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  1. Chang

    WHEN IS the next Naval Officer Assessment Board (NOAB) ?

    Matt, I'm applying for NCS ENG as well and I was told by my file manager that there are 4 NCS ENG positions left and 7 applications right now. However, I am applying under the component transfer process so I'm not sure if the numbers I got applies to your case as well.
  2. Chang

    Introduction and question.

    There's a member in my unit who is allergic to bees and has used an epi-pen before so I find it odd that a bee allergy is keeping you out of the CF
  3. Chang

    WHEN IS the next Naval Officer Assessment Board (NOAB) ?

    "if there are any positions left" well good luck to everyone! Also, I'm going through a component transfer and the Master Seaman I was talking to wasn't so sure if CT applicants need to do NOAB. Can anyone clarify on this?
  4. Chang

    WHEN IS the next Naval Officer Assessment Board (NOAB) ?

    Just got off the phone with CFRC Vancouver and confirmed that Oct NOAB is full. The date they gave me for the next NOAB is possibly February.
  5. Chang

    Cadets vs Reserves for RMC applicant

    This was posted in another thread and I think it offers good advice in your situation as well. I always regretted joining the reserves too early as the component transfer process does take quite awhile (i'm personally on my 7th month of waiting.) Also, from what I've noticed, regular...
  6. Chang

    Reg Forces and Reserves on the side??

    There are also many volunteer military bands that you can play at where wearing of the uniform is required (e.g. British Columbia Regt Band, Royal Westminster Regt Band) As long as you have permission from your CO it should be okay.
  7. Chang

    Freeze on component transfers

    I got an update from my file manager today stating that there are currently 4 open positions for NCS ENG so maybe some of the red trades are still hiring
  8. Chang

    I want to join the army.

    It really depends how bad your eyes are as well. During the recruiting medical, the CF will determine your vision category. You will be restricted from going into certain trades based on your results. For example, I have -4.5 in one eye and was put in V4 so I'm restricted from any combat arms...
  9. Chang

    Freeze on component transfers

    I think the idea is that applications will still be processed but you won't get your hiring message until the new fiscal year. I just got an e-mail from my file manager regarding my CT/OT being processed as well.
  10. Chang

    Engineering Officer Duties!

    @Campbell, when you say MARE are you referring to both MS ENG and NCS ENG?
  11. Chang

    Freeze on component transfers

    that's really unfortunate. Would it be faster to get out and reapply in this case? I'm hoping to CT/OT into an "in demand" trade. I submitted my CT/OT request the same time as a buddy of mine dropped his papers off at the CFRC (we're both applying for NCS ENG) and he is already on his interview...
  12. Chang

    Want to join, question on programs offered..?

    Also, when you're getting your recruiting package at the recruiting center, make sure you notify them its for the PRes. There's a special form that the recruiting officer at your PRes unit of choice will need to fill out before CFRC will process your application.
  13. Chang

    Component Transfer ( CT ) - Reserve to Regular

    i'm not too sure about the 1 year rule but my unit has CT'd two successful applicants who weren't QL3 qualified. One was BMQ qualified and one was SQ qualified. I've heard rumors that its minimum 2 years in reserves though?
  14. Chang

    Component Transfer ( CT ) - Reserve to Regular

    Are you allowed to have a cell phone on course? I haven't been assigned a broker yet so who would I give that number to? I most likely will take my Vancouver cell phone to Borden so that number should work. I am asking one of the corporals in my BOR to politely inquire because I'm not sure who...
  15. Chang

    Component Transfer ( CT ) - Reserve to Regular

    Hi everyone, I've applied for my CT/OT in early march 2010 from res sup tech to reg F AERE through DEO. I've been nominated for my supply QL3 this summer. My concern is that if I'm at Borden, I won't be at home to receive phone calls regarding my CT/OT and I won't be able to listen to the...
  16. Chang

    Firearms Ammunition Counter Survey

    Hi Everyone, A friend of mine is building a small project for her electrical engineering degree which revolves around firearms. The final project is an electronics ammunition counter attached to your firearm which displays the remaining rounds in a magazine (similar to how you have the ammo...
  17. Chang

    Reserves EME officer a "dying breed?"

    Hey all, I went down to the local service battalion today looking into the EME officer job and was told by the RSM that the reserves EME officer is a dying breed since there aren't any courses available for them. Can any PRes EME officers out there tell me how often these courses happen? thanks!
  18. Chang

    Promise / Challenge

    nice workout plan! i think i might adopt it as well! i kinda let myself go after my ql3s as well ::)
  19. Chang

    PRes QL3 Sup Tech

    anyone? any ideas? =S
  20. Chang

    PRes QL3 Sup Tech

    hey all i just got notified from my chain of command that the QL3 Sup tech course for PRes members has been extended from 1 month to 3 month (12 jun to 6 sept)?! can anyone please confirm this? also, does anyone know the reason for extending the course? thank you