I'm hearing some pretty negative chatter here in Ottawa about the whole thing. Not the JATF so much but the CANSOFCOM HQ. Its mostly sigs types bitching about it being a big move of the JOG up to Ottawa, with all of their attached B/S including a big part of the JSR. I have to take it with a big grain of salt, looking at where its coming from of course. I think maybe these individuals are confusing things with CEFCOM. Moving JSR hierarchy up here and making them the core of a new signal element of a new HQ would be a MAJOR blunder.... (IMHO)
Anyway, apparently the JATF idea is not looked upon too positively either. Once again, BIG grain of salt because alot of the people around this place (NDHQ) are frigging lifers here... (RCR Major with a CD and thats it?!?)
I for one am pretty excited, this is a good move for the Army, it gives us all something to aspire to in addition to JTF2 (if thats your thing). Speaking with friends in Pet and Gagetown, it seems that certain parts of the sigs community are pretty 'stoked' to get involved. Hopefully this will turn out to be a good thing, both the JATF and CANSOFCOM HQ.