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Work in the nude vice Civies Day

kratz said:
How does one velcro the nametape to their chest?

Umm.. some of us don't engage in manscaping, and have sufficient traction for velcro on our chests...

Midnight Rambler said:
Decision brief to follow!

The decision should have no briefs, otherwise you're missing the point!
OldSoldier said:
And don't get me started on nurses!! ;)

On second thought, lets not include the nurses....the ones here...well....uh.......won't suit that nurses costume.
ruckmarch said:
For me personally, females in trousers is just a big turn off. What happened to the old nurses in gown, cops in skirts like they still have in Europe?


For the most part, there isn't anything a girl can't do in a skirt that can't be done in pants and without compromising modesty (some exceptions aside).  It would be nice if it went back to letting girls wear skirts, unless it was absolutely necessary for a girl to be in pants or at least have skirts as an option as much as possible. 

...just so important for a girl to be feminine and do and wear all those girlie things that only a girl can do and wear.  :)

Female Army


For placing ranks and names:

There are all kinds of eatable options out there, which do not require any form of adhesive to stay in place, nor do they melt unless in extreme heat, and it only takes a little water or saliva to peel off (='s no problems for a man who has a furry chest) and then reuse or not depending on what you decide to do with it.  :whistle:

I'm not speaking first hand about the eatable options... I have simply known some 'interesting' people over time who occasionally feel the need to fill me in.  ::)


dapaterson said:
Umm.. some of us don't engage in manscaping,

Thank goodness!  Wish more men wouldn't do 'manscaping' to their chests.  This is one of those trends which started ages ago and should have, like most trends, never got started. 
Wow...from the response I see, seems am not alone with the trousers being a torn off then?  ;D

Skirts and dresses rock  :salute:
ruckmarch said:
Wow...from the response I see, seems am not alone with the trousers being a torn off then?  ;D

LOL, you are funny. 

ruckmarch said:
Skirts and dresses rock  :salute:

Yes, I agree; skirts and dresses definitely do, as you said, 'rock'. 

Unless I'm out doing something which absolutely requires me to not wear a skirt or dress, then I'm in a skirt or dress (usually a skirt). 

It is, I feel, very important for a girl to be comfortable with her femininity and those things which go with being feminine.   

A girl has just got to be a girl!  :nod: 


Now let me just stress that when I say shirt, I don't mean those things that ride above the knees ::) Am talking about a conservative skirt that is well  below the knees

It's hard to tell who is a lady of the night nowadays amongst those who wear the well above knees skirt, if you can call it that.
ruckmarch said:
Now let me just stress that when I say shirt, I don't mean those things that ride above the knees ::) Am talking about a conservative skirt that is well  below the knees

It's hard to tell who is a lady of the night nowadays amongst those who wear the well above knees skirt, if you can call it that.

Yes, I definitely Agree!  Modesty is very important. 

My skirts and dresses always, as a minimum, cover the knee. 

I remember years ago, most of the men I knew, at that time, were always much more interested in modestly dressed woman.  There was something about a woman leaving a man to wonder about what could possibly be underneath (garter-belt, lace top stockings, lace or sheer, silk etc... etc... etc...) which seemed to catch a gentleman's attention... there was just something about the 'possibilities' which kept that once-upon-a-time man wondering and interested.  Where as these days, modestly dressed woman, even those who are pretty, often times, tend to get completely over looked. 

I also remember a gentlemen really enjoying 'the chase' for a substantial period of time before he so much as even tried to kiss his girl; this is such an important part of courtship and should even continue throughout the marriage... to have that playful, teasing desire, fueled by a healthy chase, which is filled with such passion that it takes your breath away.  Where as these days, too many men 'want it now' and too many woman 'hand it over'... big mistake.  :2c:   

About 20-25 years ago, in a pub, there was, of course, several waitresses.  It was observed that, it was the waitress who was the most modestly dressed waitress who received not only the most tips, but the highest amount paid to her in tips.  The waitress, the one who received the most tips; she was dressed in a pretty and feminine skirt and top... she was tidy, simple and well put together and she caught the attention of every man in there... mean while, the immodestly dressed women were receiving little in the way of tips and most of the men had little to no interest in the immodestly dresses waitresses.  Granted, this was a 'pub' and not a 'bar', but even still, I wonder how often something like this would happen now-a-days.  I'm guessing that, it would likely be, unfortunately, less likely to occur now-a-days, if at all.  20-25 years isn't that long ago, but it just goes to show, how far things have come in such a short period of time.
