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  1. S

    Wake Up America!

    I love how they managed to work in fiscal policy into their propaganda. What the hell does that have to do with being the target of terrorists?! They're trying to make the point that if you vote democratic you're voting for a dictatorship!! WTF?
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    Tacvest Mods

    AFAIK You shouldn't worry about that you'll get those medical supplies issued to you.
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    House passes motion recognizing Quebecois as nation

    This is total B.S. We are ONE country, one group of people. Saying quebecois is a nation pisses me right off. This is only sparking the seperatist notions again. ARGH! How could SO many cabinet members vote for this?! How?!
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    Help requested to identify weapon

    http://hkpro.com/forum/showthread.php?t=45350 http://forums.military.com/eve/forums/a/tpc/f/663108624/m/2870075780001 G36 is nice, but the only thing of value it really adds is a folding stock, easier cleaning and the ability to load a drum mag. The translucent mag idea is neat too. Not worth...
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    Afghanistan: Lessons Learned (merged)

    http://www.militarymorons.com/weapons/ar.misc.html#marpat It's doable... And pretty nice result
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    tactical vest

    MOC 606 - Sewing!! Grannies unite and fight the good fight! Sewing Machine inspections at 07:00! Murder She Wrote viewing at 20:00. Don't miss your timings! Recruiting numbers starting at around 500.
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    WW2 T-34 Tank Pulled Out of Lake

    Part of the reason that a T-34 would be used by the Germans specifically is because in cold climates the T-34s were said to be very reliable. Their simple design and diesel engine allowed them to operate in climate conditions where the more sophisticated Germans Panzers and Tigers simply froze up.
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    Implications for Canadians in Afghanistan if Iraqi Insurgents Win

    My opinions and views are probably misinformed. I have never been deployed, and I don't know what Iraq, Afghanistan, or the entire Middle East are really like. However, maybe, just maybe, I would start a thread to see what other peoples views are - people who have been deployed and have seen it...
  9. S

    ALJAZEERA english international service is "up"

    One of the things that they do make a good point about is to give news in such a way that it will allow people in the U.S. / Canada / UK to connect at least on some level with the people from the middle east. I don't think the general populace knows very much about their culture or how they live.
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    Common Army Phase

    Part of the reason for losing weight in the field is that your body is not as used to the sudden decrease in food with an increased activity level. With a 5 day exercise by the end of it your body is just getting used to processing less food and having to get more energy out of what you give it...
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    ALJAZEERA english international service is "up"

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ijsNmMZt9fc http://english.aljazeera.net/News/ They say their viewpoint is neutral... What are people's thoughts on that
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    Thank You From The Heart

    GODDAMNIT I HATE LOSING WALLETS! I know EXACTLY how you feel dude. It's hardly about the money.. It's about everything else that lives in the wallet. Turn the wallet in, say "i found it lying on the ground" and keep the money no one will care. By the way did you cancel any credit cards that...
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    Afghan Poll shows that they think security is better.

    Does it get viewer's attention? Does it spark emotion? Lets face it, media reports 90% bad news and disappointment, 10% good news/worthless news.
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    In the Afghan-Soviet conflict the Afghans developed shooting 2 RPG rounds in the same spot against soviet tanks when the soviets began to include reactive armor on their tanks. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rocket_propelled_grenade#Afghanistan
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    Tomahawk Talk

    Speaking of multi-function items... http://www.coldsteel.com/92sfs.html Check out the video link ^_^
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    Hard-pressed army forced to train with paintball guns

    This thread is an interesting read, but the end game is pretty clear: Paint ball guns are -very- inaccurate. The balls drop like 1 foot in the first 10 meters if you have a poo gun (which most rentals are). Paint balls are much slower than bullets obviously. The above two points combined make...
  17. S

    Implications for Canadians in Afghanistan if Iraqi Insurgents Win

    The insurgents that are in Iraq now would wage for control, land, property etc... They won't just high five and hike it out of there if the US backs out. There would be much less incentive for new recruits from foreign countries to go to Iraq, unless they wanted in on the brawl fest that would...
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    Movie about Iraq - Home of the Brave

    When I first heard of $.50 I was really worried.. trailer cheered me up a bit though that he's not in his "standard" role.
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    CANFORGEN regarding fleece kit

    Unlike the old fleece, there's an epelet (sp?) holder on it for a reason........ But yes, common sense prevails where it outside in the field everywhere else it should be under. (Funny story, on our SQ course we were yelling in the shacks the night before inspection to make sure any fleece was...
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    Troops kick ass
