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  1. KingKikapu

    War is hell – but there are standards

    Also international laws, international courts, and international ropes.
  2. KingKikapu

    Sound off: What are you doing right now? Aside from the obvious being on here..

    Listening to Otis Redding - you don't miss your water at 12:30 am.  Life could be worse.
  3. KingKikapu

    War is hell – but there are standards

    Kibitzer purgatory.  :skull:
  4. KingKikapu

    War is hell – but there are standards

    Not that you're here with us anymore, but sentencing happens after a trial.  It has nothing to do with the legitimacy of due process.
  5. KingKikapu

    Cannot view profiles....

    I think the implementation is perfect.  New members from now on will never know what they missed.  This is only a transitionary inconvenience.  The only touchy thing will be letting new members know when they can view profiles.  My suggestion is an automated email at post 25 that lets them know...
  6. KingKikapu

    Helicopters and Money

    I also agree that whole civilian university comment was out to lunch regarding theory.   Just the other day I made a high precision ring laser gyroscope used in inertial navigation systems aboard jet fighters for fun.  This isn't exactly something that I would do on a weekend had I not earned my...
  7. KingKikapu

    Helicopters and Money

    Uh you quoted the wrong guy.  You're looking for Loachman. Personally, I'm far more impressed with people who push themselves physically/mentally (degree or not) with humility than people who do the same, but espouse warrior bravado crap.
  8. KingKikapu

    Marks / Grades: School / GED or PLAR [MERGED]

    highschool science is like playing a musical instrument: you learn by practice.  Nobody picks up the darned thing on the first go and plays flight of the bumble bee.  It might take time, but the efforts will be well worth it.  Please remember that.
  9. KingKikapu

    Helicopters and Money

    I'm sure they are, and I apologize if you thought I was implying that they weren't.  I actually believe that you are right in that it probably isn't too beneficial to be university trained to be a pilot.  It might help the admin end of things.  Can it really hurt to have more education though? ...
  10. KingKikapu

    SWAT team leaves assault rifle behind

    Fallacy of composition. Also, stop starting a sentence with a point, then using a corrective word like "but" or "however", and then going off on another point.  In this context you completely negate everything you said before the correction. Don't ever say I didn't try. *takes a step back to...
  11. KingKikapu

    Helicopters and Money

    A few things: University education sharpened my analytical and problem solving skills a great deal.  That is something I will cherish and apply for as long as I can think on my own. University is elite?  Have you seen some of the people coming out of school? If you use intellect as one of your...
  12. KingKikapu

    SWAT team leaves assault rifle behind

    Don't apologize then carry on trying to make your point.  It's the classic sign of someone who loves to discuss and debate but it's also a sign of a bad communicator.  You don't need to always get the last one in.
  13. KingKikapu

    SWAT team leaves assault rifle behind

    I'm gonna give you some advice, and I hope you listen to an outsider like me before a myriad of people pounce all over you: stop proselytizing.  Stop kibitzing.  Stop.  Stop.  Stop. You have made some very astute observations in the past which I enjoyed reading.  Then again, you have also made...
  14. KingKikapu

    Helicopters and Money

    I feel sorry for arts degree holders because they always get picked on, and I don't understand why.  They learned how to critically analyse and disseminate information like the rest of us.  I respect that, and I suspect it would help them greatly in any venture.  Stop using them as scapegoats.
  15. KingKikapu

    AESOp ( MOC 081)

    lol did I see a 'use me I'm EASY' button in the back?!?
  16. KingKikapu

    Favorite Posting in Canada

    It was a good place to grow up.  Summers were always beautiful.  Winter was wet, but that makes for lots of snow on the mountains.  Backcountry ftw!
  17. KingKikapu

    2/7 Marines in Afghanistan

    Total aside: "The 49-year-old father of 10..."    :o  Holy crap. k back to topic.
  18. KingKikapu

    War is hell – but there are standards

    The former.  I have no quarrel with the latter: the process is what matters.  A country like Singapore has extremely stiff penalties for a myriad of crimes, but its corruption index is better than Canada's, leading me to believe a fair trial is in all likelihood very possible there.  I...
  19. KingKikapu

    War is hell – but there are standards

    Very true.  They also broke international law to which Iraq is a signatory.  Geneva and Huage both have requirements for the right to a fair trial.  My guess is that is probably why they took Milosovich out of country for his trial as well.
  20. KingKikapu

    Our justice system coddles offenders (well, maybe only some.......)

    In many ways I agree.  Paying a debt to society certainly seems appropriate in these situations.  I am also hopeful that we can punish people, rehabilitate them, then get them back on the streets and off the tax payer books.  IF we can do it anyways.  Big if.  There are also alarming statistics...