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  1. Trooper Hale

    A Collection Of Army.ca Humour - including SKIPPY'S DAMN LIST AGAIN!!

    My SSM looks at me funny during room inspection because of it...
  2. Trooper Hale

    What are you listening to/fav type of music

    Sydney City Trash and their album called "Once upon a time in Australia". Country music with a big injection of punk. Kind of like an Australian version of the Dropkick Murphy's. Its bloody Awesome.
  3. Trooper Hale

    Canadian Club Whisky in Australia

    I'm on guard, so no medal parade for me, not till next week and my four year medal but... The...cough, refreshment... that went on in the shacks last weekend was fuelled by Jim Beam and Bundy... in a can! All i can say is that it was frankly brilliant. I'm a big fan of the pre-mixed but the new...
  4. Trooper Hale

    Australian Army Combat Badge

    Seconded Wes
  5. Trooper Hale

    Canadian Club Whisky in Australia

    Import it! You wont regret it. ;D
  6. Trooper Hale

    RAEME in the Field - Recent Ex Pics - "In the J at Shoalwater Bay"

    Awesome photos Wes, i was hoping you'd post those. I need to get back onto this website. I've missed heaps. Cheers for putting up that photo. I've got to say, my Kepi cap looks brilliant! Haha, ta,
  7. Trooper Hale

    What is your military status?

    Well, its been a hell of a long time since i said anything on this website and this topic seems a good one, so... I'm a dismounted Cavalry Scout in the Australian Regular Army, based up in Brisbane in the same compound as Wesley down under. Just got back from a month out bush and just got...
  8. Trooper Hale

    Name This Photo!!! - The AFV Recognition Thread

    Its a car for the new age suicidal soldier. You drive to within range of the enemy, fire off those unguided missles and toast yourself. Awesome plan i reckon.
  9. Trooper Hale

    Australia issues travel warning against Canada

    AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! :'( I hoped i'd never hear that word again. I'm struggling to think of words to write because i'm trying to remember what i did after half a dozen shots of it. I think i was sick and very drunk actually. And i may have danced like an idiot down the corridors of F16 in sunny...
  10. Trooper Hale

    New Army.ca Game (HEADLINES)

    "SIR? SIR? I'M SALUTING YOU..SIR?" Corporal Bloggs could never figure out why no one ever saluted back. Or Moments later, when the vehicle returned to the ground, Corporal Smith poked himself in the eye. He never saluted from a leaping vehicle again. This picture has dead set made my day, i've...
  11. Trooper Hale

    Australia issues travel warning against Canada

    Damn, Trinity got me, the website is mine, I hate you guys...  :P Haha, seriously though, its a pretty dodgy thing to say somewhere is dangerous because it snows there. "Look out for ice that is a result of cold weather and water" seems pretty daft to me. Anyway, i have to go, i've got a rogue...
  12. Trooper Hale

    Pushups- Try Reading Here First- Merged Thread

    Spent my holiday leave doing this and a few other bits of work. Cranked out 60 regulation pushups yesterday. It actually worked alright though i tended to add a couple of reps to sets just to really push myself. Ta
  13. Trooper Hale

    Cpl (Tpr) Richard Renaud - 12e Régiment blindé du Canada - 15 Jan 2008

    Bad luck boys. Rest in Peace mate and to the rest of you over there, stay strong and come home safe.
  14. Trooper Hale

    Infantry.....what Do You like About it? And what is your weapon of choice?

    I could have sworn i'd mentioned .50cal a couple of times here. I didnt think Canadian Infantry used the 12.7mm? Australian Grunts definately dont. Firing the .50 will change your life. It definately changed mine. I went to the range a boy, i left as a man. And the sound! Oh the sound!
  15. Trooper Hale

    Veterans love today's field rations

    Vegemite shows that Australians are a productive and non-wasteful people. After we'd drunk all the beer, we thought to ourselves "What can we do with all this stuff at the bottom of the Vat? Lets turn it into a tasty topping for bread!" I love Vegemite, And i reckon we're winning in the health...
  16. Trooper Hale

    Infantry.....what Do You like About it? And what is your weapon of choice?

    Roger on both counts. Especially the first. ;D
  17. Trooper Hale

    Infantry.....what Do You like About it? And what is your weapon of choice?

    I reckon everyone disagrees with that. Whether its just professional rivalry, our perceived superiority to every other trade or our common sense, no one is going to agree with a someone who's in their first year of reserves telling them that he's better then them. Personally, i reckon that...
  18. Trooper Hale

    Infantry.....what Do You like About it? And what is your weapon of choice?

    What i like most about the infantry is when they've fully Debused before the ramp is closed. Then they do their "mudcrunching, groundpounding, gravel agitating, living in the dirt" stuff and we engage targets with the .50 at 1800m. After which we brew up and break out the porn in the back of our...
  19. Trooper Hale

    The art of looking good on patrol in Iraq

    I thought this article was fascinating. Fascinating and really strange. http://timesonline.typepad.com/inside_iraq_weblog/2008/01/the-art-of-look.html Elbow or knee pads strapped deliberately to ankles and goggles worn back to front over helmets, some Iraqi soldiers have a unique sense of...