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  1. scoutfinch


    You know what drives me nuts at airports????  Not accepting my DND ID as government ID for the purposes of boarding an aircraft because it doesn't have state my gender. :threat:
  2. scoutfinch

    Naval officer named vice-chief of defence staff

    What???? Please explain what you are talking about.
  3. scoutfinch

    Banned in Canada - Mark Steyn`s America Alone

    The book has not been banned in Canada.  I bought a copy of it last year in Chapters.  It's a good read so long as -- like anything else you read -- you keep in mind the political leanings of the author. 
  4. scoutfinch

    my story

    Here's my comment: I don't want ANYONE who cannot meet the minimum standard for acceptance to be accepted into the CF. Moreover, I don't want ANYONE  who thinks that they can leverage political favouritism to slip under the minimum standard nor do I want someone who believes that petitions...
  5. scoutfinch

    I bit of support for the big guys who are trying to lose a little... or alot

    Funny, she provided me with a hard copy of the same test, noting that it is the only one that has had these results and that it flags it as an issue for hypoglycemia in athletes.  Virtually, all other empirical tests indicate the contrary.  I should note that no one challenges the methodology or...
  6. scoutfinch

    I bit of support for the big guys who are trying to lose a little... or alot

    Good advice Matthew; however, I spoke with a CF dietician today for glycemic index counselling.  According to her, aspartame does not have the same glycemic response as glucose.  (While this thread is about weight loss, I wouldn't want someone with hypo/hyperglycemia getting medical advice from...
  7. scoutfinch

    Purple Trades: Definition & Trg Discussion

    I apologize if I have missed it (I have been following this thread, I swear!), but... what is the reason for the change? It's hard to get a sense of good/bad unless the rationale for the changes is considered as well.
  8. scoutfinch

    Lower leg pain - but it's not Shin Splints

    It doesn't matter whether someone else has similar complaints.  Your injury and treatment are unique to you.  It is irresponsible for people to give you health care advice or treatment unless they have the proper credentials to do so (and then they wouldn't do so over the internet).
  9. scoutfinch

    Who'll be the next CDS? Speculation here, please!!

    .... both started out as VIII Hussars.
  10. scoutfinch

    The Bernier Fiascos & Resignation

    Apples vs. Oranges. They aren't elected public officials. That being said, if anyone really cared about it, there is nothing stopping the media from doing so.. although the mere thought of Peter Mansbridge nekkid creeps me out! edited to add:  besides, Mesley and Manbridge were married.
  11. scoutfinch

    The Bernier Fiascos & Resignation

    By all accounts, she does not have a criminal record, nor has she been charged with anything (not from lack of trying by the police, I might add given that she has been arrested and has been under surveillance many times).  In my mind, this indicates there was insufficient evidence to gain a...
  12. scoutfinch

    The Bernier Fiascos & Resignation

    The freedom of association does not protect you from public scrutiny of those with whom you associate... it only protects you from criminal prosecution.   ;D You reap what you sow.  She must have enjoyed her time as a biker babe otherwise she wouldn't have kept doing it over and over and over. ...
  13. scoutfinch

    The Bernier Fiascos & Resignation

    Actually, there are restrictions on the freedom of association... one of which would include being involved in a criminal enterprise (ie. organized crime).  Bill C-95 (anti-biker legislation) deals with this very point. I am not suggesting that she was involved in criminal enterprises; however...
  14. scoutfinch

    Some Help Please...

    My general rule is that 3 weeks is the deal breaker.  If I miss more than 3 weeks, I re-start my training from the beginning and add to it as I can.  Conditioning is lost quickly but can be recovered fairly quickly if you return to running gradually.  The worst thing that you can do is to try to...
  15. scoutfinch

    Some Help Please...

    Talk to your doctor.  No one here should be giving you any type of training 'tips'.  Once your injury is fully healed, then you can start getting advice from the great unwashed; but until then, your training requirements are specific to you and your injury.  Every injury is different and...
  16. scoutfinch

    Some Help Please...

    STOPPPPPPPP!!!!! You can only get advice on something like this from your physician.  ANY runner worth their salt, with any experience at all, will tell you this. No one who has posted to you above has ANY professional training that would qualify them to give you advice.    Ask your doctor to...
  17. scoutfinch

    Personnel Selection (PSEL)

    Madiganes: Grow up. You asked a question for which you could have easily found your own answer.  You got called on it.  Now stop acting like a petulant brat.
  18. scoutfinch

    The General Hillier Years. The Merged Superthread

    ... can he be for the girls too?  ;)