You would remember to press the mouth piece against your chest, before pushing the pressel switch, when Control came over the air with "Tune antennaes". Of course that was after you swung the needle and locked the knob.
Sending the noob for a can of zero beats for the 510 set.
Knowing that the spare tire bin on the Ferret only held 22 cans of beer and you and the driver would have to drink those two leftovers before heading out.
Competitions to see which team could set up a Marquis tent the fastest.
Troop rest areas in the 'buttons'
Cleaning the suspension on the Centurion before they put the new wash rack by the R&G club in Lahr.
Seeing a 105mm HESH standing nose first in the amnesty box at the ammo compound (across from the wash rack)
When you get the Sqn's newest tank and it's two years older than you (51-81355)