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Year of the Veteran Commercial

the 48th regulator

Army.ca Fixture
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Hello Troops,

Well a little bit of fun that I had has turned into art.....

I participated in a commercial with some veterans from my Regiment, and others from our great military.

The Royal Canadian mint has released a coin in honour of "The Year of the Veteran" and produced a commercial.  It was a long day yet fun to do, best of all there are a load of clips of the Highland laddies! We had three representing the Regimental Family! WW2 (Herb Pike, and he was the main character you will se him at the start) Korea (Doug Chappell) and Myself....

I have added a link to the commercial, that you can also find at the Mint's Site.

Also, below is the still of the only shot you will see of me.  I am the blurry guy in the back ground with the Glengarry on,  no blue beret, regimental all the way.  But I guess if I did, maybe I would not have been so blurred...ah that is for another story hammy hamster..


Better late than never, I just got my YOTV pin for my uniform.  With 2.5 months left in the year....figured I better have it for REmemberance Day....congrats on the TV commercial, looks great!
Yeah I saw the commercial a day or so ago, I was kinda stoked to see Mr. Pike representing the regiment, isn't he on the coin as well?  I will keep an eye out for ya Tess next time I see it. :salute:
I saw it on the big screen.

I see you went Regimental, couldn't tell from the computer version.

Good work
Is it me ??? or why is the " peacekeeper" that is walking beside Mr. Pike :salute: wearing a peacekeeper beret ??? I do not see a UN medal on her uniform. Do they count NATO tours IE Germany or Alert as a peacekeeping Tour???? could some one straighten me out.
Hill677 said:
Is it me ??? or why is the " peacekeeper" that is walking beside Mr. Pike :salute: wearing a peacekeeper beret ??? I do not see a UN medal on her uniform. Do they count NATO tours IE Germany or Alert as a peacekeeping Tour???? could some one straighten me out.

whoa there boy,

She did serve, here is a little about her;


A lot of assumption on your part, with that "Keen Observation", and this ain't a flame thread either.

Hope that straightens you out  :tsktsk:



Hill677 said:
Is it me ??? or why is the " peacekeeper" that is walking beside Mr. Pike :salute: wearing a peacekeeper beret ??? I do not see a UN medal on her uniform. Do they count NATO tours IE Germany or Alert as a peacekeeping Tour???? could some one straighten me out.

The one wearing the dangley earrings?
Why are all our vets appearing in Blue Berets though? What is wrong with their uniforms? Why can't we attach Canadian significance to our accomplishments, instead of giving the credit to the UN?

In addition to that, it reeks of social engineering to me that females figure so prominently in all of our publicity campaigns, given the small percentage of female involvement in deployed units.

At least they picked a hot one this time though!
Ms/Mrs Mondou rubbed me the wrong way (for the reasons mentioned by others: dangly earrings, blue beret, etc) and the link provided did little to make me feel any more warm and fuzzy about her appearing in the commercial. The write-up indicates she: 
As a Canadian forces officer working for NATO in West Germany, Mondou successfully developed the strategy for deployment of the largest United Nations Peacekeeping contingent in Canadian history into former Yugoslaviaâ “while under fire and in just ten days!
So...... if she was posted to Germany, and was "under fire", she would have received the SSM and the UNPROFOR medal, entitling her to the CPSM. That would make for 3 medals, not 2. I haven't watched the commercial lately, but I'm 99% certain she had 2 medals on her coat (at first I thought she was still serving, hence my disgust at the earrings, but clued in after a few viewings that she is retired).

Personally, I also wish it wouldn't have focussed on the blue-beret aspect, or even peacekeeping in general, but someone who has done a fair variety of the whole thing: Op Apollo and/or Athena, Balkans time (UN and NATO), maybe Africa and Middle-East. That's just an Army guys opinion though: the other 99.9% of the Canadian populace will just think: Wow, she's just as much a veteran as the old guy!!

And before I weigh in with the whole veteran issue, I will go cool off, and punch my teddy-bear a few times to relax.....


Edit: Just downloaded and played the clip. My keen recce eye can't make out what the second medal is, but the first one is the SSM. Anyway, it still bugs me, but due to the political correctness-brigade, they would have had to put a female on the coin. That being said, I'm sure they could have found a serving (or even retired) female member that has a larger "rack" (no sexual connotations implied....). But what do I know about these things.......
Personally, I also wish it wouldn't have focussed on the blue-beret aspect, or even peacekeeping in general, but someone who has done a fair variety of the whole thing: Op Apollo and/or Athena, Balkans time (UN and NATO), maybe Africa and Middle-East. That's just an Army guys opinion though: the other 99.9% of the Canadian populace will just think: Wow, she's just as much a veteran as the old guy!!

OK stop the eff right there....

I served with the UN, '94 FRY,  I am in the Same regiment as the "Old Guy"  I held the same rank as the "Old Guy",  I am not a vet? 

This is truly sad man, hey I agree, the U.N was only a small part of my career, hence why I wore my regimental attire (glengarry) but lets take it easy on the freaking pot shots regarding what is a vet mate.



I think this ad is a step in the right direction. Finally, there is recognition that there are modern veterans. I have utmost respect for those who served in the big wars and they deserve all the accolades we can give them. However, I truly think the post Korea vets of various stripes have gone unrecognized in the public eye far too long. Details notwithstanding, the direction the ad is going in is a good one.

Allan Luomala said:
Ms/Mrs Mondou rubbed me the wrong way (for the reasons mentioned by others: dangly earrings, blue beret, etc) and the link provided did little to make me feel any more warm and fuzzy about her appearing in the commercial.

You know, I have to agree with Al on this one. Right from the first time I say the commercial, I thought something was off...and indeed it was, she is only wearing the 2 medals, not in uniform, etc....

There is no requirement to discuss the term "veteran". Any of us who has served, wearing the name or flag of our country on our shoulder, are veterans. Regardless of where or of how long....End of story.

Al, the medals are: SSM and CPSM.

....SO she helped to plan the insertion of Canadian peacekeeping troops to Yugoslavia from bases in Germany, does that mean she is any more or better then those officers who supported OP Apollo from Tampa Fl?

is her service any less?

There is no requirement to discuss the term "veteran". Any of us who has served, wearing the name or flag of our country on our shoulder, are veterans. Regardless of where or of how long....End of story.

So you agree then, that she is a vet, and rightfully desrves to be there?

Sorry, you lost me brother.


Sorry, me too....... and remember, this is the MINT, bastion of the reigning party. :'(
But them dangly earrings, you would think someone would have picked up on that before they shot the scene and spent big bucks editing it with music and voice overs.    My wife on the other hand thought they would look nice with cocktail dress.
Allan Luomala said:
(at first I thought she was still serving, hence my disgust at the earrings, but clued in after a few viewings that she is retired).

Was she in uniform?  If so, it doesn't matter what era the uniform is from - dangly earrings have never been permitted with uniform.

Was she in civviies?  If so, then what is the big deal about wearing earrings?
:sniper: Get your Helmets on.....Its a Logistic Officer to the rescue... :soldier: The two medal she is wear are, the SSM for her time in Germany and the other is the CPSM..Funny thing Germany does not qualify for the CPSM ( http://www.forces.gc.ca/dhh/downloads/honours/cpsm_noneligible.pdf ) it falls into the " Non- Eligible Missions " ..Because they do not meet the the approved definition of "PeaceKeeping ".... So why the UN Beret ????..It sounds like from her little video that she did spend some time in Croatia ..hence her "10 days.. under fire "  To receive the UNPROFOR medal you need "ELIGIBILITY & CRITERIA -- Awarded for 90 days consecutive service from 01 March 1992 to 19 December 1995." SO take Off the blue Beret....

She served with Gen Mac's HQ...

Some of us were at the shoot, and I think we were able to see the real ones from the Walts....

WTF people, get a grip and go to radio chatter if you are friggin' bored...



:threat: :skull: :salute: :soldier:


and all that...
Forget it Tess - not worth getting uptight over.

Like my Grandmother says "What would you expect from a pig, but a grunt?"  If someone made a post about marshmallows, there'd be 50 people post why their opinion was wrong.

Friggin A guys - One of ours was in a commercial, which is cool. Get over yourselves