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  1. Chang

    My Application Adventure

    theres one for RMC too lol yea i heard the RMC interview takes two hours cause its suppose to be super extensive..the one i took for NCM took like an hour. good luck! i was gonna go RMC too but then i thought i rather be a NCM cause NCMs get the job done!
  2. Chang

    Cadets Joining the Reserves - Can it be Both?

    yea when i parade with the reserves i pretend i don't know anything and just go with the flow. its easier that way. plus some of the reserves drill is different from whats learnt in cadets
  3. Chang

    The air cadet thread

    i was an air cadet once. i'm thinking of transfering back to 111 sqn and spend my last 1.5 years of cadets as an air cadet
  4. Chang

    Cadets Joining the Reserves - Can it be Both?

    thats why you do both!!
  5. Chang

    An interesting situation at my corps...

    well maybe cause the csm has more actual experiences then the other cadidates and thats why shes getting the rsm position
  6. Chang

    NSCE Review Thread

    how did everyone do in their phase one? i just took mine last tuesday and ahhh stupid clouds....some of the questions were kinda confusing too
  7. Chang

    My Application Adventure

    congrads! i was gonna go RMC too but i decided it was not my thing so now i'm a pte sup tech in the reserves. at least you got the hard parts over!...well the interview is kinda hard for RMC members i heard. a friend of mine, an air cadet wo2 applied for RMC and failed at the interview even...
  8. Chang

    CadetPat field uniform

    i'm not done my cadet career yet. i rather much stay in the cadets but reserves get me an income and plus its something i enjoy doing. also, i've got some really good friends in cadets that i rather not ditch because i want to join the reserves. plus my cadet corps has a number of NCOs aging out...
  9. Chang

    CadetPat field uniform

    if you're a reservist and a cadet are you allowed to wear the cadpat reserves issue you on cadet FTXs?
  10. Chang

    Lifeguard badge???

    my QM said that the lifeguard badge was somethign special that he can't just order. my old CO tried to get me one but yea, that didnt' go to well so i think they're prob discontinued
  11. Chang

    March Past Music

    "farmers boy" for the canadian forces medical group :salute: edit: why does the version of famers boy found here ( http://my.tbaytel.net/tgroulx/marches.htm ) sound so different from the one we play on parade? ALOT more different ???
  12. Chang

    Everything Cadet Leader

    i was gonna go but i took my name off the list cause i got a better paying job. i do know alot of people who are going and alot of the staff there though
  13. Chang

    Star Level Exams

    all the handbooks are at the cadet website avalible for download. the exam is easy as pi, don't worry bout it
  14. Chang

    Vision Questions Megathread, Categories, Problems etc.

    what happens if your two eyes are very very different? in my case, one of my eye is perfect and the other is sitting at -6.5 so i have no clue what that puts me on the chart ::)
  15. Chang

    Vision Questions Megathread, Categories, Problems etc.

    hey all i'm just wondering how good does your eyesight have to be inorder for you to qualifiy for combat arms? any help would be nice,thanks!
  16. Chang


    you can join once you're over 12 i believe. there are no fitness testsings to enter the cadet program but once you get in, we do do some fitness tests but they're only for qualifying for fitness level badges.