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  1. scoutfinch

    ROTP 2008 - Limbo for a year?

    I understand where you are coming from and the frustration that goes with the changes... but at the end of the day, it all works out.  No one will be left in an untenable position.  If the problem hasn't already come up on someone's radar, a fix will be found when it does. Remember the key to...
  2. scoutfinch

    ROTP 2008 - Limbo for a year?

    1.  Have you been told you won't have an ID card?  I think it is highly unlikely that you won't.  Do you really think that no one else has thought about these things? 2.  My (limited) experience has been that you attend MIR in your dress of the day.  If that is civies, then you wear civies...
  3. scoutfinch

    Al Qaeda is Eyeing MySpace, Facebook, Friends Reunited, PalTalk

    Thanks for making my point for me.
  4. scoutfinch

    Al Qaeda is Eyeing MySpace, Facebook, Friends Reunited, PalTalk

    Deactivate does not equal delete.
  5. scoutfinch

    Discomfort, expectations of service - experience, training and the reality of war

    Wow.  You just don't get it, do you?
  6. scoutfinch

    Discomfort, expectations of service - experience, training and the reality of war

    ... but you commented on them by comparing them to things of which you have no knowledge.  Therein lies the problem. Now let it go.
  7. scoutfinch

    Second Language Training ( SLT )

    INT Os no longer require SLT either. INT Os are not linguists and do not get 'extensive SLT' in French or any other language.
  8. scoutfinch

    Injured recruits misdiagnosed then dropped by military

    I will disagree with you, having sustained a serious 2nd degree ankle sprain on CAP that had nothing to do with my level of fitness as I am a pretty serious distance runner.  I simply hit a pot hole while rucking. Blaming the injured for their injury like that harkens back to a previous era in...
  9. scoutfinch

    Afghan Facts and Fiction?

    I'll take it to PMs. 
  10. scoutfinch

    Afghan Facts and Fiction?

    CDN Aviator was correct.  Please see this link below which references the highlighted information.  Full name of country: The Islamic Republic of Afghanistan  Short Name of Country: Afghanistan Short Name of Country for Lists and Tables: Afghanistan Adjective of Nationality: Afghan...
  11. scoutfinch

    Any Air force CELE DEO regular applicants here?

    Level III can take up to 2 years (or even longer).  I think it is unlikely that there would be an investment in Level III clearances before you have been sworn it -- although I stand to be corrected if it is necessary for CELE.  Perhaps you meant ERC?
  12. scoutfinch

    Thoughts on deployment/rotation length & HLTA

    THREAD JACK ALERT ***  THREAD JACK ALERT **** THREAD JACK ALERT I don't mean to distract from the thread; however, I have to say that this probably one of my favourite lines ever uttered on R-me-dot-c-ay... an instant classic. Now back to your original programming...
  13. scoutfinch

    The 2008 Canadian Election- Merged Thread

    Mr. Campbell: Perhaps I am wrongly rendering respect and trust interchangeable to a certain extent; however, I think certain incidents of pettiness demonstrated by Harper over the past 2 years are going to come back to haunt him in regards to respect levels.  I think people respect his...
  14. scoutfinch

    The 2008 Canadian Election- Merged Thread

    One can only hope that the Liberal party will see the light after they lose the next election, remove Dion and elect Ignatieff as leader.  Then Canada stands the chance of having an effective opposition party. To be honest, I don't think most Canadians trust Harper sufficiently to give him a...
  15. scoutfinch

    Child Support

    There is a similar Maintenance Enforcement Programme in Nova Scotia, administered quite well (from what I have seen) by the provincial Department of Justice
  16. scoutfinch

    Drug Addict sues dealer....and wins!

    Sorry:  I should have been more clear.   There is a difference between physically addictive (ie. meth, crack, coke, heroin, alcohol, nicotine etc) and psychologically addictive (the hallocinogens, pot, etc).  Some argue that the 'psychologically addictive' drugs should be characterized as habit...
  17. scoutfinch

    Drug Addict sues dealer....and wins!

    By the way, psychedelics are by and large NON addictive.  So, the high school social experiment to which you referred are irrelevent to a discussion of addictions.  It's like comparing apples and oranges. Edited to add:  Unfortunately, I have run out of time and will have to bolt.  I just...
  18. scoutfinch

    Drug Addict sues dealer....and wins!

    I know.  I know what I wrote.  At no time did I suggest that they lost the right to exercise choice. 