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  1. SemperFidelis

    The Seal Hunt Mega-Thread

    If you're referring to me looking like a celebrity perhaps...but I wouldn't be caught dead in real fur or leather...even fake.
  2. SemperFidelis

    The Seal Hunt Mega-Thread

    i said this.... I clearly stated...its about the situation in the picture
  3. SemperFidelis

    The Seal Hunt Mega-Thread

    Seems in these forums, especially when it comes to more opinion oriented topics such as this...that people tend to nitpick and register things they only want to register.  I made a statement earlier ...   Thats it thats all, im not out to insult anyone or anything.  Dont read between the...
  4. SemperFidelis

    The Seal Hunt Mega-Thread

    The topic seems (to me) has drifted from clubbing seals, to incorporating a variety of different animals and their treatment.  I stated a belief, which I was called wrong in doing so.  Don't have a problem with that to each his own, but if a statement I make is interpreted wrong and elaborated...
  5. SemperFidelis

    The Seal Hunt Mega-Thread

    I've never hunted, been exposed to it, I dont plan on hunting animals...so you are correct...I have no frame of refference from that perspective.   Just an idealistic frame of mind and a personal belief that exploiting animals for for sh*ts and giggles is wrong.     not that it matters...
  6. SemperFidelis

    The Seal Hunt Mega-Thread

    At least it would be fair game...catch my drift?
  7. SemperFidelis

    The Seal Hunt Mega-Thread

    Okay...in all honesty, I don't have a problem with hunting or killing animals as long as its for food, survival, self-defense etc ...but I do have a problem with those that hunt for cosmetics, fashion, or sport and other things of that nature.   Id like to hunt those same people for sport, and...
  8. SemperFidelis

    The Seal Hunt Mega-Thread

    Im not a celebrity...and Ive never form fur or leather.
  9. SemperFidelis

    The Seal Hunt Mega-Thread

    ;D  I would like to club you over the head Fry...if done proprly...it'd be just as good, trust me.
  10. SemperFidelis

    September 5th Selection Board

    Yes...completed my physical on sept 1st...but the l/s i scheduled with, I asked him If having it so close to the selection board would be compromising having me merit listed.  He put me on hold, made a call to someone else, got back with me and said..."No, as long as you pass your fitness test...
  11. SemperFidelis

    September 5th Selection Board

    OCT 10th??  AHHH  so theres still hope I might squeeze in for oct. basic 
  12. SemperFidelis

    Filmed during training

    I hope you know I was just joking...me?  hollywood??? NO!....hum... Maybe when I retire? (+botox)
  13. SemperFidelis

    "Over There" TV Series (Merged Topic)

    The show in itself doesn't have a smooth flow, lacks a sort of realism that was seen in Band of Brothers...something very made-in-your-own-back-yard about it.   Dialogue seems almost forced and not so well timed... No matter what...there's going to be people who love it, people who hate it...
  14. SemperFidelis

    Filmed during training

    If I was to be filmed...and for some reason I fail...I will send a copy of that video to a hollywood director with Bob Dylan singing in the background "this place aint doing me any good, Im in the wrong town I should be in Hollywood"  ;)
  15. SemperFidelis

    What book are you reading now?

  16. SemperFidelis


    The more and more I read up on Sappers...and their own posts, I realise I absolutely made the right choice when I put it as my first and only option on my application.   Seems like its a tiring, dirty and a hard job.   However, so far I can't say Ive seen anyone say anything negative about...
  17. SemperFidelis

    What do you guys think. Tattoo Idea.

    I died when i read that one...too funny
  18. SemperFidelis


    I concur
  19. SemperFidelis

    September 5th Selection Board

    youll find out when they call you
  20. SemperFidelis

    September 5th Selection Board

    AHAH thanks...Not related...but Im originally from Europe, maybe there's something in the water there?? Oh yes...so I did my fitness test on the first and passed! I had such anxiety because of it...I was never more nervous in my life.  I felt like I was going to mess up BIG time on the pushups...