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World War 3 Timeline

Look at that! ww3 almost got it right: Opening moves ( ??? ) in late 2010 vice early 2011. and attack by NK on the island of Yeonpyeong instead of the city of Yeoncheon.

Go figure ? ;)
He totally forgot the Nazi redeployment from their secret bases in Neu-Schwabenland.
Final said:
And we all know when the enemy sees us Canadians riding into battle on our mooses (Is that right?) with our magnificent hockey sticks...They will know the war is over ;)

The four moosemen of the apocalypse?

Excerpt from The Four Slappers of the Apocalypse.

And when I had opened the fourth beer, I heard the voice of the fourth beast say, Come and see.

And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and her that sat on him was the wife, and Hell followed with her......

But, but...  there's no mention of the zombie hoards...  and we all know THAT's gonna happen!

Oh yeah... "All hail, Technoviking", blah, blah, blah.
All that matters is that we're safe in the Great White North.
-Skynet computer circuitry will freeze in the low temperatures.
-Zombie ligaments will tear in the low temperatures, and they will fall to pieces trying to get us.
-Far enough north that the nuclear fallout will have minimal effects. (Mass quantities of Maple Syrup also decrease the effects of radiation exposure don't cha know!)
-And nobody cares about Canada.

All hail, Technoviking
MPwannabe said:
All that matters is that we're safe in the Great White North.
-Skynet computer circuitry will freeze in the low temperatures.
-Zombie ligaments will tear in the low temperatures, and they will fall to pieces trying to get us.
-Far enough north that the nuclear fallout will have minimal effects. (Mass quantities of Maple Syrup also decrease the effects of radiation exposure don't cha know!)
-And nobody cares about Canada.

All hail, Technoviking

You answered everything that I was worried about.  I'll be able to sleep better now knowing were safe! 
Here's a more likely scenario:

I go home tonight and tell my wife that I will be attending two mess dinners this weekend: one Friday and one Saturday night. Oh, and that means I have to travel for 6 hours on Friday to get to the first one. And she's staying home with the kids.

30 seconds after I finish talking, a small nuclear cloud rises over my house, which can be viewed by US Navy sensors near Bangor, Seattle.

MIRV launched 60 seconds after I finish talking

The rest, as they say, is herstory....

(PS-> The Iranian jets make it over because they have a refuelling stop on the soon-to-be-re-discovered lost island of Atlantis. DUHHH!)
I was just hoping it would end with the US nuking NK so badly that SK becomes a large island...oh well.

You forgot the point in the war when Kim Jong Ill sends his concubines to try and seduce the other world leaders......then kill them!
Skynet became aware 2029
Acording to S.M. Sterling's book
T-2 Rising Storm
WW3 anything previous to that
is Serena's and Clea's, and Alissa's
Scoty B
Swingline1984 said:
Somebody watched too much G.I.JOE as a kid.  ;)

Hey man G.I. Joe was just the CIA's way to prepare our generation for the war on terrorism.  They saw the collapse of the soviet empire in the early 80's and needed to create a new enemy to keep the military industrial complex going.  That why they re-invented GI JOE and Cobra.....
JTF2 and the Taliban get the connect man.. get it....
Ok I have got to run my cell phone knows where I am and keeps putting it on my Facebook profile. Its big Brother dude. they are watching. :peace:
Technoviking said:
The Technoviking doesn't go to war.  War goes to the Technoviking!  Hail!
And now, HD goes Technoviking!

So I've been meaning to ask you; When are you and Chuck Norris finally gonna have this alleged dance-off? Because if you do, odds are that your defeating him is what'll cause the first domino to fall in this WW3 theory. Ever hear of the butterfly effect, a$$hole? Yeah, your being such an awesome tough-guy is going to lead to North Korea shelling the hell out of Sum-Jung-Guy. So on behalf of the people of Earth;

Please. Spare us.
Sapplicant said:
Ever hear of the butterfly effect, a$$hole? Yeah, your being such an awesome tough-guy is going to lead to North Korea shelling the hell out of Sum-Jung-Guy. So on behalf of the people of Earth;

Please. Spare us.

Excuse me...?

Please explain yourself, and either confirm or deny that I have interpreted your post correctly.
Loachman said:
Excuse me...?

Please explain yourself, and either confirm or deny that I have interpreted your post correctly.

If you check out he video he posted of himself at the Fuckparade (off-shoot of Loveparade) in Germany, circa 2000, you'd understand just how dangerous the possibility of a dance-off with Chuck Norris is. Seriously, it could open up a black hole that'll swallow the whole f***ing solar system in the blink of an eye. It's evan moar dangerous than the Large Hadron Collider. This is serious business. Super serious business. Seriously. Just as serious as the tone of this thread  ;D
Actually, F*ckparade was created because LoveParade was getting too "commercial".  So, I suppose that since Chuck would strut at the Love Parade, and I at the F-parade, I guess then that WW3 would involve Love Parade vs F-Parade.  Old Skool (sic). 

Drop da (sic) beet (sic).
