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Your Favorite Military Video Game

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I am looking forward to the new Call of Duty: World at War coming out soon.
Ex-Dragoon said:
I am looking forward to the new Call of Duty: World at War coming out soon.
That game is GREAT! I got it yesterday for my 360 (also got it yesterday ;))

Finished it in a few hours, mind you, it was on the easiest I could get, and I died a few dozen times. But that's not too bad since it was the first time playing the game, and first time I've played a 360!


I look forward to slaying you on the battlefield(if you have live that is)  :threat: :warstory:
The Beaver said:
That game is GREAT! I got it yesterday for my 360 (also got it yesterday ;))

Finished it in a few hours, mind you, it was on the easiest I could get, and I died a few dozen times. But that's not too bad since it was the first time playing the game, and first time I've played a 360!



Does the multiplayer side still have the anoyying air strikes and uber aiming helo's ? If it does i'm passing it over in favour of something less anoyying. COD4 should have concentrated more on the game and less on the frills :(

Snafu-Bar said:
Does the multiplayer side still have the anoyying air strikes and uber aiming helo's ? If it does i'm passing it over in favour of something less anoyying. COD4 should have concentrated more on the game and less on the frills :(

Never done multiplayer yet. I'll get back to you on that tomorrow evening methinks. ;)

CEEBEE501 said:
I look forward to slaying you on the battlefield(if you have live that is)  :threat: :warstory:
Hopefully I'll have it soon.
Multi-player really depends on what server you play on. Some mature player servers make for great gameplay, the younger ones can be really annoying. Games like BF2 can be hampered by unbalance in the airpower. some manpads that are portable would help a lot in that game to reduce the air threat.
Just finished Call of Duty: World at War last night on the PC. Not a bad game at all.
I'm currently playing COD world at war played all the COD's the new one is pretty good!I want to play this game slow,slowly take it in  ;D
Ex-Dragoon said:
*snicker* yes they are fun. With both characters though I found myself using enemy weaponry more so then not.
I did too most of the time, espically as the Soviet.
Any opinion out there as to whether COD/World @ War is worth buying for the PS2?

I begin a long-ish tasking in january so will need something to keep the beer fiends at bay
World in conflict is great. I know this isn't an FPS or even a current time frame based game but Total War series Medieval II is the bomb, I mean 10,000 dudes all hackin and wackin on screen at once. That plus all the other aspects of the game just rules. I cant wait for the release of Total war empires in Feb.
Colin P said:
Multi-player really depends on what server you play on. Some mature player servers make for great gameplay, the younger ones can be really annoying. Games like BF2 can be hampered by unbalance in the airpower. some manpads that are portable would help a lot in that game to reduce the air threat.

That's why you play the mods like OPK(www.opkmod.com) or Project reality, which is suppose to have CF in Afghanistan in .9 release (http://www.realitymod.com/) Both use the Stinger MANPADS system for NATO Countries, and Sa-7 for enemy.
And if you are looking for A Good server for BF2 or CoD:WaW try www.HBD-Gaming.com
Oh god, anyone play the Nazi Zombies yet on W@W? My good gosh that is so fun! ;D
Just read this thread.
Seems I am missing a few good sounding games. I thought I am happy with the few I do play.

Turn based:
Steel Panthers World At War, (SPWAW): 1930 -1949 free download not to mention the latest OOB updates being done
Steel Panthers World War II, (WinSPWW2): 1930 – 1946, free down load version
Steel Panthers Main Battle Tank, (WinSPMBT): 1948 – 2020, actually I bought the CD version but free down load version also.

We Go type
TacOps – nice game and lots of community. Also if you want CPX battles for the wise. I am just waiting for version 5/6 to come out.
Point of Attack 2 – takes a bit of a learning curve to get into but after that interesting.
Uncommon Valour, Pacific war game.

Real Time with stop (all modern)
Armored Task Force
The Star and the Crescent
Air Assault Task Force

I sort of rotate through these dodging domestic chores.. ;D

I have Panzer General somewhere and another of that series but they bored me a bit.
Also a couple of the Combat Missions, but I just did not find them that mentally exciting.

I would like to get my hands on Steel Beats Pro but the cost is a bit daunting. The ‘lite’ version Steel Beasts Pro SE seems to have a few limitations but I might talk myself into buying this.

Sorry but not much in the FPS or RTS games here.

oh nazi zombies - theres nothing better

i dont think theres anyway to beat it though...
and i wouldnt reccomend playing it alone
in the dark
with a sadistic cat that loves to jump on you at the most inopportune times

just managed to get a hold of armed assault for Christmas, not a bad game a mix of americas army, BF2 and COD but alot harder. i still can`t fly properly yet.  haven`t tried it online to see how much difference it makes
Has anyone played the Hearts of Iron games? The 3rd one is comming out and i was thinking of buyin it.