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Your Beer Brand of Choice

  • Thread starter Thread starter Danny
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Try some bitters the next time you are hungover, if you can keep them down it cures whatever ails you.

Like you, Inch, I am a regional drinker but always have my Keiths IPA as a standby. For some hard stuff I like Goslings Black Seal Rum from Bermuda, that stuff is magic.

I am also a fan of gin and tonic, nice, crisp summer like drink.
ToRN said:
same here in Ontario

Bud is brewed by Molson, and since keith's is not brewed in Ontario, only in NS, it is more expensive to 'import', so they charge you more.

Actually Bud is brewed by Labbatt here in Canada. Bud is the most popular beer in Canada, although Molson will say its Canadian.
Fuller's London Porter, North Coast Brewing Imperial Stout, O' Hanlon's Original Port Stout or Young's Double Chocolate Stout.  If I have to choose a Canadian beer, McAuslan's St. Ambrose Oatmeal Stout.
I am starting to develop a great liking for Great Western Bitter. Nice full bodied bitter with  nutty Finnish.
Kokanee, Coors Light(dont like keiths or ex, and thos are my only choices in the mess)

most hated, i dont much like keiths or guiness or anything like that. oh and almost all american beer

actually i remember a micro brewery in Nelson BC that used to be pretty good, it as called NBC, Nelson Brewery COmpnay, dont know if it still exists, but it was pretty good.
The only time you will ever tell a girl to 'take your hand off my heiny'!!!... go green grenade go, Heiniken KICKS ASS
moose for sure.. it was the beer of choice for every drinking game at any friend's party... it worked well because it went down easier than most beers.  :blotto:
Anyone ever come across any non-alcoholic beer that actually tasted decent?  :-X i sure haven't though
never tried the no-alc stuff, doesn't look particularly appetising.

where I work, we ship the stuff along with everything else to the supermarkets, and I pack it maybe once a week, and it's only a case at a time as opposed to 10-20 cases of say, Ginger ale.
Beer: Budweiser and Coors for General Purpose Drinking, bear in mind that these are the Canadian-brewed versions, and not the pissy American versions. For a good refreshing Canadian beer, I personally am a fan of Sleeman Honey Brown and Sleeman Cream Ale. I also quite like Rickard's Red. Keith's isn't bad at all either. I find Blue and Canadian to be both over-rated. For Euro-beers, there's a fairly large variety, depending if I want a Stout, a Pilsner, an Ale, etc. Stella Artois isn't bad at all.

Don't smoke,never have.   Don't drink beer any more,now its bourban or tequilla or the odd vodka martini and red wine
Moosehead - Main beer of choice.

Old Mil - Tall cans make for a good time shotgunning.
Beer wise, I like the straightforward, classoc, "Export," if we're talking about generic beers. For more specific/harder to find ones, i like the Quebecois brewery, Unibroue...they make some fine, and very unique, products.
You can't go wrong with a good single malt; if I'm   drinking beer it has to be Pilsner. SASKATCHEWAN GOLD!!!!! There is   nother finer than an ice cold Pil, although most people here in Edmonton would probably disagree . . . Philistines.
