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The Seal Hunt Mega-Thread

recceguy said:
Can't. They have to be alive and have a pulse when they're hung. Otherwise they won't bleed out when you cut the throat. Even worse with turkeys, they go through a brine bath and recieve a jolt of electricity to speed up the heart and make 'em bleed out faster.

Sweet jesus... there's gotta be a better, more humane way.
Worlds an ugly place, my friend - you going to eat that bacon anymore?  ^-^
I want my bacon with milk-fed veal. heh heh... And I LOVE foie gras... The thought of those little geese being force fed until their livers explode. HMMMMMMmmmmm
Coming from the East Coast, I am familier with the seal cull. I think it is coming to an end - the
younger guys who would normally fill the long liners and fishing vessels from Newfoundland now
live in places like Alberta. It has no significant economic value, and it is very costly to Canada's
international reputation - the fishing industry on the North Atlantic and the East Coast is in
serious decline; the cod may never come back. The irony is that the greatest thing that happened
to foster and increase seal herds was the Battle of the Atlantic - German U-Boats could and often
did sink fishing vessels (usually by cannon fire when surfaced) and U-Boats sank the CN Ferry - the
"Home Boat" with a substantial loss of life. In 2005 in Canada we do not need an 1899 style
seal cull. MacLeod
Seal slaughter shows Canada's true colours

SEAN TWIST, For the London Free Press?

The one good thing about the East Coast seal hunt is this: It just proves Canadians are hypocrites.

Blaa blaa budddy!!!.....I guess the saying goes "Never confuse Education for Intelligence"

My family have been in the seal bussniss in Newfoundland since at least 1800, as captains and sealers....my name actually changed from its original english name because of the seal cull register book and the seal cull provided for my family at least into the 50s...the cull was actually how you proved you were a man in old Nfld....

Back then they didnt shoot but clubbed from what i heard because each hole was a loss in money for the pelt when sold. Hence why they clubbed and didnt shoot. Some of my earliest memories as a child are being on my father shoulder buying flippers up on the sealing vessel and i still love the taste to this day of a good feed of flippers! I cooked seal in petawawa and a few freinds near had heart attacks! Not that I care...My god a seal eats 10 fish a day, and thats just a bite out of the liver, and how are the cod suppose to grow with that?....some people these days, especially in these countries protesting the inflating numbers and all sorts of other propaganda to suit their causes and raise money care and have cared more about an animal dying or being harmed then real people being clubbed and gutted. My wife had another country try and do them in a big way and the worlds tree huggers?and probably these same types making these statistics and propaganda? sat back and watcheda slaughter of people...and talked about animal rights....until they felt guilty about srebrenica!

I invite ANYBODY here to go on open line VOCM radio newfoundland from 1030 PM Nfld time till 1 AM weekly or open line in the morning and voice their opinion and views on the seal cull. And then listen in Real time www.vocm.com to people talking back. 1800 563 4774

My 2 cents and i dont really care what any of you hard core animal lovers think! Not one bit and dont bother PM me unless youre gona be nice.

"Bloody decks!...Good Hunt! Good Kill!"

Gallipoli, france and flanders.

-Royal Newfoundland Regiment slogan before going over the top. Most Nfld officers were once the sealing captains and families, the Soldiers were from the sealers, hence the tradition continued by saying bloody decks!"..Someone in the USMC tried to claim this sloggan after hearing it recently in the last 5 years i hear but was shut down so i heard. Our guys even arrived in Turkey on a Nfld sealing vessel that still stank of the seasons kill. Bloody decks!!
I'll never forget the look I got in High School Geography one day we were talking about killing seals - I said I had a seal skin hanging up in my living room.  This girl was torn between popping an aneurysm and crying her eyes out.  But hey, I lived in the North, you got things like that.  Stuff happens.  Half of our parkas had skin/fur from a wide variety of 4 legged/flippered furry creatures - I was warm (this is of course relative in -40+ temps).  Hey, up until not too long ago, those big white snot mittens we use had rabbit fur on the back of the hands, not synthetic stuff, since it doesn't freeze when it gets wet.  Here's a thought - take some of these do gooders out into the middle of the ice floes and leave them there - willing to bet they'd be very quickly clubbing Fluffy over the head to get food and something to stay warm.

I could go on about using animals to ensure that we have decent medical training, since human rights doesn't allow us to use humans for controlled trauma training with real trauma, but I won't here...

I'm from the Eastcoast and was never a big fan of clubbing little fluffy over the head, yes I'm a hypocrite I like a nice bug juicy steak as much as the next guy, but I can't help feel a twinge of guilt after reading the some the posts for this topic and thinking what we do to animals (maybe I'm ready to go vegan).  :crybaby:
Yup, and that's what's wrong with people who oppose the seal hunt, or any other hunt. Clubbing over the head when done properly, kills 'em just as good. Trust me, I know.

No offense intended, of course.
;D  I would like to club you over the head Fry...if done proprly...it'd be just as good, trust me.
Seal, Cow, Pig, Fish...what does it matter we eat and take parts of these animals to use in comercial products...If anything the seal is just too easy to whack, im sure that thoses things have the I.Q of a shoe. If I had a chance I would gladyly swing away...
SemperFidelis said:
;D   I would like to club you over the head Fry...if done proprly...it'd be just as good, trust me.

Ugh. I grow tired of hearing the same animal loving, hippy tree-hugging remarks. The world isn't a nice place, and I enjoy killing animals. I hunt, I kill a lot. I don't poach, and I don't barbarize, but I enjoy hunting. There's nothing like the adrenaline pumping though you during your first kill. I remember it. I was maybe 8 years old, and I shot a grouse. I was so proud.

All of these "celebrities" and whatnot that "disapprove" of this sealhunt don't think twice about putting on those leather pants or that fur coat.

Hypocrisy, hypocrisy.
to all who complain about meat, leather, hunting, and the other uses of Bambi, Fluffy, Thumper, Flower, Gordy, and Co., I submit the following:

We weren't meant to hunt, we wouldn't have predator's instincts. (Sad part is, not all of us do, and those that don't suffer from too many of those that do. There's probably a lesson there, somewhere.)
We weren't meant to eat meat, we wouldn't have canines, and we wouldn't digest it.

We kill other critters. It's Nature's way. Take it up with her.
paracowboy said:
to all who complain about meat, leather, hunting, and the other uses of Bambi, Fluffy, Thumper, Flower, Gordy, and Co., I submit the following:

We weren't meant to hunt, we wouldn't have predator's instincts. (Sad part is, not all of us do, and those that don't suffer from too many of those that do. There's probably a lesson there, somewhere.)
We weren't meant to eat meat, we wouldn't have canines, and we wouldn't digest it.

We kill other critters. It's Nature's way. Take it up with her.

Here, here!
Okay...in all honesty, I don't have a problem with hunting or killing animals as long as its for food, survival, self-defense etc ...but I do have a problem with those that hunt for cosmetics, fashion, or sport and other things of that nature.   Id like to hunt those same people for sport, and use their fat as lipstick, or wear their skin as a coat...how sexy would that be?
Prehaps those people would hunt you back. We're top of the chain, and that's how it is. Wish people would come back to reality, and stop basing their views on Disney crapola.
I don't have a problem with hunting or killing animals as long as its for food, survival, self-defense etc

Good.  So when I kill the animal, take it's skin, sell it to some rich guy to wear as a coat, then use the money I get to feed my family, we're all good?  Cuz I've killed the animal for food, as far as I'm concerned.
SemperFidelis said:
....   Id like to hunt those same people for sport, and use their fat as lipstick, or wear their skin as a coat...how sexy would that be?

I see from this statement that you must shop at the Body Shop.  They don't test on animals.....only their clientelle.   ;D

Eww!   Wonder what that rash is?   ;D

my motto:  "Not tested on animals - Not tested on me!"