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  1. Unknown Factor

    Fighting is for men

    Read the article at work today, interesting...  In reality the equality issue has been around for awile and to tell you the truth the only people that seem to recognize women and minorities are women and minorities, it's not so much a failure in the system but the acceptance of their presence...
  2. Unknown Factor

    PERs : All issues questions...2003-2019

    I guess then specifically the PER system is biased to rank rather than job discription? I wouldn't say that the system is broke, the PER/PDR system has it's place specifically as an objective assesment of attaining performance as well as custructive crit. on short commings.  As it relates to...
  3. Unknown Factor

    Canadian Special Operations Regiment (CSOR)

    I would imagine that something along those lines in the distant future may be a reality, but you'd think that it would be primarily to retain trained tier II pers. But if it costs as much as we think it does just to maintain a reg. SF Unit it is probably twice that, so find the justification of...
  4. Unknown Factor

    Canadian Special Operations Regiment (CSOR)

    My $0.02! I think maybe too much attention is being given to the rumor that this Unit will be simular too or like a 'Ranger Bn', the reality I think would be that if it is going to be considered Tier II it would be more compareable to the Green Beret A-Teams. 'Go' mentioned that if they wanted a...
  5. Unknown Factor

    Engineer Support in Light/SF Roles

    This is not only true with the engineers but with all trades within the Cbt Arms, the reality is that we are all handcuffed by the regt. system.  This seems to be leaving all trades searching for a light and mech solution that is compatable with the regt system prior to an operational one.  Now...
  6. Unknown Factor

    A war-time mobilization role for the CIC?`

    Well it was an example.  Another hero standing on the shoulders of giants.
  7. Unknown Factor

    A war-time mobilization role for the CIC?`

    This is truly a good point, what makes a CIC officer think that by virtue of a commission he has accuired the training required to lead in combat?  I think the answer to this question can be summed up by requiring CIC officers to complete the same training as their counterparts assuming that...
  8. Unknown Factor

    Ground Designation

    Exactly, many planned ops were in the end cancelled because of this very fact. This is probably still true! and in my experience Commanders are very reluctant to accept the risks based on a Remote Designation and give the green light regardless of how convincing your arguement that you are...
  9. Unknown Factor

    Engineer Support in Light/SF Roles

    Oh I so want to jump in and be sarcastic! - but I'll refrain.  The reality is, is that even the infantry have light forces wrong.  I'm sure someone has written it in the many threads pertainging to light forces but somehow the point doesn't get accross.  Light forces pertains to being...
  10. Unknown Factor

    Not Just Another poll...

    Geo & PC, well a clear definition of 'living' out of your ruck as aposed to living out of your ruck?  A laundry bag (there are smaller ones for those who just use socks) is in fact the best piece of kit in ref. to laundry services in the field, when they don't exist. They allow you to move and...
  11. Unknown Factor

    Tan berets and other CANSOFCOM, JTF, and CSOR fashions [1st split: CSOR]

    Lets hope that they let us know when they are accepting entries for the 'Art contest' to select a new name and cap badge, as I'm sure that is one of their major priorities at the moment - please spare us the art and lets try to get this thread back on to what people want to hear and that is...
  12. Unknown Factor

    Armd. RECCE vs. Infantry

    Well at least the rest of the CF is moving forward, even if the Armd Regts are still expecting to be apart of the next blitz, roll on cold war!  :salute:
  13. Unknown Factor

    Canadian Special Operations Regiment (CSOR)

    If what you mean by hand picked is selecting Officers and NCO's that have specific experience in TRG and conducting Sm. team tactics, then why not?.  They will most likely be looking for the experience of the Cbt Arms in the interm for their leadership and experience to allow for a smooth...
  14. Unknown Factor

    Canadian Special Operations Regiment (CSOR)

    What does it matter? It's not the name but the game you bring to the big show that counts.  Besides Army is moving forward, so what would be accomplished by dredging up old ideas. - As well JTF2 was already adopted the SSF battle honours.  I think most are just happy finding out what is going on...
  15. Unknown Factor

    Mech infantry or all light infantry with some Armd APC units?

    I'm sure this is being done already, had a couple of guys get 16 extras because they broke two G-Wagons driving over rough terrain in front of a general during a demo. Now in a real Army they would have identified the problem and fixed it, but in ours it is far more important to appear...
  16. Unknown Factor

    "Light Infantry/Airborne Capability" & "Canadian Airborne - a waste of $$$?"

    I agree entirely with this statement, being defined as Mech Inf in todays Army is a lot more specific than it used to be.   When all 9 BN's had M113's we regularly called them Mech BN's, this at the time was, I belive, to be correct as the main effort of those BN was to close with the enemy in a...
  17. Unknown Factor

    "Light Infantry/Airborne Capability" & "Canadian Airborne - a waste of $$$?"

    Well I'm not going to venture down the arguement of 'uses of the infantry'.  But if the specific arguement is whether or not Canada needs this capability I'll bite! Canada does need this capability and easily at the strength of 3 BN's spread accross the country.  I would even go further and...
  18. Unknown Factor

    Canadian Airborne..opening for reserves aswell?

    Having taught BIQ, this is in fact incorrect. The skills that are taught are infact 'Basic infantry skills' commonly reffered to as 'Light infantry skills' amoung the trade. In fact all infantry soldiers in Canada are light infantry first, the continued training that is offered once they arrive...
  19. Unknown Factor

    "The stuff the army issues is useless" and "no non-issue kit over seas!"

    Isn't this the truth!  I'd suggest that we should test this in Basic any future Canadian soldier that is unable to recognize another at a min of 20' is booted out!  If it is green or Cadpat wear it, uniformity is to be left for the parade square not the battlefield. Besides if all the new guys...
  20. Unknown Factor

    Ranger Course

    Of the now 6 slots a year that are offered, consider this 60,000 soldiers ind CF - you could have a 1 in 10,000 shot each year in any branch other than the Army. If you join the Army you'd have a 1 in 3333 chance and finally if you join the infantry you'd reduce those chances to 1 in 1000.  So...