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Lifeguard badge???


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I got my NLS certificate about 3 months ago. I recently inquired to my QM if i can get one of those lifeguard badges on those Army cadet badges and insignia posters. I was told that i cant get one for one reason or another. Has anyone had this problem, and is it true what they say?

(I‘ve already actually WORKED as a lifeguard, so they cant get me there)
im not really sure what your talking about i was a lifeguard for 5 years and taught the st. johns ambulance course that the CF members take and i was an examiner and instructor trainer with the red cross and lifesaving society and i haven‘t ever heard of cadet badges for army uniforms because of it?
ive seen it worn before if your qm qont get it for you go up your chain of command if you are a qualififed life guard then you have the right to wear the badge its that simple
Thanks for the tip guys. I‘ve another question though.

I know there‘s a Emergency First aid and Standard First aid badge, but is there a Advanced First aid badge from St. Johns?
lifeguard badge you can request if you are nationally certified.
if you qualified for your advanced first aid i dont believe you can wear its not in the dress regs or in any catos my sugestion is if you want to wear it then ask your CO (ie send a memo or go up the chain of command.) but the lifegurad badge you are entitled to wear because it is in the catos and on of the badges we can wear
There is an Advanced FA badge, as well as Instructor, but they aren‘t listed in CATOs. I‘m sure it‘s something you could apply for exemption for, though.

As for Lifeguard... might be one of those ‘had to do it through cadets‘ things. Example: Air Cadet Wings can only be worn by those who got them on Air Cadet scholarship. If you did your pilots‘ license privately, and wish to wear on your uniform, you must prove involvement with LHQ or Region flying operations.

Good luck!

The Royal Canadian Life Saving Society has a badge for qualified Life Guards. And please it is not "St. John‘s". It is "St. John", no S.
The lifeguard badge i got from RCLSS is huge, its the size of my fist, i dont think they‘d let me sew that onto my sleeve. But do u think i could get a small one from them?
Ask em, I really wouldn‘t know, never took swimming lessons, just saw people who had the badge when I was in Scouts
From CATO 46-01 :


115. A lifeguard qualification (Royal Life Saving Society of Canada (RLSSC) Bronze Medallion or higher award) obtained through a recognized civilian organization such as the Red Cross or the RLSSC shall be recognized and the lifeguard badge shall be issued to the cadet.
hey LI i talked to the DCO because someone eles in our corp was wondering about it. i was told they do not make them anymore. it was one of those badges that doesn't exist anymore sorry to burst your bubble
Hutch..this was done 8 months ago...please dont revive these if no necessary :)
You need a photocopy of the certificate signed by your CO sent to the Region. They send the badge. We did it two months ago for a Cadet, only took about two weeks, I was impressed.
  I obtained my NLS when I was 16, but never tried to get the badge.  Around these parts it is impossible I do believe, as I did ask around at one time.  As far as i know, lifeguard camp was scrapped, but I could be wrong, as I decieded upon hearing that to do it civilian at anyrate.  If it is still around, anyone been on it?  I don't think it is, i think they cancelled it around when i joined up, but it just got me wondering. 

  CI Gubbels
What was lifeguard camp - a CLI? I've never even heard of it! Wasn't held at Vernon, at least as a self-standing course at least as far as I have read anywhere.
my QM said that the lifeguard badge was somethign special that he can't just order. my old CO tried to get me one but yea, that didnt' go to well so i think they're prob discontinued