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You know the army is getting into your brain when...

When both of my brothers (5&10) Can recite drill movements, foot calling AND timing, for several programs (EG, Competitions). Kinda sad...

The kiddos on my bus can call timing for 'By the left, quick march'. AND they can do it well too....

ALL THIS along with brining a length of rope to my grad and tying knots the whole time, ending up with a monkey's fist. (Which I later use to beat off the kid who's been after me all year...)
Hammer Sandwich said:

I sez, pardon?!?

C'mon.. it's an executive command for the band e.g., "Band! Beat.... Off!".

I knew I loved the army for more than one reason.  :nod:
Hammer Sandwich said:

I sez, pardon?!?

Haha, chasing me all year. Tried to hold my hand going down the stairs (Wearing my Parade boots, to boot). So, I wacked him over the head. :D Not too hard.
daftandbarmy said:
C'mon.. it's an executive command for the band e.g., "Band! Beat.... Off!".

I knew I loved the army for more than one reason.  :nod:

Sadly, I used to have to suppress giggles when anyone said anything about DUTY.
"It's not just your DUTY.....it's your buddy's DUTY...Hell.....it's everyone's DUTY!"
(as in "doodie")
After a couple of months of the other folks in my section wondering what I was giggling about, I filled 'em in.
Then they tittered as well.

Yep...a poop joke, that's how mature I am.

edit for poor English & proofreading
RemembranceDay said:
Haha, chasing me all year. Tried to hold my hand going down the stairs (Wearing my Parade boots, to boot). So, I wacked him over the head. :D Not too hard.

Oh...OK, then........

Jeez, I hope my kid smacks any boy that tries to hold her hand!
Ham, your daughter is too dang precious!

It gets better.

Your whole home-room class jumps to attention when you yell 'ROOM!' as the teacher walks in. Oddly enough, no one complains.

It's been a whole year. They finally know how to salute proper with the right hand. God...
RemembranceDay said:
Ham, your daughter is too dang precious!

It gets better.

Your whole home-room class jumps to attention when you yell 'ROOM!' as the teacher walks in. Oddly enough, no one complains.

It's been a whole year. They finally know how to salute proper with the right hand. God...

Palm down, or palm out?
You know the army is getting into your brain when... 
Stacked said:
Are we still talking about the executive command?

Anything and everything can be turned into a poop and or sex joke.
When you read the 201 as entertainment and constantly comes up with new ways to teach drill lessons, as a result of being in cadets too long.
Cui said:
When you read the 201 as entertainment and constantly comes up with new ways to teach drill lessons, as a result of being in cadets too long.

You read the RC(Sea)CC Drill Handbook from cover to cover, and when your CO finds out, being able to do every move to perfection. That is because you read it over 15 times. That's me. SO BORED!!!
RTFM is very good advice for almost any endeavour, even drill.

Of course, being able to understand it, is another issue.
daftandbarmy said:
Excellent. My preferred phrase is 'Down Ramp, Out Troops!'. At least they'll be checked out in case we need to go on holiday by Landing Craft.
"Dismount, Dismount, Dismount!" and they all know what I mean. Now if we have company in the veh with us (kids friends etc.) I do get some weird looks.
When you're co-driving a civvy vehicle and you constantly info your driver "Clear on the right"....and they understand.

Jim Seggie said:
When you're co-driving a civvy vehicle and you constantly info your driver "Clear on the right"....and they understand.

Hear hear!
Hammer Sandwich said:
-You end any explanation or instruction with the words, "DO THIS NOW".

I do that with my kids who are 5 and 7 but I think they like it. Their Mom rambles on and on and they look at her like stunned monkeys when she gives them instructions.

-You get pissed when you see a guy wearing a hat in a restaurant.

I HATE that. Drives me nuts.

If it was a joint where the seats are bolted to the floor, I wouldn't worry about it too much. Otherwise, just say, "You got a bee ona you hat!":

Jim Seggie said:
When you're co-driving a civvy vehicle and you constantly info your driver "Clear on the right"....and they understand.

Understand. Check for myself. Especially on a red.
Talking to a (female) senior partner in a law firm today and in reply to one of her comments I said "Roger that". She gave me an odd look.
daftandbarmy said:
Talking to a (female) senior partner in a law firm today and in reply to one of her comments I said "Roger that". She gave me an odd look.

As an anecdote to that: AKA (this one time @ band camp)
I got a new boss @ work.
His intro to me was me performing necessary first-aid on a lady who fell down the stairs.

I was rolling on gauze, and we walked up to me, looked me over...

"Y'ever been in the ARMY?"



He just walked away....

Found out later he was a 1CER guy from the late 70's early 80's.

It's kinda strange how one can spot another.........
Over at a wife's friend's place. They have a long, raised front porch, probably 3 feet off the ground. Inside with a beer while my 2 kids are outside playing with her kid. All three kids are running down the deck, leaping off the end and screaming 'AIRRRRRBORRRRNNNEEE!!!!!'. First born male child is drawing what appears to be an imaginary circle of some kind on the front of his shirt, with his index finger, each time before he leaps off - must be his personal airborne insignia or something. The women start fussing and tell me to do something about it all. I go out, they stop, look at me and I say 'remember kids, feet and knees together' and I go back inside.

I realize that my work here is done and I can now go happily to the big DZ RV in the sky at anytime.
