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  1. NavyShooter

    Canadian Surface Combatant RFQ

  2. NavyShooter

    Canadian Surface Combatant RFQ

    Canada cannot (anymore) support multiple classes of major surface combattant. As such, we need a 'single' solution. Having IRE, ISL, IRO, CPF and others all at the same time will not work in our situation. So. We need a 'do everything' platform. The Halifax Class was designed initially as a...
  3. NavyShooter


    So....does this mean that as a member of the Public Service, who's been paying union dues for several years, but has not received anything from the union in terms of information, membership cards, or anything like that, I can go in and cease the deductions from my pay because there isn't...
  4. NavyShooter

    Attitudes towards the Liberals

    The only way things will change is if we bring back public tar and feathering...
  5. NavyShooter

    C3 Howitzer Replacement

  6. NavyShooter

    C3 Howitzer Replacement

    OK, Here's my bet. Divest remaining M777 to Ukraine. Purchase 40x HIMARS Purchase 40x Archer Split up in inadequate amounts between various units in Canada to provide overstretched maintenance, and understretched training capability. C-3's will get hung onto as saluting guns only. NS
  7. NavyShooter

    C3 Howitzer Replacement

    The UC is an archaic design with limited armour and relatively high maintenance needs as compared to a side by side or quad. What do we need to have to replace the C3? Something common. Something reliable. Something capable of firing within the existing range templates. Something with a...
  8. NavyShooter

    C3 Howitzer Replacement

    Canada is more likely to crack out a bunch of WW2 20mm Oerlikon's and mount them up than we are to do anything else...
  9. NavyShooter

    C3 Howitzer Replacement

    Or. We dig out the old Bofors L/70's that the RCN has finally retired from the MCDV's, paint them green (again) and hand those out instead. Media will love it because 40mm is better than 35mm, right?
  10. NavyShooter

    C3 Howitzer Replacement

    I jumped through the right hoops to get permission to have a licensed drone pilot within my training Coy fly his drone in one of our exercises last fall. It was an uphill battle to get it approved, but the imagery was really really cool. And that fact that it's been done once means that I'll...
  11. NavyShooter

    Canadian Surface Combatant RFQ

    I got it too... @Lumber A pod-naught is the way forward I think.
  12. NavyShooter

    Canadian Surface Combatant RFQ

    You don't need an extra EIC - you just need to have extension cables, and flip them over to the 'extra' missiles once you've fired the inboard ones? Or - fire these ones first then switch to the inboard ones?
  13. NavyShooter

    Canadian Surface Combatant RFQ

    Back to my suggestion to strap on expansion packs on the side of the hangars like the Dutch did.
  14. NavyShooter

    Canadian Surface Combatant RFQ

    Or. Find a spot of clear bulkhead on the outboard sides of the Hangar (similar to the Karel Doorman from the Dutch Navy) and add a row of them:
  15. NavyShooter

    Canadian Surface Combatant RFQ

    If you watch the VLS loading video that I showed, you'll observe that you're sticking a LONG box into a very tight slot. That's not something that's really good to try and do at sea. I'll fall back to my previous position - need more shots? Add more cells, or add more hulls.
  16. NavyShooter

    Canadian Surface Combatant RFQ

    You're making a problem for yourself. Containerized missiles work - if you watched the TALOS video, you'd observe the myriad of equipment support systems and spaces that are required below decks that take volume, weight and displace other key systems. Back in those days, they were...
  17. NavyShooter

    Canadian Surface Combatant RFQ

    Agreed - the MK-41 VLS works nothing like that...at all...here's a video of loading an SM-6 canister into a VLS: Consider, this this the TALOS missile system's below deck loading mechanism. What you're proposing would be a somewhat simplified version of this, with only needing to move the...
  18. NavyShooter

    RCN Carrier models

    I'm running FDM - I don't think I want to head into the resin rabbit hole. I've got an example of the exquisite detail that they can do- but adding that to my shop is not in the plans for now.
  19. NavyShooter

    RCN Carrier models

    And here we are with the new skegs test-fitted. I'm generally quite pleased with these! Still a lot to do - sanding, prepping, epoxy, then cloth and gel-coat to hold things in place, and there is still a bit of an alignment issue, but the new skegs basically dropped in place. I'm super stoked!
  20. NavyShooter

    RCN Carrier models

    And here's how things look all chiseled off....took a lot less time than I figured.