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  1. GR66

    The War in Ukraine

    Ukrainian volunteer groups supplying drones to take out Russian ISR UAV's...and apparently being successful. https://defence-blog.com/volunteer-backed-drones-take-out-over-100-russian-spy-unmanned-aircraft/ We're seeing a constant and rapid evolution of UAV warfare in Ukraine. No idea where...
  2. GR66

    The War in Ukraine

    Reports from one blogger [insert grain of salt] that the Ukrainians have severed supply lines supporting 3,000 Russian troops in the Kursk region. Interesting if true as my understanding is that a notable portion of the Russian forces defending Kursk are conscripts vs. contract fighters which...
  3. GR66

    what sort of exercise would prepare me for the BMOQ best possible?

    The Reserves might be an option for you too once you get things straightened out.
  4. GR66

    Jagmeet Singh, probably the biggest political loser?

    It's exactly this type of thing that makes those of us that desperately want to see the Liberals kicked to the curb feel like we have to hold our noses when we vote for the CPC under Mr. Poilievre. There are more than enough policy issues to hang the Liberals and NDP on without having to resort...
  5. GR66

    The War in Ukraine

    An interesting podcast from Westpoint's Modern War Institute on the likely impacts of Ukrainian F-16's on the conflict: https://mwi.westpoint.edu/mwi-podcast-f-16s-over-ukraine/ Key take-away is that the main role will likely be defensive counter-air against incoming missile attacks (with...
  6. GR66

    New Canadian Shipbuilding Strategy

    These are the types of un-crewed systems that I think would be a prime area where Canada should focus its efforts and money: https://www.navalnews.com/naval-news/2024/08/repmus-24-to-host-continued-testing-of-nato-asw-barrier-concept/
  7. GR66

    The War in Ukraine

    Would NATO even need to deploy aircraft over Ukrainian airspace in order to provide a level of missile defence? Aircraft and ground-based launchers could fire at incoming Russian missiles targeting Western Ukraine from inside NATO territory. Not saying I support that course of action which...
  8. GR66

    New Canadian Shipbuilding Strategy

    If developing expensive AI systems to control USVs to too much of a stress on the budget then why waste the money on a bleeding edge technology that may not even fit into our CONOPS anyway (see my post upthread: New Canadian Shipbuilding Strategy). Instead focus on the highlighted section of...
  9. GR66

    New Canadian Shipbuilding Strategy

    While I'm definitely a cheerleader for unmanned systems to take up the slack from what is likely going to be an ongoing manning crisis for the military, I don't see a USV being capable of being a replacement for the MCDV's. There are too many different types of tasks that they do while...
  10. GR66

    Justin Trudeau hints at boosting Canada’s military spending

    Ah...so the 35 hour seasonal work week then!
  11. GR66

    CH-148 Cyclone Progress

    Is there any difference in size between the hanger on the Type 26 and the River-Class? The Type 26 will embark the Merlin so presumably it would fit on the Rivers unless we reduced the hanger size from the original plan.
  12. GR66

    Justin Trudeau hints at boosting Canada’s military spending

    Not in my world in the GTA. 40hrs is definitely the norm.
  13. GR66

    US Presidential Election 2024 - Trump vs Harris - Vote Hard with a Vengence

    Are you suggesting that in an election campaign that has already seen one assassination attempt against a candidate that the Dems shouldn't take security seriously at their convention?
  14. GR66

    The RCAF's Next Generation Fighter (CF-188 Replacement)

    He never actually said that he stopped wearing it....just that:
  15. GR66

    US Presidential Election 2024 - Trump vs Harris - Vote Hard with a Vengence

    I wonder if the number of eligible voters changes over the time between elections? People dying, moving, coming to voting age, etc.
  16. GR66

    Justin Trudeau hints at boosting Canada’s military spending

    You're asking more of our politicians than they are willing to give. Ultimately the fault it ours. We need to ask demand more of our elected representatives.
  17. GR66

    The War in Ukraine

    Planes move. Warehouses don't. UKR might not have had live intel on what aircraft were there or where specifically they were located at the airfield but they sure as hell knew where the ammo was kept! :ROFLMAO:
  18. GR66

    GBAD - The return of 'FOBS'

    I'm reading the article on the hyper-velocity rounds being tested for the 155mm cannon very differently than you. You seem to be making the assumption from your characterization of an Archer-type system potentially being a "155mm Air Defence Battery" that these hyper-velocity cannon rounds are...
  19. GR66

    Brazil air crash 09 August 2024

    You learn something new every day on Army.ca! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/T-tail