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York U: Flower Power, Pray for Peace!

Cpl.Banks(Cdt.) said:
Gen. Hillier after his recent aprearence at this very same university.

Ah yes!! I drove by same un-named University in my taxi this morning as I went to airport after attending NDHQ Op Clothing conference...felt the overwhelming urge to roll down my window and spit on it's sign, but alas the "lady" in me prevailed.  :'(
That unnamed university has in the recent past had the distinction of being rated Canada's worst university in MacLean's magazine's survey.
This kind of crap sickens me.

I really doubt that the York Federation of Students (YFS) president Omari Mason or Ahmed Habib the vice-president equity for the YFS  or Dan Freeman-Maloy or any members of his renowned and forward thinking (yes I'm having a laugh) GrassRoots Anti-Imperialist Network (GRAIN) really reflect the student population at large. 

Once again a few uninformed louts are aloud time after time to cross the line and spew hate filled and harmfull rubbish, seemingly with impunity.

At this time this old ditty comes to mind:

"It's the Soldier, not the reporter, who has given us freedom of the press.

It's the Soldier, not the poet, who has given us freedom of speech.

It's the Soldier, not the campus organizer, who has given us freedom to demonstrate.

It's the Soldier, not the lawyer, who has given us the right to a fair trail.

And it's the Soldier who salutes the flag, who serves the flag, whose coffin is draped in the flag,

that allows the protester to burn the flag"

As far as I'm concerned the likes of omari, ahmed or dan and the rest of his comrades who seemingly hate everything we stand for don't like it well they can exist stage left and move to say the likes of Iran etc, known bastions of free speech and human rights.

Oh yeah....AIRBORNE-Chimo-Ubique

As far as I'm concerned the likes of omari, ahmed or dan and the rest of his comrades who seemingly hate everything we stand for don't like it well they can exist stage left and move to say the likes of Iran etc, known bastions of free speech and human rights.

It would be interesting to see who, if anyone, are behind them...?!
From the GRAIN web site.

"2. We reject all forms and systems of domination and discrimination including, but not limited to, patriarchy, racism and religious fundamentalism of all creeds."

All forms of discrimination. Interesting.
Zarathustra said:
From the GRAIN web site.

"2. We reject all forms and systems of domination and discrimination including, but not limited to, patriarchy, racism and religious fundamentalism of all creeds."

All forms of discrimination. Interesting.
yes, but you have to remember that when they discriminate, it's not really discrimination.  ::)
What i don't understand is why "protest" against something like having military recruiters come to a CAREER fair.....how about you just walk by that booth & carry on with the rest of the fair? Does anyone really care what these people have to say? Let them carry on in their own "teeny" universe/world & let us carry on with ours. Some people just like to hear the clang of their own voices to make THEM feel better.

Our time is better spent on other topics & not wasted trying to "figure" these crazy f*&$kers out!!  :salute:
swanita said:
Our time is better spent on other topics & not wasted trying to "figure" these crazy f*&$kers out!!  
there's the beauty of being a barely literate, uneducated, hill-billy, red neck from backwoods Alberta. I don't have to figger anythin' out, 'bout anybody. Spit Skoal in the eye, punch in throat, go find coffee.
paracowboy said:
there's the beauty of being a barely literate, uneducated, hill-billy, red neck from backwoods Alberta. I don't have to figger anythin' out, 'bout anybody. Spit Skoal in the eye, punch in throat, go find coffee.

In giant pickup truck, with gun rack and pegasus sticker, and ruck on passenger seat.
swanita said:
What i don't understand is why "protest" against something like having military recruiters come to a CAREER fair.....how about you just walk by that booth & carry on with the rest of the fair? Does anyone really care what these people have to say? Let them carry on in their own "teeny" universe/world & let us carry on with ours. Some people just like to hear the clang of their own voices to make THEM feel better.

Our time is better spent on other topics & not wasted trying to "figure" these crazy f*&$kers out!!   :salute:

Because they are bored, and like to see there names in the student paper.  Problem is they DON"T WANT to just walk by the CF booth, and by them causing a scene it bring attention to their "causes", and word spreads to other Universities, that the CF will just go away if you make a stink.  And the CF is stuck in between a rock and hard place cause, obviously if the recruiters at these career fairs started get mouthy back it makes us look bad and plays right into them.  If the CF pushes hard to be included in these when the organizers say no, these dinks pick up on that and play it up to there advantage (Army pigs try to bully their way onto campus, to "educate" the students about the way these fasists....).

When the military recruiters are at a university, are they wearing combats or their dress uniform?
"there's the beauty of being a barely literate, uneducated, hill-billy, red neck from backwoods Alberta. I don't have to figger anythin' out, 'bout anybody. Spit Skoal in the eye, punch in throat, go find coffee."

"In giant pickup truck, with gun rack and pegasus sticker, and ruck on passenger seat."

- Not a lot of "Easy Rider Rifle Racks" to be seen around these parts.  'Course, they ain't much use when most of your firepower is BURIED.


nationalised said:
When the military recruiters are at a university, are they wearing combats or their dress uniform?

Depends on who the recruiters are working for.  I went to the National Job Fair at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre, it was 32CBG running the booth and we all wore combats.  I was told (I am not sure of the accuracy of this info, but my experience at job fairs seems to indicate this is the case) that DEU is only worn by CFRC recruiters, or boths run by a CFRC.  Any other time it is combats.
nationalised said:
When the military recruiters are at a university, are they wearing combats or their dress uniform?

I've seen both.

TCBF said:
"Not a lot of "Easy Rider Rifle Racks" to be seen around these parts.   'Course, they ain't much use when most of your firepower is BURIED.



But what use is buried firepower when the black helicopters come??  ;D
"But what use is buried firepower when the black helicopters come??"

-Ya gotta read more Mao.



Hmm after reading most of the post's what came to my mind were the words of Edward R. Murrow back in the Joe McCarthy era.
"Don't' mistake dissent with disloyalty"
Great topic....

First a question: What the heck does NBSP mean? I've seen it in a few places and can't figure it out.

Now that that's off my chest.....I must state that I have a major issue with the fact that the 'education' of these clowns is subsidized by up to 80% of the actual cost by my (and your) tax dollars. It is with incredulous disbelief when I hear (every year at about this time) student 'leaders', just like the ones leading this protest, snivel and whine about the cost of education, and the hardships they endure trying to make ends meet. If they only had to pay the true cost, and not have my tax dollar fund their useless (for the real world) arts degree that will eventually lead to a teaching job where they can produce more of their same ilk.

That said, the protest quite suprises me. I believe the reputation of the CF among Canadians, and the approval ratings, are at historically high levels. Having been out for almost a decade, I hear nothing but praise for the CF and its members (not so much for the equipment). I remember well the early 80's and the infamous 100,000 person 'peace' marches in Vancouver. That was a time when the CF was being attacked from all sides.

Although this story grates at my nerves, the views presented represent a fraction of 1% of the populace...at least out here in Alberta. Now, to have only been there to engage them in intelligent debate.....    
