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  1. S

    The Shaving Superthread- All You Want and More....

    A gerber could be used as a suicide assistance weapon... How would a straight razor be any different?
  2. S

    Supplements on BMQ (merged)

    I use a protein supplement as just that: supplement. I'm a student and quite often do not eat as well as I should. That may sound like a cop-out, maybe it is. However, there is no inherent danger with using protein supplements AS LONG AS YOU DO NOT MISUSE THEM. One to two scoops a day spaced out...
  3. S

    This may sound weird but...

    oh man.. THANK YOU!
  4. S

    This may sound weird but...

    My left nostril doesn't allow the same airflow as my right nostril... no matter whether I blow my nose or not. Should I see the doctor about it?
  5. S

    Quick kit question

    maybe they're secretly hoping you'll lose it or some such and have to pay for it >_<.
  6. S

    Quick kit question

    Would you happen to know about NDHQ?
  7. S

    Hydrogen Peroxide As Fuel

    what about using H2O2 in rockets/missles if it's not already used. (which I beleive it is) Other than that it sounds too volatile to use properly
  8. S

    Quick kit question

    you have be in uniform to go to the kit supply correct?
  9. S

    Do we burn threads to prevent fraying?

    I think the key is to make sure the flame of your lighter is beside the surface of the pants, and the thread sticking into the base of the flame. If the flame is pointing into the cadpat you're asking for trouble
  10. S

    Being a "Grey man", or blending in on course - [Merged]

    You have to be careful and be sure you really know what being a good leader entails. It can get annoying when someone is yelling at his course mates over and over without due reason, or yelling too harshly, or single-ing people out, or being hypocritical... etc.. Make sure you lead *well*.
  11. S

    Weird situation with issued clothing.

    You could talk with you work to see if they'd let a proud CF member improve his duty to the CF... Shop's unlikely to be open on the weekend
  12. S

    Being a "Grey man", or blending in on course - [Merged]

    I'm on reserve BMQ right now. Basically, your responsibility goes from yourself, to your fireteam partner/roommate(s), to your section, and your platoon. If you're done with yourself pick out the person that's lagging behind and help them. I've dressed people before to make it to breakfast...
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    Beware of things that go BLIMP in the night

  14. S

    Beware of things that go BLIMP in the night

    It's funny that there are senses the human body has that we're not conciously aware of. It's hard to say that hearing, vision, taste, or touch could have played a role in that encounter. I think honing you're 6th sense, gut feeling, ESP.. whatever you call it is essential to avoid ambushes...
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    1, 000, 000 Rounds Per Minute

    imagine cleaning that with 1 cleaning rod !  :-X You'd have to make some sort of multi-cleaning rod system to clean all the barrels >_<
  16. S

    Do we burn threads to prevent fraying?

    Or just to maintain proper appearance? If it has to do with appearance, does it matter if threads are on your FFO? (apart from cadpat shirt/pants/boots) P.S. I did search for this but had no luck finding any satisfying answer
  17. S

    MODCAN vest??

    does that mean you can't turn the canteen pocket on it's side?? even though the TV manual gives instructions on how to do so. It's so darn hard to get the canteen out if it's upright... the pocket is under your arm pit.. I don't bend that way.
  18. S

    Cadpat Overboard?

    what if you had some sort of different coloured chalk sticks that you could just paint yourself/buddies with? It obviously couldn't be just any chalk or maybe not even a form of chalk at all. Just some sort of stick you can rub into your skin with.
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    Cadpat Overboard?

    Yeah I'm just talking thin thin fabric not insulated.
  20. S

    Cadpat Overboard?

    yeah what if we go to take a crap and they are able to pick me out from our plain green undies! The horror!