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Canadian Olympic Results

So, flipping channels, the wife landed on the mens figure skating as Emanuel Sandhu program was starting. Fell twice, poor performance all around, his worst results in years.

Emanuel Sandhu's response regarding his poor performace in his "program."

I'll paraphrase 

:crybaby: It all started when I was not put on the '98 Olympic team. "  :crybaby:

Excuse me????

In short he blamed his lack luster performance including two falls on the fact that 8 years ago, he did not get to go to the Olympics.

Could not be the fact that he blew it.
It's all the fault of the Canada's Olympic Program.

Sorry but ..huh????

Could some one more educated in the ways of the ice dancers than me explain how this works?
I know he must be disappointed in his performance.... but come on.

Did anyone else catch the interview? Did you feel the same disbelief??

Hunter said:
My suggestion about his spelling was to make a point about his lack of awareness and understanding of what is actually going on at the Olympics.

I'll talk about what I want to talk about.  Are you DS?  It would appear to me like you're not even a paid subscriber, so don't tell me what to do.  Furthermore, I didn't give the other guy a grammar lesson (or a spelling lesson for that matter) but it looks as though you could use one.  Since your profile says you're only 17, I would suggest you pay a bit more attention at high school and a little less attention to your MSN buddies. 

Why? becsuse I happen to not really care if i spell something right? This is just a forum, It's not an offical document it's not going to be handed in to anyone so who cares. Do you feel smarter or better about yourself now that you have showed me and others the error of our ways? and for your information I don't need a grammar lesson, in fact I have 80's in english class and my treachers say that I'm an amasing writer and want me to submit some works in compitions. would I correct my spelling and grammar there? of course, but on an informal internet forum I dont really care how my spelling is and It just really erks me when people correct me or others just because of that. It's an Internet forum, get over it.

From the Army.ca Conduct Guidelines:

You will not use excessive webspeak, or other shorthand styles of typing. Please use English or French to the best of your ability; this makes it easier for those who are not posting in their native language.

There is a spellcheck function on this site, you can use it when you reply, please do. It may be "just a forum" to you but most people here prefer to see proper spelling, grammar and sentence structure. It makes posts more easy to read. You've been here for a coffee break, consider that before you go barking at people in your posts.

I was not talking about webspeak. if I threw in a couple u's in my posts then I apologize but thats not what were talking about here. It just erks me when people say things like "well if you actually knew what you were talking about then you would know It's spelled this way...." or whatever along those lines. because someone makes a spelling mistake doesnt mean they are retarded or their post is void or something.
Bruce, I applaud our athletes and appreciate that they give their very best. I also agree that if I were 43rd in anything in the world I would be as happy as a pig in sh!t! The only thing I take exception to is the ones who are quite content with a "personal best" without truly striving to win. After all, if it is only about being there why do we reward the winners of events?

Actually, there is one other thing that bugs me and that is when "whiners" like Sandu blame everything and everybody but themselves for their poor performance. Sorry you chocked buttercup, try again in 4 years! :'(
I honestly do not care. Why don't you use your spellcheck and make sure that your grammar is suited for the things that you post. Fight your own battles.

If you want to continue this then PM me, otherwise the discussion is over.
ChopperHead said:
Why? becsuse I happen to not really care if i spell something right? This is just a forum, It's not an offical document it's not going to be handed in to anyone so who cares. Do you feel smarter or better about yourself now that you have showed me and others the error of our ways? and for your information I don't need a grammar lesson, in fact I have 80's in english class and my treachers say that I'm an amasing writer and want me to submit some works in compitions. would I correct my spelling and grammar there? of course, but on an informal internet forum I dont really care how my spelling is and It just really erks me when people correct me or others just because of that. It's an Internet forum, get over it.

The people who are members of this website care.  The member of this website also tend to rip people who they think are FOS.  My suggestion would be to get used to it. 

What irks (please note spelling) ME is people like you who don't know the first thing about the sports in the Olympics but like to criticize our athletes when they don't meet your performance expectations.

2 Cdo said:
Actually, there is one other thing that bugs me and that is when "whiners" like Sandu blame everything and everybody but themselves for their poor performance. Sorry you chocked buttercup, try again in 4 years! :'(

Who is Sandu?

"Good Spelling" and "Good Grammar" are qualities many look at in hiring and promoting personnel and a sign of professionalism.  It is a sign of pride in one's self.

Now let's all be professional and get back to the Olympics.   ;D
Hunter said:
What irks (please note spelling) ME is people like you who don't know the first thing about the sports in the Olympics but like to criticize our athletes when they don't meet your performance expectations.

and I suppose you the resident olympic expert? have you personally competed in all of these sports? if you havent then you know just as much as I do.
ChopperHead said:
and I suppose you the resident olympic expert? have you personally competed in all of these sports? if you havent then you know just as much as I do.

While I haven't competed in all of the winter Olympic sports, I have competed in 6 of them - hockey, speed skating, alpine skiing, cross country skiing, nordic combined, and ski jumping. I've won national championship medals in two of these sports.  I've also represented Canada at the world championships twice.  While I haven't competed in the other sports I have at least tried them, all except Skeleton & Figure Skating.

I was also a forerunner at the 1988 Olympics in Calgary.  That's the only Olympic experience I've ever had, and I definitely don't consider myself to be the 'resident olympic expert' (sic).  I just follow it more closely than you. 

It's a leap of your imagination to say that I know just as much as you.  In fact my son I think I have probably forgotten more than you will ever know.

Apparently you've found the spellcheck button - well done.  Now pretty please...with sugar on top...use that excellent grammar you were referring to earlier.
Chopperhead - Drop the attitude, or you're gone. For everyone else, stop teasing the wildlife...

Now, back on topic, please.

Army.ca Staff  :army:
well I apologise then.

there is no need to insult my intelligence. I was not insulting you. I watch the Olympics everyday and if I miss an event I watch it on the rerun of it.

I was just saying that if you haven't actually competed in these events or at least dabbled in them then all you know is from what you hear and see, which is as much as I know.

I actually didn't use the spell check i just took the time to spell things right on my last post. and my grammar sucks lol theres nothing I can do about that one.

muskrat89 said:
Chopperhead - Drop the attitude, or you're gone. For everyone else, stop teasing the wildlife...

Now, back on topic, please.

Army.ca Staff  :army:

how am I giving attitude here? Hunter simply said that I don't know anything about the Olympics. i said that unless he has actually competed then he knows just as much as I do.
He replied with his experience and thats that. no need for intervention here.
i just took the time to spell things right on my last post

Noted, and appreciated

no need for intervention here.

Sorry, but that's not for you to decide, is it?

Now - back on track - PLEASE

Hard right rudder!
There we go back on track.
I think we are doing extremely well for a country with a really small population and a whole heck of a lot of winter.
When Pierre Luders (spelling accepted) heard that he was "expected" to win 2 medals his reply was along the lines of...  who gives you the right to put that amount of pressure on me let alone any athlete.  We do the best we can and that's all anyone can ask.  I tend to agree.  Perhaps if we had a population of 300 M+ like the states we could field more gold medal winners because we would have a larger pool to draw from and we could adopt their attitude as well.  I was told at the Pan-Am games by a silver medal winner from the States that they "lost" their event.  I found out later on the news that they won the silver.  I guess it's all in how you look at it.
lol olyimpic performance so far.

Actaully Bern Dog in a post a made before all this arguing started I said that since Canada has such a large population compared to other winter sports power houses we should be doing better as we have that much more of a pool to draw from.

But I actually think it comes down to the attitude of our athletes compared to other countrys. Some of our athletes have been injured, so have ones from other countrys. Im not going to comment on how bad they really are injured but some of the US athletes just shrugged it off and continued on, they didnt do very well and were in alot of pain but they still kept on going.

One of the US athletes put of surgery to compete one of them took a nasty fall on downhill training and was in the hospital and decided to go compete anyway. Canadains just don't seem to take it as seriously. they don't seem to have th drive that some of the other athletes have. We be better skilled then some of the other athletes but we arn't winning because we don't want it as bad as they do.
Mmmmmmmmmmm maybe I was wrong..........things are looking up!