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Just did it...

  The best part about that TN, was the fact that I can actually picture you doing that.  LMAO!!
TN2IC said:
Just did my part 2 Medical Exam.. let's say I"m not impressed.

About the best thing you can possibly do in that situation, once it's over, is look the Doctor square in the eyes, and ask "Does this mean we're going steady?"

Just my  :2c:

Sorry for the loss of what was left of your innocence.  :(
Lady doctors are best.  They tend to have smaller hands. ;D
As was once told to me on my first encounter "you have "poops" bigger than my finger!" 
Needless to say, have only had that joyous encounter twice..now they inform me it's done by PSA if there is no family history.
AND....welcome to the Club there TN...it only goes downhill from here...aches and pains where you didn't have aches and pains...hair growing in places it shouldn't be...hair falling out of places you don't want it to...
Keep you stick on the ice...we're all in this together!    :salute:
I wouldn't believe that.  I've been getting both tests for awhile now.
The last time I had that done the doc told me to push back, took five minutes, and I felt two, ummm never mind. 
Pusser said:
Lady doctors are best.  They tend to have smaller hands. ;D

Or guys like me that don't have hobbies like auto mechanics or carpentry - fingies aren't like sausages.  I'd like to say tough tiddly winks, but have had to have it a few times as well...because of that, I've learned to be quick but accurate to prevent alot of grief. 

I just had my part 2 driver's medical done and the NP said my blood was okay, and no family history, I was good to go.  Mind you, she had nice tiny fingers too~~~  The last male doctor more or less raped me for all the burning it did...s.o.b. stood me on my toes...first time after turning 40 {scared crapless} but the doc was in and out...this subject went to crap pretty quick???
Suffice to say, it's a great stop check if you do have any problems with your prostate !!~~~
Regards, BYTD
BYT Driver said:
I just had my part 2 driver's medical done and the NP said my blood was okay, and no family history, I was good to go.  Mind you, she had nice tiny fingers too~~~  The last male doctor more or less raped me for all the burning it did...s.o.b. stood me on my toes...first time after turning 40 {scared crapless} but the doc was in and out...this subject went to crap pretty quick???
Suffice to say, it's a great stop check if you do have any problems with your prostate !!~~~
Regards, BYTD

There is another solution, that is good for approx 10 years, but it involves something longer than a finger.    ;D

At least you will be medicated for it.  ;D
George Wallace said:
There is another solution, that is good for approx 10 years, but it involves something longer than a finger.    ;D
At least you will be medicated for it.  ;D

And a VHS copy may be purchased as a souvenir.  :)
Does that have anything to do with Billy Connolly's wonderfully hilarious rendition of a colonoscopy?  If anyone can find it on Limewire or youtube...it's bloody funny..that's why I don't think I want the bloody thing in 10years, I'm satisfied (DON"T GO THERE!!) with the digital method of anal examination...    ;D
It comes up in this conversation when Richard says, "I have a VHS of mine ( colon )":

( Language warning! It's HBO )
BYT Driver said:
Does that have anything to do with Billy Connolly's wonderfully hilarious rendition of a colonoscopy?  If anyone can find it on Limewire or youtube...it's bloody funny..that's why I don't think I want the bloody thing in 10years, I'm satisfied (DON"T GO THERE!!) with the digital method of anal examination...    ;D


Pssst - colonoscopy doesn't check the prostate (none I've attended anyway) - it checks the colon.  So, if you think you can get away with it like that, you'll be in for a surprise.

medicineman said:
Pssst - colonoscopy doesn't check the prostate (none I've attended anyway) - it checks the colon.  So, if you think you can get away with it like that, you'll be in for a surprise.


Thought of that after I posted, but it does do away with that other test with the popsicle sticks for a few years.  ;D
George Wallace said:
There is another solution, that is good for approx 10 years, but it involves something longer than a finger.    ;D

At least you will be medicated for it.  ;D

"wrecked 'im?  Damn near killed 'im"
George Wallace said:
Thought of that after I posted, but it does do away with that other test with the popsicle sticks for a few years.  ;D
Yeah, someone told me I would have to do that one too, but they didn't...or some test that incorporates feces and envelopes~~~ eeww~~~
suffice is to say, that  I have no history of it and end up doing the basic tests for us old fellers....
Keep your stick on the ice, we're all in this together..