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Wake Up America!


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Check out this website.

It's message, I'm afraid points out somethings all the worlds people need to wake up to, before it's to late!


I want those 5 minutes of my life back.

Wow.. American propaganda.. can be just as bad as most Taliban.
Trinity said:
I want those 5 minutes of my life back.

Wow.. American propaganda.. can be just as bad as most Taliban.

It's 2 minutes for me; I felt like I was being brainwashed.

"With over 1.1 billion Muslims worldwide, it's estimated 10% (110 million) are radicalized and sworn to our death and destruction."
I find that figure just a tad to high...
SoF said:
It's 2 minutes for me; I felt like I was being brainwashed.

"With over 1.1 billion Muslims worldwide, it's estimated 10% (110 million) are radicalized and sworn to our death and destruction."
I find that figure just a tad to high...

I was at a briefing the other day by a professor who teaches at an American Military university...

Gave the example if we piss off 1% of the Muslim population (at 1.2 million)...  we have a lot of
fighting to do.  Even the 1% was a hypothetical example.. but probably more on par.
Trinity said:
I was at a briefing the other day by a professor who teaches at an American Military university...

Gave the example if we piss off 1% of the Muslim population (at 1.2 million)...  we have a lot of
fighting to do.  Even the 1% was a hypothetical example.. but probably more on par.

Trinity they are already radicalized. The kids are brainwashed either in religious schools or at the mosque.By the time they are late teen's early twenties they arent going to give up the jihad. Most of us could understand
the threat from nazism or communism but many people give a pass to the islamic radicals as freedom of religion.If you dig a bit deeper into the goals of radical islam only then do you undertsand the threat to our way of life and culture.Unfortunately too many have their heads up their fourth point of contact.
I remeber seeing a report on CBC ages ago and they showed school children maybe around ten saying they would 'give their lives for allah' or something along those lines
Even I think the site sorely misses the point.  The United States and it's allies are not fighting a monolith, we cannot declare a crusade against 110 million people worldwide -including those within our own borders, and American foreign policy over the last 27 years is far more complicated than the site makes it out to be.
It even makes stuff like this seem intelligent:
So is this a load of crap or is some of what is being said here true? Pardon the question, but I am in now way anybody's equal regarding politics that post here. I read it and found it to be alarming, but as I usually do I tend to read the responces from the "regular" posters here who's opinion's I have come to respect.  Tomahawk is one of the people that I would tend to listen to and agree with most of his comments. Trinity is yet another one, but it seems as though they don't agree.  If anyone cares to break it down just a tad bit more I would appreciate it.  :-\
Allow me to break down one part.
On that site in question, there is this statement:
In WWII Hitler's leadership convinced the Neutral German People to
kill 6,000,000 Jews,
kill 6,000,000 Christians,
and kill 7,000 Polish people.
So, according to that site, in the European Theatre of Operations, 12,007,000 persons died, apparently.  That or Poles were neither Jews nor Christians.
Without even referencing other sites I know that many many more people died in that war. 
The other possibility is that they are referring to the deaths at concentration camps.  Again, from my knowledge of things, their numbers are WAY OFF.  As in "too low". 
The 7,000 Polish people (I think they mean "Poles") - What is up with that I have no idea.

My best advice to you: read it for yourself and make your own mind up.  When they assert something, look at it critically.  Are they actually saying anything, or do they say "we believe" *this* "to be the case".

I love how they managed to work in fiscal policy into their propaganda. What the hell does that have to do with being the target of terrorists?! They're trying to make the point that if you vote democratic you're voting for a dictatorship!! WTF?
Unfortunately our democrats positioned themselves against the war and against victory. From issues like the Patriot Act, foreign surveillance, rendition, full protections of our constitution for terrorists.

Someone said we cant make war on 110m muslims. There may be moderate muslims but you dont hear from them. In Britain the government has allowed sharia law to trump British law in effect. In other countries in Europe the minority is trying to force the majority to accomodate them instead of immigrants adapting to their new country. In effect they arent immigrants they are colonists.

Back to the real issue. What do the islamists want ? They want the US out of the middle east. They then will have an open road to topple the regimes in the Gulf States,Egypt,Jordan and Saudi Arabia. From this position they will control the world's oil supply/price from which to threaten the west.Convert to Islam or face $100 a barrel oil with the resulting massive hit to each countries economy. Energy independence becomes a national security issue for the west. Once we are off middle east oil we take away their only weapon.

We all need to remember that we cannot negotiate away our principles/culture because once we do that we lose. If our muslim populations want to abide by our laws and accomodate to our culture fine, otherwise the day will come that we may have to expel them from our borders because they will bring terrorism to our shopping malls, high rise office buildings and our streets.
tomahawk6 said:
Someone said we cant make war on 110m Muslims. There may be moderate Muslims but you don't hear from them.
That's me!  ;D
And there are.  You should have chai with them some time.
