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Your Favorite Military Video Game

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Favorite would have to be Counter-Strike.
If that isnt considered a military game id have to go with American Conquest Divided Nation :mg:
My favorite WAR game right now is Operation Flashpoint:Cold War Crisis
I ordered the game at the start of october and still haven't got it (6-day delivery my butt)
But I've played the demo

Pros: VERY realisitic, If you shoot a guy in the head,he dies,if you shoot in the chest,He WILL go down and probably die,If you shoot in leg,they can't run fast,if you throw a grenade thats a meter away,they'll STILL get hurt. Real Guns(Not some fancy one that never got developed) Your team actually shoots back at the enemy(People who play the first halo know this all to well)


Realistic weapon load(Ie,you can't carry 30 different guns(I miss the old Goldeneye on N64 days) and you can't carry 50 grenades or 100,000,000 bullets)

Cons: Building destruction is weird(It looks like water paint mixed with....lots of water)
        Graphics aren't that good
        AI can be limited at times
        Squad Control interface can be confusing
I really wish they could get the Hearts of Iron series to work properly.

That model has so much upside....

Matthew.  ???
Sonalyst Combat Simulations' Dangerous Waters, Harpoon 3, Jane's 688(I), EA's old 688, Jane's Fleet command, Silent Hunter 1&3... (can you tell I'm in the Navy?)

On the "army-er" side of the house, EA's uber-old SEAL Team, Rainbow Six (all of them except Lockdown), Falcon 3.0, and the best-ever non-Navy (as in, non-driving-ships) game ever developped or imagined by man: F-14 Fleet Defender. Ok, so it's still Navy because you fly carrier-based F-14, but it's still relatively realistic (not talking about the graphics) and exciting, and you can set it so hard you need to have watched Top Gun a gazillion times to have a clue what you're doing, or so easy you can be a Wing Commander jockey and still be able to fly around. Oh, and all the Wing Commander games were teh @we$omene$$. (Please excuse my pathetic attempt at 1337-speek)

Ok, I realize that's like, 20 games.. My top three right now would probably be Dangerous Waters, 688(I) and F-14 Fleet Defender.

I'll go cry over the 'Cats being gone, now.
Cdn Blackshirt said:
I really wish they could get the Hearts of Iron series to work properly.

That model has so much upside....

Matthew.   ???

You play hearts of iron????I got HoI2 not the expansion. I can't get it to work online though :(

Have you seen this http://www.supremecommander.com/ ?  It is the spiritual sequal to Total Annihiliation.  It looks like it is going to be a blast.
Steel beasts is one of the best games ever made, more of a simulation than a game. The problem I have is it requires to much of me to play right now, with my 22 month old daughter nipping at my heels.

For gameplay and intense fun, I play BF2, I enjoy being able to help my buddies and you can spend a whole round without even firing a shot and still get rewarded.
Call of Duty... most definitely... a classic and a huge hit with almost my entire family (2pts estrogen-5pts testosterone) although my daughter prefers the sims because as she says "they don't kill each other" :-\

Medal of Honor Allied Assault is an absolute classic.
The others in the MOH series are good for single player but the multiplayer sucks.

Battlefield 2 is the top game right now. Single playe is brutal, but the multiplayer is unreal. Many different kits and weapons to choose from! You can also use any vehicle that you come accross in the game. Jeeps, APCs, Transport Choppers, Attack Choppers, AA guns, Mounted MG's, etc.

Incredible game.
Brothers in Arms Road to Hill 30 and the sequel Earned in Blood (made in Canada) best and most realistic ever played. Advantage over Call of Duty is the AI for the bad guys always changes what they do
Any one play the Socom searies? I only have Socom 3, which it took me a year to finish totally.
alfie said:
Brothers in Arms Road to Hill 30 and the sequel Earned in Blood (made in Canada) best and most realistic ever played. Advantage over Call of Duty is the AI for the bad guys always changes what they do

That game is hard if you go into harder difficulties.
I barely beat it on EASY. Higher difficulty is insane.
And the AI is actually pretty good. And its more realistic then other games.
I played the demo for Brother in arms, put could not get the full game to play on my system, the demo reminded me of MOH so I am not that interested.
Hmm. I played it on XBOX. Anyone have any idea how long it takes for the manufacturing company to restock on a game? Its bin almost 4 weeks since I ordered OFP and I still havn't got it.
Janes F-15/18

Very realistic (radar modes, your older AIM-9's track the sun, chaff/flares dont just make missiles disapear, the ground defense AI actaully does somthing)
Cons- graphics...takes alot of time to learn

and BF:2.

Pro's..its a blast, great graphics, strong team play, well laid out maps.

cons weak single player, not very realistic veh/aircraft.
A game that showed great promise but never manged to break out was Team Alligator, the first flight sim to have real trees, dodging SAM's in a KA-52 was fun.