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Worldcup 2006 (Note: May contain spoilers if you are recording games)

thank God ! Sven is gone , he has ruined this team ever since he knew he was leaving ! where's Walcott ? oh yeah on the bench ! Where's Defoe? home in England where he shouldn't be ?
EVERY English player should be sent to a concentration camp, where they will be forced to take penalty kicks all day until they can hit a 10' wide net from 10 yards away with at least 85% accuracy.  Rooney needs EST for anger management, with electrical implants under the skin of his crotch.  Every time he loses his cool, ZAP!! 1000 volts to the nutsack.
So, Portugal takes their first kick (and score), when the dogs start barking: someone is here (and I live WAY in the country).  Some university student raising money by selling subscriptions.  Of course, my daughter wanted the Horse magazine, so, I got a subscription.  When I came back to the TV, I had (naturally) missed the whole thing :(  I guess i missed nothing.

At least Germany got off better yesterday!

DEUTSCHLAND (now that England is out)  :crybaby:
The whole English team reminded me of our Olympic hockey team. Tons of talent, but couldn't score a goal to save their mothers.

Go Germany!!
yeah i think the Germans are the team to beat this time! Brazil is having a hard time with France
And the streets of Paris are going wild!!!!!!!!  I'm amazed at how thoroughly les bleus dominated Brazil.  Portugal (who couldn't generate any offence even though they were up a man for over an hour) shouldn't be much of a problem in the semi-final if France stays in this form.
That Argentinian ref was Garbage.

FIFA even had a meating with the refs and players about diving before that game. Alot of good it did.

It says italy in the headline but I think Potugal goes to the same practice.

clasper said:
And the streets of Paris are going wild!!!!!!!!  I'm amazed at how thoroughly les bleus dominated Brazil.  Portugal (who couldn't generate any offence even though they were up a man for over an hour) shouldn't be much of a problem in the semi-final if France stays in this form.
And then they will have to face Germany, at which they don't traditionaly do very well.  :P
So, I've calmed down a bit:

:brickwall: :brickwall: :brickwall: :brickwall: :brickwall: :brickwall: :brickwall: :brickwall: :brickwall: :brickwall: :brickwall: :brickwall:


I just ...I ..ah..*grunts and dies*
France vs. Italy
I hear the linesmen are going to use white flags, just for old times sake.
Soooo  glad that little arsehole Ronaldo won't get a chance to hoist the trophy.  Here's hoping Germany trounces Portugal on Saturday.
Gotta love how they booed him every single time he touched the ball.
FORZZZZAAAA ......this is looking like the making of a classic final! Les Bleus v Gli Azzurri . No one thought the two of them would make it this far. However, I always thought France just needed a wake up call, there is a considerable amount of talent on the French side. And it appears Lippi's new offensive minded approach to winning matches has worked after all, up to this point.

Cheering for Italy, yet I can't predict an outcome. Possibly due to all the dissapointments I've suffered at the hands of Italy in the past. I just can't see them winning. This would be fun revenge for the embarrassing loss to the French at the 2002 Euro's. I hope the soccer gods are smiling on the Azzurri this week end.  They haven't lost a match in 24 games, and have only allowed one goal this WC, although it was an own goal. IT is Italy's turn !!!!

Portugal looked pathetic yesterday, or at least Ronaldo did. I though Totti was a  prima donna, but Ronaldo takes the cake ! He looked like superman out there yesterday , flying through the air trying to draw the foul almost every two minutes. It was so blatant, I'm surprised there were no  cards handed out for such desperate behaviour.

PS...I hate Totti, I think he is one of the most overrated footballers out there. Yes I'm Italian and I said that...never liked  him....sickens me, he looks like an amateur out there at times..
I can see the Italians winning this time. Their change of tactics under Lippy, along with their impressive defense will I believe be just enough to denigh the French.

I did not see the France vs Brazil match, but the midfield work of Zidane had me thinking they would take the whole cup until I saw them play Portugal. After only one French goal, from a PK, they sat back and tried to absorb all the Portuguese could muster (this was the classic Italian tactic of old). Lucky for France, Figo missed a header to tie that your grandmother could have completed. Not very impressive of France, and too little from the Portuguese.

Tuta Forca Azzuri!!!
I'm a poor sport.
If there was anyway that both teams could somehow lose I'd pick that.

I think it'll be France in this one though.
Definitely going to PK's
I feel sorry for all the copper in and around College St. and St. Clair West.  Now we can concentrate on more important things like hockey :D

What a greeat way to play out the last 10min of your career.
Trying to imagine the thought process on that one, "Well I am retiring anyways, no is looking, and I really hate this guy soo....HEADBUTT".