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World's worst music videos

Forgive me if its a repost...

but i dont recall if Gunther has made it onto Milnet yet.



more bad Gunther Music vids...


heck... just Search Gunther..... theyre ALL BAD!
That 'do the macaraina', did it for me!  I don't care if I spelled it wrong. I still hate that song today, that and that hopelessly gay YMCA.

Instant irritation.

Someone just sent me this - it is hysterical.  However, it is not for all audiences - PG14 would be reasonable.  Was trying to decide if I should put this on PN's country site...


Yep, pretty funny, MM.  "You sound like somebody I could love!"  ;)
Well, I guess if that's OK, I can go ahead and post this one:


Also not for all audiences.
Woof woof woof!



I refuse to open this link!!

I suspect I already know who let them out!! Yikes ... I remember it being played 50 thousand times a day ... >:(
ArmyVern said:
I refuse to open this link!!

I suspect I already know who let them out!! Yikes ... I remember it being played 50 thousand times a day ... >:(

Come on you know you want to!!  ;D
MP 811 said:
hahaha......................the indian one, I found that actually on a fluke........here's another one for you..

Dead or Alive, the ultimate gender bender


wow..... i was gunna post that one, but i think i can find somthing else.... that HAS to be the winner.... by a LONG SHOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!  :rofl:
The song was decent enough... but get a look at that dance in the latter half of the video.

Edit: Spelling
uncle-midget-boyd said:
The song was decent enough... but get a look at that dance in the latter half of the video.

Are you kidding?  I can remember going to bars and people dancing like that.  I think it had a lot to do with the lack of space on the dance floor.... ;D
Here's some dancing for ya!

The Breakfast Club
PMedMoe said:
Are you kidding?  I can remember going to bars and people dancing like that.  I think it had a lot to do with the lack of space on the dance floor.... ;D

Yes, I'm sure it had nothing to do with the fact that it was in a bar where alcohol is consumed in large quantities.  :P

PMedMoe said:
Here's some dancing for ya!

The Breakfast Club

I absolutely love that movie, and it's soundtrack.... but the dancing..... *drops and shakes head*

Now, if you want to see some good dancing, I have but two words. "Hammer Time"
ArmyVern said:
LOL. I have not heard that song in years; I don't quite remember their hair being that big though either!!  :D

I always hated that song and the lead singer has a lisp..... 8)

This one fits in the category of awesome song, intentionally bad video- so bad that it's good.
This one's just...sensational!


(Now I know why he changed his name) ;D
And while we're at it, may as well play the flip side:


(Yes, this was the B-side of Wot.)