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  1. gaspasser

    Ex-soldier admits incest charges

    I was just  thinking media sensationalism when I reread the article.."FORMER Master Corporal of the Canadian Forces". And as a present Scout Leader, this term really gets my goat.."FORMER Scout Leader accused of child offences." It tears me up when the Media go out on a limb to make the...
  2. gaspasser

    Ex-soldier admits incest charges

    Yes we are a cross section of Canadian society, it just seems lately that more bad apples have been making it thru the ethos grinder! Another sad PR day :-\
  3. gaspasser


    Have the strangest feeling that I need to post and blow off on this "game show" I'm watching, believe it or not, I have nothing better to do, the game show "Downfall" where contestants answer simple (of course, I'm not on TV) while prizes fall off a cliff from a conveyor belt.  Outside of the...
  4. gaspasser

    Just did it...

    Yeah, someone told me I would have to do that one too, but they didn't...or some test that incorporates feces and envelopes~~~ eeww~~~ suffice is to say, that  I have no history of it and end up doing the basic tests for us old fellers.... Keep your stick on the ice, we're all in this together..
  5. gaspasser

    Just did it...

    Does that have anything to do with Billy Connolly's wonderfully hilarious rendition of a colonoscopy?  If anyone can find it on Limewire or youtube...it's bloody funny..that's why I don't think I want the bloody thing in 10years, I'm satisfied (DON"T GO THERE!!) with the digital method of anal...
  6. gaspasser

    Just did it...

    Pusser, I just had my part 2 driver's medical done and the NP said my blood was okay, and no family history, I was good to go.  Mind you, she had nice tiny fingers too~~~  The last male doctor more or less raped me for all the burning it did...s.o.b. stood me on my toes...first time after...
  7. gaspasser

    Just did it...

    As was once told to me on my first encounter "you have "poops" bigger than my finger!"  Needless to say, have only had that joyous encounter twice..now they inform me it's done by PSA if there is no family history. AND....welcome to the Club there TN...it only goes downhill from here...aches...
  8. gaspasser

    All You Want To Know About Bagpipes[ and then some]- Merged

    Aaah, seems I can play a mean low A these days...three events in ranks and not quite up to speed on the tunes...squeeks and squacks abound~~BUT I know it will come with practice and patience...wish it could be like the Matrix..plug yourself in and instant knowledge...but that would be cheating...
  9. gaspasser

    New and several questions

    http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/95021/post-950382.html#msg950382 perhaps this would help as your first post.... I'm sure I speak for others here with T.I...we didn't have army.ca or the internet or cell phones or question and answer sessions WE just joined and knew nothing of what we...
  10. gaspasser

    How NOT to make your first post, a clarification.

    Sap~~ you're lucky I wasn't drinking my coffee when I read this...you would owe me a new monitor~~ Seriously, though, I'm glad someone finally said it and hopefully put some ID10T's in their places.  I'm sure I speak for many of us here (including mods who must have thier heads bolted down for...
  11. gaspasser

    All You Want To Know About Bagpipes[ and then some]- Merged

    RHFC, I found that marching came second nature to me (6 years on an Air Cadet drill team will to that to you ) I would breathe on the left foot  :nod: Mind you--it helps IF the DM knows what he's doing to...cut offs in the middle of a tune. I've been doing it now for over a year, and I know it...
  12. gaspasser

    All You Want To Know About Bagpipes[ and then some]- Merged

    WOW, just read the entire thread to here.  Great plethora of info for pipers across the site.  And now we know who each other is.  I did place a post in a thread about pipers, but let's try to keep it all in one place. Is anyone going to be around the park for Warrior's Day this year at the...
  13. gaspasser

    The Piper's Revenge Challenge to Haligonians

    That's okay, mini-pipers are always welcome at our parades and practices. I haven't heard of nail hardener or polish to fix pipes...me with my vast and extensive experience piping (read about 12 months!!!) However, that does sound okay from a woodworkers point of view...anyone ???  anyone??? ...
  14. gaspasser

    The Piper's Revenge Challenge to Haligonians

    Hmm, not sure.  The Deer antlers were wider and there was laural leaf or scroll underneath.  I thought first of the 78th, but thier coats were green too.  It was nice to see the Queen back on Canadian soil without the PM saluting with his single digit... :piper:
  15. gaspasser

    The Piper's Revenge Challenge to Haligonians

    I'm going to revamp and old thread because this one seems the only going for Pipers. Tn, I didn't take you for a piper???  :piper: Ryan, my Pipie has a wood one with a split and she wrapped it in....duck tape...still has a great sound. Sooo, here I was watching the Queens Arrival at good ol'...
  16. gaspasser

    Workplace Accident Kills 15 Tango's

    ..Darwin Award...anyone ???    anyone ???  Bueller ??? Um, whatever happened to NOT using churches, mosques and other places of worship at military targets and factories....?? Guess it only applies to Christians...  {{{shields up}}}
  17. gaspasser


    ditto...what he said. You should have asked properly in the first place rather than just ask a general question.  And my comment still stands, now that you've asked properly and told us why, perhaps someone would be nice enough to send you some old DEU kit...sorry, I had to turn mine in when I...
  18. gaspasser


    If you are RegF, you get one issued. Not too sure about ResF.  Then there's Logistik online, but you need to be a member of the CF.  If you're not a member, stop being a poser. Regards, BYTD 
  19. gaspasser

    MCpl Kristal Giesebrecht, Pte Andrew Miller - Canadian Forces Health Services - 26 June 2010

    I've been watching the idiots in TO perform carnage for no reason for and hour and no mention so far. My heart is heavy tonight, Cure Per Paratum, To Save a Soldier. I was with 1 FSH before we became 1 CFH for Desert Storm we were a small close-knit family then.  My condolences to the...
  20. gaspasser

    Soldiers squander disability payouts

    It looks too that some of our vets and disabled coming back are not receiving proper financial counseling or attending SCANs ? Too much money too fast without a plan will get our guys into trouble fast.  Perhaps that is why the high schools here are starting a new compulsory credit course on...