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Year of the Veteran & commemorative pin to be worn by all CF pers

Whats your opinion of the " Year of the Veteran Pin worn by CF pers"

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I was given mine 90 minutes ago. I will see if the RSM has an extra, and PM you if I get one.
Although I understand where some of the sentiments are coming from I just can't help but wonder why to some here it is as if the world is coming to an end.  We have a long and "glorious" tradition of wearing items to pay honour to individuals or groups (125 and QGJ), we receive honours which we can wear for good service to our community (anyone actually read the MMM and OMM citations?), for good service over a period of time (CD), some take great pride in wearing "uniform" articles which were bestowed in the past for brave deeds, exemplary service etc etc.  The way I look at it, if someone can wear a LFC Commendation for raising money for charity then putting this up for awhile to honour our veterans is the least I can do.  Does it look cheap?  Not sure, haven't seen one in person.  Was it poorly implemented, oh yeah, undoubtedly.  Should it be getting peoiple's knickers in this big of a knot, I don't think so.  Besides, IIRC Dress Regs are issued on the authority of the CDS so if he said we all had to wear ballet slippers in honour of World Ballet Appreciation Day, then so be it.

With that said, I think I'll find a friend and head out to the ballet for a cold one.
Michael Dorosh said:
Nice strawman.
Indeed.  Glad you couldn't resist the opportunity to post such a stimulating comment, anything else?
MP 00161 said:
Indeed.  Glad you couldn't resist the opportunity to post such a stimulating comment, anything else?

There was nothing else in your post worthy of a response.  Hope you enjoyed the ballet.
Michael Dorosh said:
There was nothing else in your post worthy of a response.   Hope you enjoyed the ballet.

Yet another illustration on why some people here figure the only opinion you're interested in is your own.  Next time, if you'd like to make a patronizing remark simply to belittle someone's thoughts, you might want to do it via PM unless the whole point is to show the world that you can actually use "strawman" in a sentence.  Have a nice day.
MP 00161 said:
Yet another illustration on why some people here figure the only opinion you're interested in is your own.  Next time, if you'd like to make a patronizing remark simply to belittle someone's thoughts, you might want to do it via PM unless the whole point is to show the world that you can actually use "strawman" in a sentence.  Have a nice day.

Nonsense, your thoughts deserved belittling.  You stated that people here "think the world is coming to an end" - in other words, are suggesting that some posters are hysterical.  I see no evidence of that.  So you're building a case against a faulty proposition.  A strawman.  No one here suggested the fabric of time and space would be permanently altered, they said it was an idea they don't agree with for valid reasons.  Writing these reasons off as hysteria is inaccurate and insulting, and really poor form in any civilized discussion area.  If you don't see that, it's unfortunate.  If you don't want to be patronized, that's fine, but you weren't being patronized.  You were called on being patronizing to others. 
any way its the year of the veteran and the day is soon apon us to celabrate the fact . ou there on the west coast we still aint got the pins and some of us are those veterans that we are supporting any other places like this?
Say again words twice...?

{edit] NM, think i got it now. So, you are saying that in Edm there are no pins?, and you're a vet in which you have no pin to celebrate yourself???[/edit]
you got it darned stubby fingers i need a typeing wand . well i want them not only to celabrate my self but my froends who have gotten out and have passed away on op or back here in canada,
What axeman said (even if he was a tad hard to understand). Me too. It's not just the old guys, but many of my current aquaintences. Kinda like a nod and a wink when we see each other.
I think I agree with axeman here. When I'm gone out of the service, I'd like it if somebody took a moment to think about what me and all the other thousands of Canadians who have passed through (or passed on...) the military since 1974 did for their country, be it ever so small compared to the deeds of the vets of WWI, WWII and Korea. On that basis, I support the YOTV pin 100%. I am wearing mine proudly: yesterday I attended the YOTV/VE Day ceremonies at the Legislature and Union Station here in Winnipeg, and I was reminded why the pin is important.

Was the issue of the pin mismanaged? Yes, IMHO it was. For some reason we are becoming unable to distribute mass awards without turning the effort into an embarassing shambles that irritates half the service: the Jubilee ribbon was a perfect example.  But, that aside, administrative incompetence does not IMHO cheapen the meaning of the pin.

The only thing I fear (and perhaps it is a pointless fear about the sky falling/world ending/millenium approaching, etc...) is that we may now find ourselves "expected" to tote all manner of pins, ribbons, badges, etc for every "PC" flavour-of-the day campaign under the sun, just as we now half mast our flags every other day.

I have mixed feelings on it.  Though I agree with some that say that World War/Korea Veterans are appreciated by all CF members, and keeping that in mind I suppose this money could have been put into something a little more appropriate due to the monitary needs of several areas of the Forces.  However I suppose when you get down to it, it probobly only cost a few cents per member to get these pins, and it is more than certain that all those men deserve that at least so lets just wear the pins and tangibly show our appreciation, even though it was always there.  :)
Ho Humm... Its May12th and I still haven't been issued a pin yet...How are we supposed to commemorate the Year of the Veteran with a pin if it is received almost have way through the year??
I approve 100%, as anything to recognise our veterans, and the sacrifice the lives of 45,000 Canadians not so long ago is a good thing.

They are in their late 70's and 80's now, and one day sooner than later, these living Canadian treasures will all be gone.


I can only speak from a personal experience, but to answer the question "is the pin important?", its importance was highlighted to me through contact with Korea War veterans on their revisit 3 weeks ago.  I was at Pusan having the privilege of attending the UN ceremony with the Commonwealth Vets and a fine old Canadian gentlemen came up to me and proceeded to tell me that I was out of dress.  (Him being a Royal, and me a Patricia you can image my first gut instinct).  He then took his pin off his uniform and pinned it on mine.  Like most others here, I had read of this pin but it hasn't been issued yet.

We then together walked through the cemetary visiting the fallen Canadians from the War.  I helped him find people he had known and take pictures of others' resting places so that he could take it back to Canada.  We then moved up to Kapyong and conducted the ceremony there with the rest of the Commonwealth participants.

To him it was important enough to give to me.  To me it is now highly significant.
Michael Dorosh said:
I wear brass oak leaf shoulder titles - one of only two Canadian regiments in history to be awarded such an honour -

Very interesting and distinctive, what is the other Regiment and for what action?
