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WOW! 10, 000 posts for George Wallace

OK - George is at 9,953 meaning he has 47 to go............... He averages 8.7 posts per day........ At that rate he should hit 10,000 in the next five days making Mar. 16 the big day, but he's been slacking lately........... I'm going to stick to my original Mar. 24.  

Good to see quick responses on this. The people of Army.ca are behind you George!  ;D
reccecrewman: It seems you and I think on the same level...I just don't know what happen to me.

OK.....to be fair to everyone, my postings for the near future will not be my 'norm'.  I will be 'otherwise employed' for the next twelve days.  So.........your guess will be as good as mine as to how many posts I will be able to make........and now I have one less... ;)
reccecrewman: It seems you and I think on the same level...I just don't know what happen to me.

You CT'd to the Regs - Dontcha know you automatically forfeit 20 IQ points?  ;D  Either that or I'm getting smarter............  ;)
reccecrewman said:
You CT'd to the Regs - Dontcha know you automatically forfeit 20 IQ points?  ;D  Either that or I'm getting smarter............  ;)

As a reg force member, I'm pretty sure that's insulting.


Can someone please explain this to me?
reccecrewman said:
You CT'd to the Regs - Dontcha know you automatically forfeit 20 IQ points?  ;D  Either that or I'm getting smarter............  ;)

I don't know...I am kind of feeling it. But the pay is worth it. No more course reports for me to write.

As a reg force member, I'm pretty sure that's insulting.


Can someone please explain this to me?

Shamrock - It was a slight at the Reg Force. TN2IC had been trying for a while to CT and he finally got it last November I believe.  I am Reg Force and I'm one of those people who doesn't go for the Reserve/Reg BS of who is better, so I often make light of it. You know, if you can't laugh at yourself........... It was a joke - apologize if you took genuine offence.  ;)

*Steers the truck back on topic*
Must be from all the "advice" he gives to new members who haven't read all the links he supplies :)
Good on ya Mr. Wallace...make it March 17th and we'll all drink Guinness or Harp in your honor!
reccecrewman said:
Shamrock - It was a slight at the Reg Force. TN2IC had been trying for a while to CT and he finally got it last November I believe.  I am Reg Force and I'm one of those people who doesn't go for the Reserve/Reg BS of who is better, so I often make light of it. You know, if you can't laugh at yourself........... It was a joke - apologize if you took genuine offence.  ;)

George... you got a few more days b'y. Make me proud.

Of course he can do it :).

But let's not hurry here, George. You are elsewhere need
for 11 days, so take your time  :D .
Someone should start trolling the Armour Board... ;D That'll give him (George) something to do. [/sarcasm]
Yea, the Centurion sucks, the Leo should be scrapped and Lynx were gay!!! Bring back the M4E8!!!!

That should be good for 15 or so posts…….