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Your Body Weight

How much do you weigh?

  • 160 lbs or less

    Votes: 64 28.7%
  • 161 - 170 lbs

    Votes: 23 10.3%
  • 171 - 180 lbs

    Votes: 27 12.1%
  • 181 - 190 lbs

    Votes: 29 13.0%
  • 191 lbs or More

    Votes: 80 35.9%

  • Total voters
youravatar said:
Oh Well I'm An Ectomorph =D 120 lbs lol but wanna do it all... am i ambitious? probably; but i want to serve!   :salute:

My personal story:

I joined when I was 17, and i was 115-117lbs ish. I was in fairly decent shape though... I could benchpress more than my own body weight, run a good distance etc.

I eat alot on purpose, and try to work out enough and put on some mass because I was just simply tired of being small.
Im now 19, and im 150 and counting... the army had a big impact on me getting bigger faster.I put 12 pounds on over my first summer.

Just curious though, to you regf infantry guys, how many guys are there around my size? (Im about 5'9 - 5'10)
Not that I really care, but im looking into CT into 3ppcli or 2rcr and i wouldnt like to be the smallest guy in the history of the rcr or something =p

I'm usually 6'4" in the morning...6'2" by the end of my shift;
after lifting people in the "add all the weights of your poll together" weight class.

I can very my weight between 280-299lbs depending on the proximity of a Holiday Meal.

I had a Doctor tell me (according to the BMI) I had to drop to 215lbs, I told him to honk on bobo, since he was my size as well.  I then told him I would have to cut of one of my legs to "fit" into the BMI chart.  He finally agreed when I told him to set up a meeting with the idiots who came up with that asinine chart.  I said I would prove the existence of bone density by using my bones to crush the bones of the chart makers.
Rant Off, I still wouldn't mind dropping to 260 lbs.

Oh sorry, is this only for currently serving members of the CF?
As long as your size (large or small) doesnt inhibit you in anyway from doing your job very well... doesnt slow you down at all, it doesnt matter.

I can keep up just fine, however I still wouldnt mind another 20lbs or so to make things a tad easier ;D
The BMI chart was never designed by medical practitioners or study. IIRC, it was developed by the insurance industry as a way to increase premiums on groups they determined were at risk for heart problems. Nothing more than smoke and mirrors, as almost everyone was outside the limits of the chart, and therefore obligated to pay the higher premiums. It's a scam. It's been used, and abused, so often since, that it has become gospel in most circles, even though there is no real reasoning behind the data. It is only a tool, and a pretty useless one at that.
Agreed that the BMI is probably 'skewed'.  For all those posting their weights etc., where are you on the 20M shuttle and/or the 13K ruck? 
If you really care to find out how BMQ shapes you up, take a picture of yourself in your underwear, then take a tape measure and measure your chest and waist and thights and biceps, etc etc, and use these to see if you have firmed up any or have gained some muscle mass in those areas after your training.. Weight means virtually nothing, as others have said before.. 3 people, exact same height, could be 250lbs, one with bulky muscle (weight lifters), one with lean muscle (rock climbers, triathletes), and one with fat (couch potato!!), and they'd all look different. Long story short: go by the mirror and how things firm/tone up.
Feral said:
If you really care to find out how BMQ shapes you up, take a picture of yourself in your underwear, then take a tape measure and measure your chest and waist and thights and biceps, etc etc, and use these to see if you have firmed up any or have gained some muscle mass in those areas after your training.. Weight means virtually nothing, as others have said before.. 3 people, exact same height, could be 250lbs, one with bulky muscle (weight lifters), one with lean muscle (rock climbers, triathletes), and one with fat (couch potato!!), and they'd all look different. Long story short: go by the mirror and how things firm/tone up.

I agree, but once again, since this is a military forum, and the military are "expected" (assumed; please don't give the assuming lecture, haha) to be "in shape" (non-couch patato) I needent worry about the couch patato or what not... was just curious what the average weight of a large group of "fit" people would be!  (once again, I still do agree with your post!)
Use the shuttle run.  The weight thing doesn't mean much.  There's no BS with the SR; either your conditioned and tough or your not.  Sometimes people justify their weight by that's their 'body type'.

I've found that the leaner types struggle less with the conditioning etc.
I like to eat cheese burgers and drink 18%cream.
I think I sweat butter and my room smells like oven grease.
All in all when I am not pooping zits I like to play war games and pretend I save sexy girls I see on TV.
I like Gym Pants. But they wear out a lot in the crotch.
Gym pants and t shirts. I have nice jugs for a boy.

I'm not serving at present,although I am waiting as fast as I can to hear about my application to CIC. I'm 6'3" and I weigh about 210-215.Not too bad for a type 1 Diabetic(or,so says my Doc). :)
Girls like em cause they can play with them and not have any guilt.
mover1 said:
Girls like em cause they can play with them and not have any guilt.

I'm laughing, but I'm also disgusted at the same time. Is that wrong?
LF(CMO) said:
Agreed that the BMI is probably 'skewed'.   For all those posting their weights etc., where are you on the 20M shuttle and/or the 13K ruck?  

Last I checked, im 225-230, and got to a 6.5 on the shuttle run. nothing to write home about. Ideally id like to achive an 8. but it is certainly comforting to know that a "fat guy" could reach a 6.5 and the skinny mini girls in my class couldnt even reach a 3...... sad really that They wanted to be cops.... they couldnt even chase down corpse...

hmm... this thread reminds me that i need to start running again... I need to get in shape if i want to be able to pass the physical so i can go on pre-deployment training anytime in the near future....