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Search results

  1. Daidalous

    Regular physical fitness testing?

    I thought  that Col got posted out.
  2. Daidalous

    PT training program

  3. Daidalous

    2 Svc Bn

    I have a few buddies in 2 Service and I will ask them.  Off topic question.  I heard a nasty rumor that 2 service is under maned right now and they are planning on posting in a whole bunch of people this posting season.
  4. Daidalous

    The airforce is cheap?

    I did a spill management course at 81 AEF  in Trenton today, and they had a poster up on there information board  that stated that the Airforce costs every Canadian  $78.  They had other  stats up for fire fighters and cops..  But $78 per Canadian with a budget of over 2 billion is a dam good deal.
  5. Daidalous

    Army Swag

    Have you seen the airforce wear  in the canex paper advertisement.  (Don't know if you only get it on  airforce bases.)  They have some really  good looking female models in the female airforce gear.
  6. Daidalous

    Instructors giving students pushups - yay or nay?

    From my experience if the course, section or group of solders  is punished together the instructor does the push ups with them,  but if it is  Pte bloggins"  ah bloggins "  messing up by himslef he is given his own pushups to do.
  7. Daidalous

    Urban vs Rural recruits. Do similar patterns exist in Canada?

    I will be the first one to say that i am not the smartest person on the CF, but by god i will do my job till it is done right or someone tells me I am all fugged up and they show me the right way so i can do it again.      I do agree with one of the comments about a good majority of the CF...
  8. Daidalous

    PT training program

    All right I  did use the search  function and spent 30 min sifting threw threads and here is my question. I gained a few  pounds during my wives pregnancy , I know stupid me, but whats done is done.   Should I  start jogging first to lose some weight before  I start a weight lifting...
  9. Daidalous

    Regular physical fitness testing?

    Unit PT is the best,  you push your self more in front of your friends and peers than you would alone.  What gets my goat is when only Mcpl and below show up.
  10. Daidalous

    Does geographical upbringing affect your CF attitude?

    I dont bad mouth bases, I tend to say  been there don't want to go back
  11. Daidalous

    Personal car at Basic, or other courses? [MERGED]

    You can but don't take it.  All it's going to do for weeks is sit and not get used.
  12. Daidalous

    medical at BMQ

    I know during my first two days at BMQ  I did all my paper work, then got my shots, then we did a phitness evaluation test.  I think it was a called a cooper test. I would expect to have some form of a physical/ PT test.  I would go see a doctor if you think it is bad, better to have your feet 100%
  13. Daidalous

    Looking for a little advice

    If you do go reserve , you must complete your basic training then your trades training before you are allowed to  Apply for the reg force.  Which means you pretty much have to do all your testing all over again,  Unless you are on class "B" time, when you go Reg,  you only get  1/4 of the time...
  14. Daidalous

    Crazy Stunts and Pranks done on course or taskings

    I have always loved  putting pastic wrap on the crap  and using a blow dryer to  make it look super clear.    Works  VERY well if the person is drunk when they use it.  Foot power in boots is a good one also,  but some people get skin irritation to the foot powder
  15. Daidalous

    Year of the Veteran Commercial

    But them dangly earrings, you would think someone would have picked up on that before they shot the scene and spent big bucks editing it with music and voice overs.    My wife on the other hand thought they would look nice with cocktail dress.
  16. Daidalous

    New personal equipment for soldiers

    Man who in the hell buys all the crap stuff that we get,  if the civy version works great than buy the dam thing,  stop messing around with  what works. As per having the snow shoes only issued out via a MSA  I can see pros and cons to that. 
  17. Daidalous

    Question for (Rtd) Lt Gen Dallaire

    OK so I went to see him.  In the first row was the base commander and the base chief, so questions were kept civil,  I never got to ask any questons  though :(, not enough time.  I was surprised at the amount of people that showed up, I had to stand due to the lack of seats.  He poked fun at...
  18. Daidalous

    New personal equipment for soldiers

    The gym in Trenton has a civy  version of the new snow shoes.  We used them in  the winter during PT,  and might I say  there was no stepping on my tails  at all.    And the teeth on the bottoms work great for climbing  hills, no more walking sideways . On the rest of the kit,  haven't seen...
  19. Daidalous

    Afghanistan/Mirage Packing List

    If you are going to Mirage Your own sunscreen,  if you are very pale the standard issue stuff is not strong enough Desert Socks  x10,Underware    x10  why I found during the summer months unless you have a office job,  you are soaked to the bone and need to change your socks  underware...
  20. Daidalous

    Army Undergarments

    I wear them only when I am in uniform or when I do PT.    Makes sense in my mind to get wear and tear on my gear while I am on the dime.  After work and weekends I wear my own underware. Someone told me today that it is not in the dress regs that you "have"to wear underware.    hmmm might...