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Would you enlist in the US Marines if it were open to Canadians?


  • YES

    Votes: 89 56.3%
  • NO

    Votes: 48 30.4%
  • Only if I could not get into the CF

    Votes: 21 13.3%

  • Total voters
What if one's vision of the "big picture" differs with current policy?  We had Americans join our forces in two world wars because their's wasn't going just yet.  If a Canadian believed that the real front line of our defence was in Iraq, or Syria, why should he not join the US forces? 

Americans also went and fought in the Spanish civil war even though their government would not, which had it been won by the republicans would have changed WW2 for the better (correct me if I'm wrong that's what I've always thought) if only we had interceded there when we could have. (Monday morning quarterback)

Alternately if we believe that our generation's war is in Iraq and our own government won't (or can't) send us there, are we supposed to simply accept the fact that while our cousins to the south die for something we believe in. 10 years from now we'll have to say that we did nothing because our government was opposed, and did nothing when we could have actually done something?

Your right though shelldrake, if someone wants to be like the guys on tv they really have no business leaving and the majority of responses seem to say that even the youth, those wasted healthy bodies and organs (the ones who probably will make it in) would stay.

Simply saying Yes, or no, doesn't really do it for this question I suppose.
In my case, it would really depend on the current political atmosphere of the world, more particularily - the United States.

Overall, I would have to say no - I'm Canadian, through and through.  Like TCBF said, the proudest part of my uniform (Back when I was in one) - was the word CANADA on my shoulders.  Canadian soldiers have a stellar reputation throughout the world as being polite, and extremely effective.  Too bad the Canadian media turns around and does such a negative number on the CF, reporting the negative but not the positive.  Ah well, isn't that always the case these days?

Back on topic - if I were to join the US Marines, it would have to be for a purpose I completely believed in - and the only organization in which I could seize the opportunity.  I would have to have complete, total faith in the political and military leadership of the United States, and be able to rest assured that should I be ordered to fight and kill - it would be to make this world a better place, not to further the political agenda of the United States unilaterally.

In today's world, I would say no to joining the US Marines.  They are a proud organization, and they have earned respect throughout all corners of the world.  However, I do not have confidence in the honesty and integrity of the US political or military leadership - in my mind, today's America is much different than the America of olden days.  I would not join the US Marines in today's world.  The ONLY way I would join a foreign military force is if I believed their fight to be noble and necessary to the improvement of the world as a whole.  And in today's world, that list of countries does not include the US.

(I'm not anti-American, for those of you waiting in the shadows to pounce on this response and chew into me.  Just being honest - I'm proud to be Canadian, and it would take a noble fight to get me to join a foreign military service).
S. Baker, the Great Silent Majority of Canadians are with you.  There is not a single Cdn Doctor, Nurse, or Bricklayer working in the US - or who would like to be - who would deny a Cdn Tk Comd or Herc Pilot the ability to also work in the US.

This may change.  I am 50, with 28 years Regular, so a bit late for me, but I think in five years or so, the young folks may have another option.

Does anyone know of any political movements aimed at working on this?
This would be a hot potato on both sides of the border. 

Following WW2 right up to the 1970s, most Cdns stopped caring about the military. Sad, but true. Many of us can do a lot more by helping America by being south of the border. For those of us who have made this decision, there's nothing to justify. Besides, there are a lot more gigs in the close protection and security field.
I would only join if a war was going on that effect me. Why join a foreign military? What is the point? Joining your own military is fine because you might feel defending your country is a great honor but i dont see why you would want to join a foreign military unless you really want to shoot people.
It is a personal decision, and I reckon its up to the individual for such a giant leap in repsonsibility, and changing one's allegance to a new land and government. I did it,( and not for the reason the CLOWN in the above post says either) but down here, not up in the north, and my allegance is now to Australia, and everything it stands for, but I NEVER forget where I come from and what that stands for too, but my heart and mind is now here, and has been for some time. I still love Canada very much, its my homeland and where I grew up, but thats as far as it goes now.

If someone is up to living the adventure to go off and join a foreign county's Defence Force, all the power to them,   but living the dream, might not be what you thought it would be.

Its not an easy decision to make, and if I have any regrets, I should have come out here when I was 21, not 35.

Do what ya gotta do, but think of both the pros and cons of going south. The USMC is a proud and great organistaion to be in, and remember this once a Marine, always an Marine, there is no such thing as an ex-Marine, but there are former Marines.

I knew a bloke Geoff Cook, from the Camerons (CPL) out of the 'Peg, back in the early 80's he went to the USMC, and I beleive he did at least 5 yrs, but I lost contact with him. He had always talked about doing it, and ole Grandma' as we called him, bloody well did it, and it was not easy, and good on him for giving it a go.


USSRsovietsnake said:
but i dont see why you would want to join a foreign military unless you really want to shoot people.

I was not even going respond to such crap, but I cannot help myself, as being a foreigner serving in another country's Defence Force.

With an attitude and brain capacity like you appear to have, I am sure you'll go far in life. I suggest you ammend your post before you get eaten alive on here, and loose any respect you have left.

Being new, you should now better.

Take a moment or three to see what nonsense you have actually wrote.

Shaking head,

Would it make you happy if i said i wouldn't join? Maybe i could have worded it differently but who knew you would take offense. Also don't attack my character since i wasn't the one who seems to be angry over an internet post. Ill agree with Just a Sig op and Bloggins for lack of a better statement.
Read your post PAL, and I don't give a fat rats arse if you join or don't. What gets me is your comment at the end of your post. You are the one who is preaching anyone who joins a foreign DF wants to shoot people, thats pretty stupid, and I take GREAT offence to it!

End of lesson SON.
"I didnt say everyone who joins a foregn military wants to shoot people,I said" i dont see why you would want to join a foreign military unless you really want to shoot people." which is more or less sarcastic.
Either way, the wording is improper, and I took it as it is read. There was nothing in your post about sarcasim. Don't go on waffling trying to change what you have said, as its in black and white for all to see. Besides what military experience do you have anyways?
Black and white for all to see? Ever think that im just trying to be the better person by trying to tell you what i ment.

If ya wanna play the troll or shyte disturber, go somewhere else.
Never pass a fault eh, Wes?  :)

You know what they say about mud wrestling with pigs, sometimes it's better to just sit back and let the mods handle things.
Too right mate, he's has showed us the calibre he is. Damage done.


Yes I would join.

I don't have any problem with leaving Canada,  I've done my part here and submitted an application and if the Canadian Forces don't want to hire me than we have got a problem and I will be heading to the US to join the US Army.

Some people may not like it but too bad I am not here to please you.