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Filmed during training


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Hey Everyone
  I go next week for my enrollment and start basic on the 12 of Sept.  I got a call yesterday from the recruiting office saying that a film crew wants to film me during my first year of training.  I was wondering if anyone else got picked for this and what the heck its for, and if anyone has any info about this? thanks.
Thats great

All your worst moments that you will want to forget forever
will now be taped for the rest of us to nod and laugh at...

BMQ is the ultimate reality show if you ask me.  Three formal
warnings and you're voted off the Island (after your CRB)

All the best in your training, and I agree with Trinity nothing like having your worst moments caught on tape for others to watch.  Or maybe for you to enjoy them in the future  ;D.  The only thing I can think that this may be; is the OLN (Outdoor Life Network) carries a show called Truth Duty Valour.
Here is the link to check out,


maybe they plan on doing an episode for their future seasons.  The show is quite well done.
Either way all the best and good luck in your training.  I am sure you will find out more once you start.

mpitts  :salute:
I never got that type of an offer. Sounds interesting, if theirs a TV crew filming during that BMQ then thats another reason not to drop out.
I start IAP/BOTP Sept 12th as well.....I wonder if they will be filming any of that
ha ha and Oh my Gawd! I can't imagine being filmed during bmq. That would be one helluva reality show. Where are you doing your bmq?
  Thanks for the info, I will most definatly check out the web site for Truth, Duty, Valour. I'm doing nothing special for my bmq, I'm doing to St. Jean for my basic for the Engineers.
Truth, Duty, Valour is an awesome show and I would love to be filmed, after a shower in the morning of course...

Congrats and have fun with them..I know I would  ;) ;D
I have been filmed at work several times by various people...TDV, Cbt Camera, TV stations.

If its not for CF recruiting purposes, run and hide...
Yes maybe you'll get lucky and they'll film you just before the chief's inspection. That will be 45 minutes of complete boredom as you stand there at attention at the foot of your bunk waiting....and waiting.....and waiting  ;D
Armymedic said:
I have been filmed at work several times by various people...TDV, Cbt Camera, TV stations.

If its not for CF recruiting purposes, run and hide...
If I was to be filmed...and for some reason I fail...I will send a copy of that video to a hollywood director with Bob Dylan singing in the background "this place aint doing me any good, Im in the wrong town I should be in Hollywood"  ;)
I'd say go for it, if you want a freebie through basic.  You think the recruit school is going to allow anybody being filmed to fail?  Unless they're filming the course as a whole, then be a cockroach; hug the baseboards, and move fast  ;D
I hope you know I was just joking...me?  hollywood??? NO!....hum... Maybe when I retire? (+botox)