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Your home FAK (First Aid Kit)

Mike Baker

Army.ca Veteran
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Okay, so, I hope everyone has at least a few band-aids at home.

But, for those of you with a good FAK, I'm wondering what you have (if you build your own) in it.

I'm asking this because I am in the process of making a more 'advance' FAK, and I would like some input of what you all have, especially you in the Medical field.

Some pictures would be nice too :D

In General mine has the fol:

- Band Aids Lg and Sm with and without Dora and Fairy's on them
- triangular bandages
- disinfectant
- safety pins (various sizes)
- cold pack (the break open ones)
- gauze (various sizes)
- tape
- tweezers
- safety scissors
- adult mouth to mouth shield
- child size mouth to mouth device
- polysporn (sp) with pain relief
- pressure bandage
- voodoo doll  :skull:
- bug bite relief stick thingy
- calamine (sp) lotion
- if any of us were allergic to bees and such I'd have an epi pen
- bottle of neutral water (forget the name) for flushing out eyes/wounds
- emergency foil blanket
- iodine
- aspirin/Tylenol
- FA pocket Guide
- poison control number on fridge

That's about all I can remember.  I'll take a look tonight to see if I missed anything.
Along with the list Harris has provided . I find Benadryl to be very important with stings, allergic reactions, etc and the most used.
Baker said:
What might that be? Never heard of it before.


edit: I hope its not actually a doll, for voodoo ;D

Just seeing if everyone was paying attention.  I don't really have a voodoo doll in my FA kit.  :o
.. I also keep a couple of trusty Shell dressings.
Harris said:
Just seeing if everyone was paying attention.  I don't really have a voodoo doll in my FA kit.   :o

You make it sound like a voodoo doll is a bad thing - I should keep one in my jumpbag for malingerers, so I can get a bit of them and give them a real reason to show up next time  ;D.

On a slightly more serious note, add some tampons - they work great for some nosebleeds when you can't apply pressure well. 

My 2 copper bits.

My home kit is kept in a medium sized Rubbermaid container, my truck kit is in a large bright orange Pelican box and a PSP R400 Rescue Pack (AED, airway management stuff and O2 are in the pack, along with some trauma and BSA stuff - the Pelican box holds advanced trauma stuff and meds).

The kit in the house holds the following:

- Oales bandage (4"/6" - 2 each)
- triangular bandages
- Roller gauze
- sterile gauze 4"x4" sponges
- fabric bandaids (strip and knuckle)
- triple antibiotic ointment
- Tensor bandages (2"/4"/6")
- Coban wrap (3")
- Durapore tape, 2"
- Transpore tape, 2"
- duct tape, 2"
- disposable scalpel (#11 Miller) (several)
- 3cc syringes w/needle (drainage of infeced wounds and blisters, if required; extraction of splinters and whatnot)
- trauma shears, large and small
- splinter picker tweezers
- hemostats, straight and curved
- Biofreeze roller gel
- Water-Gel burn gel in squeeze bottle
- a bunch of meds, including:
          - Benadryl (capsule and liquid)
          - Ibuprofen 200 (vitamin "I")
          - ES Tylenol with codeine
          - Lomotil/Loperamide
          - ASA (325 mg and 81 mg "chewable")
          - Diotame/Pepto-Bismol caplets
- nitrile gloves (at least a dozen pairs)
- laerdal pocket mask (works for both adult and child)
- Lardal adult BVM
- NPA's with lube packets (26/28/30/32Fr)
- Oral airway (full set)
- V-Vac suction device
- bagged saline, 500ml (not for IV use - allows forceful irrigation of wounds and abrasions

Probably some stuff I'm missing, but that's the major stuff...
Harris said:
Just seeing if everyone was paying attention.  I don't really have a voodoo doll in my FA kit.  :o

I prefer Bzzliteyr explanation :)
2 considerations, you might think about when preparing a first aid kit:
1) what is your level of training and  2) what type of hazards are you encountering? I mean its cool to have some of the kit ,but if your hazard is a paper cut and your training is SFA well...

Having said that, I know for myself, I also add most of mud-gunners materials(minus the AED!) plus a Hard collar and basic diagnostics, ie BP Cuff etc.

Anyways that was my 2 cents.


One question Mud Gunner. AED???
mudgunner49 said:
My home kit is kept in a medium sized Rubbermaid container, my truck kit is in a large bright orange Pelican box and a PSP R400 Rescue Pack (AED, airway management stuff and O2 are in the pack, along with some trauma and BSA stuff - the Pelican box holds advanced trauma stuff and meds).

The kit in the house holds the following:

Holy kit Batman...I don't carry that much stuff in my jumpbag. Expecting a fire fight, or is this stuff for your week long camping/hunting expedition 100kms from the nearest hospital?

p.s.- all you need is a few CATs  ;)
For the house I have spare supplies to restock the kit in the car.  For the car, it's in a large sports bag and holds the following:

- triangular bandages
- Roller gauze
- Large and small shell dressings
- sterile gauze 4x4
- non-sterile 4x4 gauze
- adonminal gauze dressing
- non-stick burn dressings
- bandaids (strip and knuckle)
- Tensor bandages
- Transpore tape
- packing tape
- Laerdal Stifneck collars
- Paramedic Shears
- metal tweezers
- Insta-Glucose tube
- poly sporin
- nitrile gloves (x1 box)
- Lardal adult, child and Infant BVM
- Lardal pocket mask with O2 valve
- NPA's (adjustable)
- Oral airway (full set)
- V-Vac suction device
- Stethoscope
- Large blood pressure cuff
- Flash light
- Hand Sanitizer
- Bottles of water
- Tongue Depressors
- Silver Rescue Blanket
- Sager Traction Splint
- QuickSplints

The list is most of what I have in the trunk.
R933ex said:
2 considerations, you might think about when preparing a first aid kit:
1) what is your level of training and  2) what type of hazards are you encountering?

Having said that, I know for myself, I also add most of mud-gunners materials(minus the AED!) plus a Hard collar and basic diagnostics, ie BP Cuff etc.

That's exactly the 2 considerations you should have.

As for the rest: AED? Sure, if you got a family member who has a cardiac condition...
O2?  BP cuff? You running an ambulance? Hard collar? Got a spine board for that.

Unless you in the wilderness or way off the beaten path for your 911 service, all this extra crap looks nice, cost plenty and really does not add any value.

I do not carry O2 or a hard C-collar. BP cuff is great for monitoring, but I don't carry it in my "little" med bag (got a radial pulse...got a decent BP).
kratz said:
- Laerdal Stifneck collars
- Lardal adult, child and Infant BVM
- Oral airway (full set)
- V-Vac suction device
- Stethoscope
- Large blood pressure cuff
- Sager Traction Splint

The list is most of what I have in the trunk.

Again...Why? Oral airways? WHY?

Is your trunk an ambulance?

I agree whole heartedly with your comments. In my case I often travel more then 4 hours from the closest ambulance (Yellowknife- Hay River- Ft Simpson NWT) and currently I am on a SAR / disaster response team as a medic. However, all my kit fits into 1 small bag.

When we look at some of the items listed, I again ask the questions:

1) What is the level of training
2) What is your requirement to have them IE Hazard vs Risk.

There is nothing wrong in having the fancy (un-affordable kit to me) if you are trained; are current on that training and also have a requirement for it. Having gear like an AED requires training, and a solid maint program. Without one, you can get yourself in a whole world of hurt despite Bill 25, Emergency Medical Aid Act, Good Samaritans Act etc.

Having said that, if you don't want to buy a kit, look at the Workplace safety regulations, such as the Canada Labour Code, (www.labour.gc.ca)  and have a look at what is listed for a small 2 person worksite, you may actually find your answers there.


I don't wanna highjack or anything but, what do you think i should have a in a FAK i have on me at all time? (Portable first aid kit?)