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Your Chance To Grill Jack Layton


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I attend the University of Guelph, and Jack Layton is going to stop into one of my classes for a 50 minute Question and Answer period.

My challenge to you is, give me a question which I can grill him with!

If you could ask old man Jack one thing, what would it be?
"Do you honestly believe the shit that comes out of your mouth?"

Actually, I'd like to hear what would happen to the provinces with NDP governance if the NDP won an majority federal election.  I hear the provincial NDP are required to toe the federal line; would this represent even greater consolodation of NDP power, specifically under one moustached socialist?
"The forces we are currently fighting in Afghanistan are comprised of a mix of domestic and foreign fighters.  The foreign fighters are attempting, by use of non-discriminate attacks that often involve the killing and maiming of Afghan civilians, to impose their will in spite of the objections of the majority of people not only in Afghanistan, but also in the province of Khandahar.  What would the NDP's plan be if the CF withdrew now (eg: today)?  How would the NDP help the citizens of Khandahar?"

In other words, do not criticise their position of "Support the Troops: Bring them home", but rather "OK, the troops are home now.  Now what?"  Who knows?  He may actually have a workable plan.

EDIT: I do not believe that they actually have a plan; however, I believe that this would give Mr. Layton a chance to outline his plan, if he has one.
"Does the NDP seriously believe that the Taliban can be brought to the negotiating table for discussions and partake in the creation of a secure and peaceful environment for Afghan citizens of all religions, all sexes, etc. to govern themselves, with equality for all?"

"Do the members of the NDP, seriously believe that it would be for the betterment of all, if all NATO Forces were withdrawn from Afghanistan, leaving the people of Afghanistan to their own devices?"
"What is your idea of a viable exit strategy for our commitment to the Afghan nation and how would the NDP contribute to the success of the UN mandated mission and the democratically elected government?"

"Why is the NDP so dramatically opposed to the UN mandated mission in Afghanistan?"

"Why is it that the NDP were almost silent during the change in mission, in which the CDS and MND announced the very real possibility of casualties, prior to 2006?"

"Why do you take every opportunity to take pot shots at the troops for the mission that they were assigned?"

I could go on and on....
Mr. Layton, do you and your party believe that the Afghan people (whom we as a developed industrialized nation have a responsibility to protect) would be better off under the rule of the UN-backed, democratically elected government of Hamid Karzai or the theocratic rule of the Taliban, who have in the past conducted public beheading, hangings, and stoning to death of women who have failed to adhere to their standards of behaviour (some but not all of which include: going to school, exposing any part of their skin in public, travelling without a male relative, participating in government, and the list goes on.)  As a follow up question, if you believe that the Karzai government is better for the Afghan people, as I'm sure anyone who cares about human rights would, would you believe then that Canada, being:

a) ALREADY a key part of the process in supporting the Karzai government both nationally and in Kandahar Province,
b) a wealthy, industrialized nation who has a responsibility to protect and defend human rights of those less fortunate in the world then ourselves and
c) requested specifically by the democratically elected government (and by extension the people of Afghanistan) and by our allies in NATO to assist in protecting and rebuilding the country

has a MORAL obligation to: The Afghan people
                                        The Government of Afghanistan
                                        Our NATO allies
                                        Our own principles of democracy, human rights, and equality

to assist in rebuilding and protecting Afghanistan until it has the capability to defend itself and offer at LEAST a mediocre quality of life to it's citizens?
Noting of course that ALL parties involved, from the Karzai government, to NATO, to our own military, have stressed that we will have to keep our troops there until at LEAST 2011 for above mentioned capabilities to exist?
Yes, the question is long winded and seemingly unending.  But I'm sure he would be used to such things. He is after all a politician. :)
Ask him how the sales for his Video Professor CDs are doing.
If the NDP support the international charter of human rights, see homosexuality as natural and are firm supporters of womens equality and rights why would you ever advocate sharing power in Afghanistan with a radical group who have shot women in the head for the crime of having been raped, stoned homosexuals to death and violated every single human right known to man?
I will be more interested in what his answers to any of these questions would be. See if it would be possible to record the session for YouTube or podcasting.
"How many fingers am I holding up?"

**could always make it more funny by only putting up one, you know which one, the nasty long middle one**

P.S  All my friends who can vote, when I ask them if they will, they say its pretty much just choosing the lesser of the evils  :P
"Do you really think that we are not helping the people of Afghanistan?"
Jack - when are you going to Afghanistan? Would you personally be willing to negotiate with the Taliban?

Jack - We already know that no matter what party is elected they will screw us, so please tell us how you plan to screw us less then the others will
Some of these questions are really good.

Whichever you pick or concoct on your own, make sure that he actually ANSWERS it rather than simply using it as a springboard to go off on his own beebling tangent. If he does skip around it, DEMAND that he actually answer the question. Try something like. "so you do not object to the Taliban shooting women, beheading teachers, and preventing girls from receiving an education, then?"

I'd take something to quieten my stomach, too, were I you. Listening to that muffin for that long has got to make one puke.
Piper said:
What class and in what building/classroom? (I'm at U of Moo too). If I can (assuming your class is big enough) I'll sneak in and listen.

Could be fun.

MacDonald Hall - the only lecture hall.  2:30pm.  I still need to confirm that it is indeed this coming monday, will check WebCT and confirm by Sunday.

Again, if you plan on going, get there early - the Professor is inviting another one of her classes to attend.