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  1. Daidalous

    Question for (Rtd) Lt Gen Dallaire

    I am going to ask if he took up the postion in the Senate to be able to push the government to open there eyes to what is needed out in the world, andhow he plans on doing it. And if that question is taken "What do you have to say about many people  saying that  you could have handled  the...
  2. Daidalous

    Independent Quebec will have own army: Duceppe

    I like to go by one little phrase when ever I hear anyone talk about Quebec separating.  I will believe it when I see it.  From my point of view it seem like when a little kid threaten to hold his breath if he doesn't get what he wants.
  3. Daidalous

    New Reservists applying for tour-STFU

    Man if some of the guys on this training were complaining about being on training, I can only imagine what they will complain about if they have to do gate guard duty, or kitchen duty.  As to the whole honour system for your range scores, what the hell is the NCO in charge of the Butts party...
  4. Daidalous

    VIP Tent in Wainwright- From an Infantry point of view!

    What the hell are they doing.  Your field pay goes to 3 places.  Your bills,  your savings account, or to the bar tender.  I am not going to give it to them.
  5. Daidalous

    Close Protection Training

    I am pretty sure that Military Police  might receive some training in this.
  6. Daidalous

    Individual Meal Pack (IMP) [Merged]

    Any Imp is edible if you follow  this one simple rule.  Go to Crappy Tire and get the camping spices, you know 10 differnet spices in 1 jar.  If you don't like the look,  or smell funky of a IMP  coat with your favorite spice. Or you could bring eggs, and bacon  with a wee frying pan,  that...
  7. Daidalous

    Moronic topics that get ones blood boiling

    Ok so I phoned my brother and asked him this question,  he is the biggest sci-fi freak in the world,  he has a book about these ships.  He looked it up and told me that  the Enterprise has about 10x the weapons range, it weapons are put about 100x the fire strength and can move faster sublight...
  8. Daidalous

    Question for (Rtd) Lt Gen Dallaire

    I don't know if he is a great man or not,  I never served with the man.  I  tend to have that attitude  with every member in the CF,  be it a  Private or General.  I do the same when I have a buddy of mine tell me that they have a (Good troop) or( TF)  coming in,  I take there judgment with a...
  9. Daidalous

    Thinking about becoming a RIGGER

    If you really want to be a rigger  I am pretty sure you have to be a supply tech first.  As to getting in quickly,  I can't really help you with that,  but I have heard of people getting onto a jump course last second in Trenton, as fillers.  Anyways good luck with it.
  10. Daidalous

    Question for (Rtd) Lt Gen Dallaire

    Alright I have a ticket to go see(Rtd) Lt Gen Dallaire  in Trenton  on Nov 3rd.  I have been trying to think of a question to ask him if they do a Q&A  period,  but I can not come up with anything.  So this is where I ask you guys if you have any questions you would like to ask.  I will not...
  11. Daidalous

    Independent Quebec will have own army: Duceppe

    "IF" they ever manage to separate,  and "IF" the province can stay together when that happens,  they can do want ever they want.  I do think Quebec will take it's share of the debt,  why do you ask, cause if they don't and piss of  the rest of Canada, we could block there entry into NAFTA  and...
  12. Daidalous

    Fat troops on the street....

    What I do not under stand , as in a US posting or ot another allied country posting is,  foreign military's should have some form of PSP staff be it military or civy.  How hard is it to have the PT test instructions  faxed or emailed to the base you are at, and do the test.  it is not rocket...
  13. Daidalous

    How to waste your money on kit

    I was stating the Magnums from a Trenton prospective, I know there are other bases that  buy Magnuns,  and yes it is up to each base as to where they would like to send there personal to buy boots or buy them. I only said the army "might" be slower at the process,  I never tried to come across...
  14. Daidalous

    How to waste your money on kit

    Thouse Magnum Stealths are a very nice boot.  Just so you know, (IF)  you have problems with your feet or   normal combat boots  don't fit correctly.    You can go into clothing stores and get your foot sized for proper fitting boots, you can get custom made combats,  work boots   from a...
  15. Daidalous


    I love getting tasked to Dart  Free Food
  16. Daidalous

    US Domination Making us Safer?

    If you want some insight  on this topic read  THE PENTAGON'S NEW MAP  Just a warning, the material repeats it's self over and over again, and the author has such dry humor he could put your grand parents to sleep by talking,  but states ,  economics not military power dominate the world. ...
  17. Daidalous

    Quiet Consensus on Iraq

    I don't think you can ever expect to get the whole picture  no matter how many  news channels you watch, new papers  you read or people you talk to.  Just do what you normally do the rest of the time,  take in as much information as possible and make a reasonable  decision on the facts and...
  18. Daidalous

    Ammunition Depots

    I know there is one  in Nova Scotia,    Borden, and I think Edmonton. (Do not quote me)  I am pretty sure that most army bases keep a fair amount of ammunition locally.
  19. Daidalous

    Teamwork-is it forced????

    Stealthbob.  I had a good friend of mine on my basic that  could not  hump a ruck to save there life,  I always  dropped behind to carry there kit, drag them, push them even fireman carry there ass the last km once,  and fail  because I missed the timing.  ( I did not get a written up about...
  20. Daidalous

    Fat troops on the street....

    I do have to agree with you on that.  I myself  am about 15 pounds over weight  but I can still jog 6 km no prob, do 50 pushups  and 30 situps in 1 min.  But i look at it that if I lose these 15 pounds.  I will be able, to do more,  plus it might  increase my life span by a few years.    The...