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  1. putz


    Yes, that is possible but that also goes down the same lines as "One mans Terrorists is another mans Freedomfighter"
  2. putz


    Can't agree more (I wasn't being sarcastic in my last posts) A leader that is trying to keep his country together (albeit some people see this as the wrong way).  Lets remember the Chechen/Russian conflicts have been ongoing for Hundreds of years.  Also, there was a shaky truce in place until...
  3. putz


    Good for the Russians its about time that this happened.  The results should help bolster support from the people in Russia, show the citizens that something good is happening. I was under the understanding that the Chechens have been trying to negotiate with the Russians and the Russians are...
  4. putz

    What do you do for a workout??

    I plan on it, big problem with me is that their are no close pools to me.  However, my gym access does allow me to use the one in the hotel across the street.......
  5. putz

    What do you do for a workout??

    Personally, I think that it is possible.  If you are worried about your knee though go at your own pace.  Just DO NOT increase time and distance at the same time you could drive your body into the ground.  I believe that I would work on your current time and once you get in then the BMQ PT will...
  6. putz

    Physical Fitness (Jogging, Diet, Cardiovascular, and Strength )

    maybe its just the people at your GNC the ones here in Edmonton are great.  I only use triflex(glucosamine, chondroitin and MSM) for running and they helped me out.
  7. putz

    What do you do for a workout??

    I used to do just weights and Bike riding then I got into a conversation with a buddy on mine who is ex airborne and now in LER.  His statement was along the lines of " You know that your not going to be riding bikes in basic you should start running."  That was a year and a bit ago. I pretty...
  8. putz

    So lifes pretty f*cked up right now.....

    Sorry to hear about that  :( You can try here: http://www.healthscout.com/ency/1/001414.html Hope that this can help
  9. putz

    What do you do for a workout??

    Well I'm not aiming to improve anything at all I just wanted to know what everyone is doing.... Here is my work out: Cardio 6 days a week Monday, Wednesday, Friday Upperbody Tuesday, Thursday Lowerbody Sunday Rest Upperbody: 3x12 Benchpress 3x12 Pectoral Deck 3x12 Isolateral Press 3 21's (don't...
  10. putz

    What do you do for a workout??

    I don't think this has been covered before, if it has sorry. Just curious I'm quite a fitness buff and I was wondering what people here do for workouts?  For example I weight train 5 days a week and Run 6 days a week.  I'll go more into detail if this post takes off.  Just though this could...
  11. putz

    "Unionizing" the CF (merged)

    Before this gets too off topic I believe that this is covered in another thread: http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/27970.from1110302627/topicseen.html#new Also its Vice Versa:
  12. putz

    Advice for women on BMQ and other courses [MERGED]

    i'm not in the military (yet) so I don't think it would be right for me to post anything but I've been following this thread and came across this: http://www.mytelus.com/news/article.do?pageID=cbc/montreal_home&articleID=1865170 Women unwelcome in combat roles: report Canada's Armed Forces...
  13. putz

    Going to Basic

    I spoke to a friend of mine yesterday thats in St. Jean right now, said that he goes to bed a 11pm doesn't hit the sack a minute before
  14. putz

    Asthma & the CF (merged thread)

    I had the EXACT same thing happen.  Got the PFS test done and resent the medical and it came back GOOD  ;D now merit listed your PFS should be good enough was in my case!
  15. putz

    Criminal Records Check - CRC (Merged)

    I don't know the whole legality of it all and how the forces deals with this (as why I am asking) but, it is stipulated in his weapons prohibition that he is allowed to use firearms in the line of work (i.e. reserves).
  16. putz

    Criminal Records Check - CRC (Merged)

    Question for the educated out there ;) A friend of mine is R031 and he wants to do a transfer to full time 031.  Straight forward so far.... He has a conviction for Arson (3-4years ago) that happened AFTER he got into the reserves, has since been dealt with served the "Time" and has the...
  17. putz

    Anyone know if more names drawn for April BMQ (REGS)?

    Yeah there is one on the 16th.  I don't know how many they run in a month but I think its 2.  I know that they have drawn more names as of yesterday because someone posted that they got the call at 12 yesterday..... so heres to hoping!
  18. putz

    Anyone know if more names drawn for April BMQ (REGS)?

    Well,  has anyone other than Morgs heard anything??
  19. putz


    I voted yes but can I go back and change it to no....  I do believe that the Germans were only a year or so away from creating an Atomic Weapon by the end of the war.  IF the US had not joined the conflict I believe that the Russians would have run over right to the boarder of France.  However...