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The Way "Civilized" People Deal With Cartoons.... *VIDEO*

yes those 2 rights often conflict with each other.

If the cartoons had been about jewdism or anything else it doesnt matter, then none of this would be happening and no one would care. It's just a bloody cartoon man like relax abit.

I do support their decision to print the cartoons as I think they have the right to, and if they choose to exercise those rights, more power to them. Most Canadians have not seen what all the fuss is about and Im sure would like to see why everyone is fuming I have personally seen the cartoon and it's not that bad. I have seen worse about other people and religions but that didnt start a riot.
ChopperHead said:
yes those 2 rights often conflict with each other.

If the cartoons had been about jewdism or anything else it doesnt matter, then none of this would be happening and no one would care. It's just a bloody cartoon man like relax abit.
Actually, I disagree with your statement there.  There would have been just as large a backlash, except instead of it being violent riots and distruction in the streets, it would have been extremely large fights on the Human Rights Issues in the Courts and Civil Litigation and Press Statements charging the Government with discrimination and Racism.
It has nothing to do with the government it's the papers who decided to print them.
How does having a private newspaper print a negative cartoon about such and such have anything to do with human rights issues or mean that the government is racist? would someone be angry? sure they might be and could complain to the paper and ask for an apology however I dont think it violates human rights because some artist drew a cartoon of something, Thats pushing it to way overexagerating.

and how did the people who were very offended by this respond? by killing people, blowing stuff up destroying property etc etc. Not a good way to conter a notion that they are violent.
Blackhorse7 said:
Concur with all above... Islam cannot legitimize itself when there is not swift and strong opposition from peaceful Muslim groups to the violence.  As said above, many people, if asked what the first word is that pops into their head when you say Islam is Terrorist.

There's a reason for that.

Too true. If Muslim peoples in the Western countries do not start taking a very vocal stand against this meaningless mob violence soon, I fear we are going to spiral into a modern crusades issue far too quickly.
Islamic groups that speak for millions are voicing thier opposition to the violence,.........course all they get, maybe, is a 6 second sound bite while the hundreds who riot get 5 minutes off the top.....
Bruce, you may be right there. The media is just focusing on the big story and we keep getting an unbalanced picture of what a majority (of the muslim faith) are thinking. Still, I have only seen some very few news clips showing Muslim authorities quietly speaking out against violence and then, slightly more pointly, expressing their distaste for the cartoon charactures.
I agree that violence is a poor reaction to these cartoons.  However, I do feel that the cartoonist could have made a statement about suicide bombers/violence with out a derogatory comic about Islam’s prophet Mohamed.

I think some people forget that Islam has not had informal/formal debate regarding their religion.  There are relatively few ‘sects’ in Islam, (compared to Christianity).  We have to remember when ‘Christians’ went through their theological debates, which often resulted in wide scale strife.  Christian has openly debated religion for hundreds of years:  this is not the case in Islam, (one ‘major’ split versus many).

For us to say that ‘we think this way and so should you’ is, in my view, almost as bad as radical Muslims condemning us for our ideas and ways of life.  I think time and some measure of understanding are important.  Last time I checked Muslim made up a quarter of the world population; do we really want to ostracize that large a population??  (On a side not that population is getting more and more unified by bonehead western moves)


I don't know if it's the glass of wine I'm drinking right now or not, but are you saying that we should accept this violence?!?  Nobody has said "We think this way, and so should you."  Some guy made a cartoon in poor taste, and the reaction is mass riots?  Have you seen some of the cartoons out their that poke fun at Christians?  Or the Jewish?  There are THOUSANDS of them out there, and those religions are not burning down embassies, or shooting kids in the face (on CBC news).

Plain and simple, this is overkill of the worst kind.  And no, before anyone opens up the door, I do not think that the majority of Muslims are reacting this way.  But that being said, when you see thousands of Muslims protesting a cartoon, it is hard to not instinctively have a fear that other Muslims may react the same.  The perceived insult does not justify the reaction.
Who was it that said "evil flourishes when good men fall silent"?  Just because the vast majority of Islamics are not violent, doesn't mean that they can just hang back and say or do nothing.  It seems pretty chic in the Arab nations to be Christian haters, and especially with the Saudi's, the violence may get a poo-poo face, but it will also get a little wink on the side.  I really don't get the sense that any particular Islamic group is outraged by any of it.  Most of the attitudes are more along the lines of "we condemn violence, however it will continue if x, y, and z continue to our brothers".  Fairly thin lip service to the protesting of violence.  If the media is so very liberal, then why would they choose to withhold information that could build bridges?  Unless you want to go conspiracy theory, and suggest that there is a media plot to foment hatred, because it is big business.  Hmmmm....
Maybe wanting to stand up and be counted is part of why these cartoons keep being published.  Someone finally making a stand against oppressive Islamic elements around the world. 

Nahhhhh.  Pictures of burning crap and dead people make good press and make lots of money.
"Protesters set fire to the Italian consulate in Benghazi, Libya, and clashed with police hours after an Islamic cleric in Pakistan offered a $1 million reward for killing one of the cartoonists."

And in other news, The Pope called for the execution of movie producers for the use of the terms "Jesus Christ!", and using the Lord's name in vain.  This move by the Vatican was swiftly condemned by Disneyland as inciting further violence in the world of religion.  Mickey Mouse was quoted as saying "Can't we all just get along?"

This is getting both sillier and scarier by the minute.
Since most of the fatalities resulting from various Cartoon riots are from Pakistan and Afghanistan, are these extreme reactions being primarily being driven or orchestrated by the Taliban ? Or are the fatalities the result of the generally unstable environment within those countries ?
I think it falls under the heading of "any excuse to be a jackass" which appears to be the norm for anyone protesting anything around the world.  Seems groups of people who get together to bitch about things in large groups can't seem to keep themselves from turning into a British soccer mob.  The only ones that seems to manage to engage in peaceful assembly these days are organized labour groups.
Italian consolate got set on fire in lybia yesterday i believe. Several people were shot and even with the police firring real bullets and tear gas the crowed still had not completely dispersed. None of the Italians were harmed thus far though.
So do any of you think that these conspiracy theories about that Danish Muslim taking the cartoons, and a few others, plus the front page photo from some French paper showing some reveller at a French celebration wearing a pig's snout, to Saudi Arabia and conspiring with 68 Muslim Clerics a couple of months ago, are at all true?  That they spent a couple of months conspiring and doctoring these cartoons to raise Muslim anger against the 'West'?  Does this look like it is being somehow driven by someone?

What about the refusal of the Ottawa Citizen to print those cartoons, only two months after they printed a cartoon of the Pope giving a Nazi salute to the Virgin Mary?  Is there a conspiracy there too?

"What about the refusal of the Ottawa Citizen to print those cartoons, only two months after they printed a cartoon of the Pope giving a Nazi salute to the Virgin Mary?  Is there a conspiracy there too?"

-  Two wrongs don't make a right?

TCBF said:
"What about the refusal of the Ottawa Citizen to print those cartoons, only two months after they printed a cartoon of the Pope giving a Nazi salute to the Virgin Mary?  Is there a conspiracy there too?"

-  Two wrongs don't make a right?


Yes but if they are willing to print something like that then why are they not willing to print something thats not half as bad only about a diffrent religion? Because Catholics arn't going to start an armed riot over it.
ChopperHead said:
Yes but if they are willing to print something like that then why are they not willing to print something thats not half as bad only about a diffrent religion? Because Catholics arn't going to start an armed riot over it.

Half as bad from who's perspective? Obviously not the perspective of a Muslim.

The Danes should have known better, and if they didn't, after the controversy it whipped up, the French should have.  Ezra Levant, the jackass who printed the cartoons out here in his conservative magazine, should also have known better.

Easiest way not to offend someone - is not to do thing that offend them.  You can't please all the people all the time, don't get me wrong, but if not depicting their prophet is a long standing taboo, it is ridiculous to break it just to get a reaction - which is what Levant and the French et al have done.

Freedom of the press and freedom of speech are not absolute.  You can't yell "Fire!" in a crowded movie theatre and then insist that you have the freedom to do so.

Simple respect and common sense goes a long way - I wouldn't serve bacon sandwiches to a rabbi, either.
Agreed Michael too bad these people don't have that level of common sense.