to meet processing requirements, status reports cannot be provided to members regarding their files.
Army 101, we've quoted the CanForGen as well. What's got them is that this process has no external transparency. Once members handed in their election forms to the Unit ORs they have heard nothing. Let's face it, some ORs have had a history of losing documents.

Personally, I'm tired of answering the questions at every briefing. Perhaps if there were a process to monitor progress our members wouldn't be so antsy.

Then again, it's too late for that.
I find it frustrating that when we were first briefed on the PIL in November, those with unbroken regular force service who elect 50% payment or less were told that that payments would be almost immediate as they were to be completed locally. Myself, and a few others submitted the paperwork on dec 15th as directed to initiate this " speedy payment"

Then, it was " not before April 1st"  Which was fine.  Now, its a " you will get it, when you get it. And we will no longer entertain any questions"

To those that argue its a " gift " that was not there a couple years ago, I say its still our entitlement.  Yes entitlement.  If anyone owed the crown money, you can bed your trousers that "administrative magic" would be initiated post haste.  The RCMP and civil servants were paid out already, regardless of the " complexity" of individual situations.

Be patient eh ?  Its money that is better used in my pocket than in " la la land "

This fiasco appears to be a product of the same wizards that brought us the Reserve Pension ::)
Take the accuracy of the following statement as you will, but the Chief Clerk at halifax dkyd CSOR told me the other day that it might, possibly, take up to three years!

I was advised to reapply for another request to withhold taxes at the source for next tax season if I don't receive it this year...
MARS said:
Take the accuracy of the following statement as you will, but the Chief Clerk at halifax dkyd CSOR told me the other day that it might, possibly, take up to three years!

I was advised to reapply for another request to withhold taxes at the source for next tax season if I don't receive it this year...

Is yours a > or < 50%  ?  I think most who elected greater than  50% are expecting a lengthy delay ( 1 -2 years) .
It's the 50%+ and anyone with Reserve service that undergo 100% verification.
MARS said:
Take the accuracy of the following statement as you will, but the Chief Clerk at halifax dkyd CSOR told me the other day that it might, possibly, take up to three years!

I was advised to reapply for another request to withhold taxes at the source for next tax season if I don't receive it this year...

Now that would be pure speculation on the Chief Clerks part.  You will NOT see any payments processed any earlier than mid-Apr pay and even that is conditional upon your OR receiving authorization and then inputting the transaction into CCPS for payment and that is for those who requested less than 50% as mentioned by dapatterson.  50% and up requires full verification.

If you have already requested and received the letter from CRA to "withold tax at source", it will be for Calendar Year 2013.  If you do not receive your PIL prior to 31 Dec 13, then all you need to do, is resubmit your letter of request back to CRA and obtain an updated 2014 letter.  CRA will not issue "multi-year" letters.
technophile said:
I find it frustrating that when we were first briefed on the PIL in November, those with unbroken regular force service who elect 50% payment or less were told that that payments would be almost immediate as they were to be completed locally. Myself, and a few others submitted the paperwork on dec 15th as directed to initiate this " speedy payment"

Then, it was " not before April 1st"  Which was fine.  Now, its a " you will get it, when you get it. And we will no longer entertain any questions"

To those that argue its a " gift " that was not there a couple years ago, I say its still our entitlement.  Yes entitlement.  If anyone owed the crown money, you can bed your trousers that "administrative magic" would be initiated post haste.  The RCMP and civil servants were paid out already, regardless of the " complexity" of individual situations.

Be patient eh ?  Its money that is better used in my pocket than in " la la land "

CRA themselves haven't received a dime yet nor have they even started the process for themselves, so the CF is far from unique. Don't spend the money you don't have in your bank account and this becomes a moot point. Treat it for what it is, unexpected money. I encountered way too many people that had put themselves in financial hardship because they had spent the 4k that they were "entitled" to in a public service pay adjustment in 2009(?), only to find out it was less than 2k after tax. They spent it all on lavish trips and some of them are probably still paying it off on their credit cards and their 19% interest rates. It's either wait a year or so or wait until retirement, besides, rates of returns on investments are junk right now.
I can certainly see why people are already getting frustrated. We were told that the applications would be processed as they were received. That began in December. I know it's only the second week that the payment page has been turned on but was there not a stack of authorizations waiting to go? After all, they've had 4 months already to work on this.
People are wondering why the process takes so long when the ORs have already compiled the relevant documents. Is the process so overly complicated that a fin clerk can only complete a couple a day (or less)?

Lets do some math:
- approx 20 pay clerks in the cell
- 4 months of work (20days*4months) = 80 days
- 1600 man days (80*20) or 12800 man/hrs
- approx 75,000 CF Mbrs
- Suppose half applied = 37500
That means that so far .341 hrs should have been invested per member (on average).

Are you telling me it takes more than 20 minutes per mbr to do a review when the Local ORs have already assembled the files?

Granted these numbers make several assumptions but they can't be that far out.
acen said:
CRA themselves haven't received a dime yet nor have they even started the process for themselves, so the CF is far from unique. Don't spend the money you don't have in your bank account and this becomes a moot point. Treat it for what it is, unexpected money. I encountered way too many people that had put themselves in financial hardship because they had spent the 4k that they were "entitled" to in a public service pay adjustment in 2009(?), only to find out it was less than 2k after tax. They spent it all on lavish trips and some of them are probably still paying it off on their credit cards and their 19% interest rates. It's either wait a year or so or wait until retirement, besides, rates of returns on investments are junk right now.

Treat as unexpected ? Correct me if I am wrong here, but the Canforgen was released a year ago . So, i guess i can argue it is now expected.
Also thanks for the lecture on my finances, but I dont need it. My PIL entitlement is not yet " money spent" but it would give me more of a " warm and fuzzy" in my account than the Crown's.

Whether or not the financial advice was directed to you or not it is sound advice and someone else reading this thread may benefit from it. We will get the money when we get. No more bitching will speed things up. My suggestion would be to close this thread down for awhile as there is nothing more relevant said.
I completely understand that angle, but the CF is far from the only entity that has not received their money. I don't know or particularly care about how you manage your own finances, that's your business, I'm just posting what I have seen in the past. All cheques had to be individually approved by the HR advisor responsible for that person's file in that case where I worked, which caused a lot of frustration as employee A had received their cheque but not employee B. The money will come, but they are only 10 days (7 working days) into the possible payment window.
Sheep Dog AT said:
No more bitching will speed things up. My suggestion would be to close this thread down for awhile as there is nothing more relevant said.

WOW! Is that the way we're expected to treat our people now?

If you don't like the questions just shut them off.... it's attitudes like that from the Admin staff that has our Jr NCOs so upset. As a Sr NCO I have to bring some resolution to things. This is what leaders do. We support our people to meet the needs of the CF.

Ignoring points because you don't want to deal with them isn't exactly in keeping with our proud military customs.
Look clown. You'll get your fracking money when the info is processed. You know the process. Like EVERYTHING else in the military hurry up and wait. There will be no clear cut answers because they already stated there will not be a status update. Bitch all you want. You'll get it when you get. Now move the fuck along.