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  1. B

    Question About Releasing After RMC

    This is the best advice, If you are not sure why are you going to go? To 'see' if you want to do it ? To get a free univeristy ride? If you are even thinking this, i don't think Officer is the right way to go..
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    Jack Layton Dinged for Supporting Troops TOO Much

    Yeah, i see where you are coming for now. I relize i was just sort of going on nothing.  I agree now, considering they do decide what we do, it would be a good idea to get them a feel for how we do things.    Didn't even consider that when I First posted. ( like i said last post i dont really...
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    Jack Layton Dinged for Supporting Troops TOO Much

    Alright, well    Now reading it back a few hours later it doesn't seem as bright ( to say the least) as it did at the time.    :-[ But i guess what i meant, was That we have soldiers just waiting for long periods of time to get on to these courses. while the MP's just go out and do them as if...
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    Jack Layton Dinged for Supporting Troops TOO Much

    IDon't  know if anyone else disagrees with this and (^) his whole statement. That Some people wait months, years even, to get into these programs to be able to this stuff while the politicans go on a waiting list to do all this stuff for ' a day out of the office, with friends.' This is probley...
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    Dead soldier's memorial desecrated (Trooper Darryl James Caswell )

    Unfortunately, nobody will be. It is sad and disrespectful, That (young?) man, gave his life protecting the freedoms and and rights that gave this bloke, the right to defile the memorial.  Although i continue to stay optimistic that they catch this sorry excuse for a Canadian.  (if we can even...
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    SAR Tech

          If you dont mind, what show ?  :o :)
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    Tips for making a good impression and getting a JOB (any job, not just Military)

    Yeah, i know sorry.  :) But it was borthering me for while and i did not want to start a thread over it.
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    Tips for making a good impression and getting a JOB (any job, not just Military)

    i;m sorry but i have a question ( i know its, off topic, its still gunna be a longways away,) In the reserve forces, when you go away to your summer training camps are you able to bring a bike with you so that you could get around the base on weekends?( time off etc.)
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    Soldiers returning from Afghanistan bringing home superbug

    Ah that clears things up, Ever since i joined ( this site) I have always wondered.  :salute:  That seems quite important, and an interesting job.
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    Tips for making a good impression and getting a JOB (any job, not just Military)

    Thank you Roy. Yes i am very lucky to Have my granddad, that was in the military, i have a very big military family, cousin is in the infantry both my grandfathere are retired military and both of there Dad's are military and Preety much so on. ( i could go on, and on) but i consider my self...
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    Soldiers returning from Afghanistan bringing home superbug

    No, P medtech is his/her MOC. So its gotta be something. ^-^
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    Soldiers returning from Afghanistan bringing home superbug

    Sorry, thsi is a bitof topic. Pmedmoe, if you don't mind me asking of course if your not a medtech what are you ? :P
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    Tips for making a good impression and getting a JOB (any job, not just Military)

    I agree with this statement, I am a very competetive freestyler skier, and mtn biker, some of the people that i may hangout with (or most anyways) Use what you would call street talking and talk like a bunch of punks with no boundries (i can't make any excuses, yes i talked like them because it...
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    need help on training

    And you will feel very, very weak! I Started losing quite a bit of fat and working hard and i felt so week ( i made a thread a week ago called uptight hungry and tired) But, go slow starting out or you will get very weak. IT WILL SUCK!
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    Tips for making a good impression and getting a JOB (any job, not just Military)

    yeah, they are nice and fairly cheap. Its also nice cause this way there is no looking down on somebody for wearing a certain 'name brand' type of clothing. They also come in handy because you always have atleast  some type of formal clothing.
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    Tips for making a good impression and getting a JOB (any job, not just Military)

    Thanks Roy! Yeah black pants would not be a problem due to school uniforms.( blackpants or shorts with white crested shirt) and golf have to wear black pants to golf. But yeah thanks il remember that. :salute:
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    Tips for making a good impression and getting a JOB (any job, not just Military)

    so otis, out of curisoity. I would liek to know what a good 'outfit' would be accepteble. Would plaid pants with a nice polo, or black dress pants or shorts with a polo? :king:
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    Canadian Forces Fitness Test (Video)

    grimborn- Yes you do do the pt test before basic, and that has cleard up most of my first question. thanks.
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    Canadian Forces Fitness Test (Video)

    alright thank you. I know this has been mentioned very many times but im so lost. Doing the PT for reservers you do the (19) pushups,situps and 20 MSR? and do you also do the step test ( im guessing its running stairs right?)
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    Canadian Forces Fitness Test (Video)

    Im sorry, but i have got a little confused. The 20 MSR is the same as the beep test? Or is it totally differnt and im just out of it?