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  1. ChopperHead

    Favourite War Movies

    that was an Execellent movie. fantastic. I didn't include it as it's not really a war movie more like a smuggling movie but still very good.
  2. ChopperHead

    Pet Peeves

    I have no Idea thats why it's like WTF? He doesnt have to pay them as he just goes down to the city office or wherever and they will erase them from the computer but still the point is if they can ticket my father that much why can't they ticket the people who are actually stealing the spots...
  3. ChopperHead

    The Way "Civilized" People Deal With Cartoons.... *VIDEO*

    Yes but if they are willing to print something like that then why are they not willing to print something thats not half as bad only about a diffrent religion? Because Catholics arn't going to start an armed riot over it.
  4. ChopperHead

    Pet Peeves

    well i wasn't reffering specifically to you but you could be included in that group lol  ;)
  5. ChopperHead

    Pet Peeves

    I have no idea how much the ticket is actually worth around here but my dad called the cops on numerous occasions and has talked to the city councilers etc etc. Nothing helps as cops can't be everywhere at once. I don't think it's that easy to get your sticker, my dad has had a hell of a time...
  6. ChopperHead

    Favourite War Movies

    my favourites are: Stripes Private Ryan Apocalypse now The Dirty Dozen (1967) Enemy at the Gates U-571 Wind Talkers
  7. ChopperHead

    The Way "Civilized" People Deal With Cartoons.... *VIDEO*

    Italian consolate got set on fire in lybia yesterday i believe. Several people were shot and even with the police firring real bullets and tear gas the crowed still had not completely dispersed. None of the Italians were harmed thus far though.
  8. ChopperHead

    Pet Peeves

    that reminds me of something my dad always says lol "fat isnt a handicap". my dad happens to be disabled so I know all about the jackasses who park in the handicap spots. But the cops won't do anything because it's a fairly unimportant issue, well thats what they tell him anyway.
  9. ChopperHead

    Canadian Olympic Results

    lol olyimpic performance so far. Actaully Bern Dog in a post a made before all this arguing started I said that since Canada has such a large population compared to other winter sports power houses we should be doing better as we have that much more of a pool to draw from. But I actually...
  10. ChopperHead

    Canadian Olympic Results

    how am I giving attitude here? Hunter simply said that I don't know anything about the Olympics. i said that unless he has actually competed then he knows just as much as I do. He replied with his experience and thats that. no need for intervention here.
  11. ChopperHead

    Canadian Olympic Results

    well I apologise then. there is no need to insult my intelligence. I was not insulting you. I watch the Olympics everyday and if I miss an event I watch it on the rerun of it. I was just saying that if you haven't actually competed in these events or at least dabbled in them then all you...
  12. ChopperHead

    The world's greatest beer commcercial.

    lol that was a great commercial  ;D
  13. ChopperHead

    The Way "Civilized" People Deal With Cartoons.... *VIDEO*

    just found this little article. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/11383819/
  14. ChopperHead

    Canadian Olympic Results

    and I suppose you the resident olympic expert? have you personally competed in all of these sports? if you havent then you know just as much as I do.
  15. ChopperHead

    Canadian Olympic Results

    fair enough
  16. ChopperHead

    Canadian Olympic Results

    I was not talking about webspeak. if I threw in a couple u's in my posts then I apologize but thats not what were talking about here. It just erks me when people say things like "well if you actually knew what you were talking about then you would know It's spelled this way...." or whatever...
  17. ChopperHead

    Pet Peeves

    Amen to that  :cheers:
  18. ChopperHead

    Canadian Olympic Results

    Why? becsuse I happen to not really care if i spell something right? This is just a forum, It's not an offical document it's not going to be handed in to anyone so who cares. Do you feel smarter or better about yourself now that you have showed me and others the error of our ways? and for your...
  19. ChopperHead

    Pet Peeves

    I was speaking more along the lines of Drag Racing. on a road course i don't doubt in the least that a minivan won or that civics would blow the muscle cars away. however, put it on the line and thats a diffrent story. but I suppose it all depends on what you like really. you can make anything...
  20. ChopperHead

    Pet Peeves

    - People who in the midst of a good thread debate feel the need to jump in and correct everyones grammar and spelling. - People who buy jeans brand new that have holes in them and look they were found in the bottom of a dumpster. - Celebritys who are filthy rich but feel the need to dress...