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Your Chance To Grill Jack Layton

Let us know the Q you ask and the result you get (and let us know if anyone else asks any zingers).
"Oo-oo-oo I love to do a little sidestep . . . . do a little dance and lead the people on"

Couldn't resist - don't let him dance around the question you ask!!!

With that short of a time frame, I have to imagine the question askers will be plants in the audience and he will only be asking questions from people whose answers he already prepared for.  Stand by for some doey eyed clown to stand up and say "Mr. Layton, what vision for Canada can you tell us you have?" and then he blathers on for 49.5 more minutes.  Remember, he isn't there for any genuine reason.  It is pre-election camera time, and these things are managed and orchestrated. 
If you can figure out how you could trick him into picking you, that would be the best way to go.  Maybe tell his handlers you are going to ask "what sort of green solutions are you looking at?" and then when it is time, drill him with the military question (well, it is sort of the same question  >:D)
Good luck, but I suspect you are about to witness just how constrained your "free speech" will be in a Leftist environment. 
"Mr. Layton, how does the NDP if elected plan to blow the budget to oblivion this time?"
"Mr Layton, where are your pants?!"

but seriously

"My Layton, what are you doing differently, if anything, this year that makes you think you can win this election?  Have you not yet realized that catering to the young people is useless because statistically they just don't vote?"
"Do you ever get tired of trying to suck up to Gen X and Gen Y cause your party totally screwed up with previous generations after Bob Rae?"

Honestly nice try but no banana, they sit there with luring factors since all us Gen Y are for a more liberal way of life apparently saying things like theyll lower tuitions and do more things for our age group than other partys hoping to win like that. Im suprised they dont tour in a VW Westfallia and get out with that old song "there is a season..turn turn turn turn..."
I agree with zipperhead.  You probably won't get much of a chance for a real tough question.  I think you may get an easy question or two and, as a typical politician, you'll get an answer stretched out so long, it's more of an election pitch on general policies vs. a direct answer.  Heck, nobody will likely even remember what the question was.  What is the date he will be coming, or is that all hush hush for security reasons?  It would be nice to pack the place with support the troop pins and things that would be highly visible...especially if it was televised and everyone had a look of disapproval on their faces, something else to be edited out no doubt!

Well, I had the chance and I took it, albeit, I didn't get all of what I wanted to say, said.

I won't lie, as a man, he is an impressive speaker to see first person, and while I don't disagree with 100% of everything he has to say, his Afghanistan position is just too wrong for me to ignore. 

He started warming up the crowd, and talking about the NDP.  He offered to the audience that the NDP is typically better behaved than other parties, and he asked why we thought this might be true.  I shouted out "Because there are fewer of you!" and he said "Because they're afraid of me?"  I shouted again, more clearly, "BECAUSE THERE ARE FEWER OF YOU!" - Nervous laugh from Jack (probably thinking "tough crowd" as this was the first two minutes of him talking).

He spoke at length, mostly party stuff, and was almost entirely an NDP pitch.  He then opened up questions from the floor, and although the first question sounded almost staged (he used it to talk for almost 10 minutes), he picked me!  My question was inspired by Reccesoldier:

"If the NDP support the international charter of human rights, regard homosexuality as natural and are firm supporters of women's equality and rights:

Why would you advocate sharing power in Afghanistan with a radical and extremist group who have executed women for the crime of having been raped, stoned homosexuals to death, commited mass persecution of ethnic groups, and by its own declaration does not allow politics or political parties?  I am of course speaking of the Taliban.  How do you plan to share government with a group of religious extremist thugs with an agenda that refutes general elections, democracy, and non-Fundamentalist Islamic influence?"

I asked it in two parts, after he started to dodge the first part, I challenged him, but he continued to make pains avoiding it.  Good on him though, managed to avoid the grenade which I don't think he was 100% expecting, or ready for.

I spoke to him afterwards, and said while I do not disagree with everything he says, "I think you are absolutely out to lunch on Afghanistan."  Furthermore, he wasn't wearing a poppy, tsk tsk to his handlers!  "This might help your message an awful lot more."  As I took mine off, and gave it to him.  He promptly thanked me, and pinned it on his suit lapel - and his aide in the background started making excuses about one being "on his winter jacket".  I patted his shoulder and said "Good luck in the polls."  He seemed quite unsure as how to respond to it, as I didn't say it, or mean it, in an entirely friendly way.

I left, as I had another class to go to.  Pictures of him turned up on facebook almost immediately afterwards, with him wearing my poppy!  I've included it for everyone's benefit.

Great question, and I'm not surprised he totally dodged it.  Plain and simple, he doesn't have a response for it.  He's just trying to appeal to the ill-informed 'masses', who just simply want out of Afg without any thought of the consequences for the Afghan people.  It's pretty easy for him to get this part of the voting public.  Sporting the anti-Afg standpoint, and being quite well-spoken (pretty sure we can agree that he is, too bad it's all substanceless), he can still get a significant amount of votes.

Nothin like the sound of a stumped politician!  (cricket, cricket....)  Keep this up and he's going to find himself being fully dependant on his video professor series!!  ;D

IntlBr said:
Jackie Lie-tons' Post

I dont know how many people would have used such an oppotunity to attack the man, as opposed to his ideas and beliefs.
Well done, with class!

Jack who?


A fart in the wind, and a national disgrace, and yet another embarrassment to all Canadians.

One day, they will say... 'Jack who?'

You know Taliban Jack!

Cold beers,

I'm pleased as punch that I could inspire your question.  To me though, the way in which Jack answered (or didn't) is not nearly as important as the fact that everyone heard the question, and that may actually lead some people (one person even) to question.

IntlBr !!

Thanks for all of that!  If more people confronted the dumb parts
of his platform, his platform would change.

You showed class and made it clear what you are about.
You also demonstrated moral authority.

I was very uncomfortable last year when he brought up the issue
of ATM charges. ( I found myself agreeing )  I think the NDP would
do better if they stuck with the stuff they understand.


Sorry, I misread the Headline.......I thought it said Your Chance to Kill Jack Layton. My apoligies.......out.