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Woman stranded in Kenya sues

The twit at the center of it all, has been ordered back to Ottawa


Why are we focusing solely on Canada here?

I'm sure we could find multiples examples of any, or every country, where they've been let down by their government. You're not going to see a headline reading, "CBSA performing job; business as usual, Government says."

Why not realize that people slip through the cracks everywhere, and on the whole Canadians have it a lot better than citizens from many other countries?
ruckmarch said:
The twit at the center of it all, has been ordered back to Ottawa

Ah, so you're saying that someONE may have made a mistake (as opposed to "racist policies")?

Notwithstanding some (often well-founded) skepticism on the part of some re:  what appears in MSM:
recceguy said:
I know that if I wanted to make an informed decision on which side of an issue I was on, the last place I would go for information would be the press or the media, both who have been shown, time and again, to be absolutely mercenary and down right deceitful in their quest to make and define the news, not just report it, as they're supposed to do.
do we know if there is a connection with what she may have done re:  the passport and her return?  All MSM is saying is that her term was up and she's back in Ottawa.  As they say in stats circles:  correlation does not imply causality (translation:  just because things happen at around the same time doesn't necessarily mean some of those things CAUSED any of the other things).

On a simpler level, how would you like being called a twit by someone who knows nothing more about you than what they read in the papers/saw on TV/heard on the radio?

Neo Cortex said:
Why are we focusing solely on Canada here?
True, we have it pretty good, but the thread is discussing a pretty specific incident involving Canadian officials and a Canadian citizen.
milnews.ca said:
Ah, so you're saying that someONE may have made a mistake (as opposed to "racist policies")?

Notwithstanding some (often well-founded) skepticism on the part of some re:  what appears in MSM:do we know if there is a connection with what she may have done re:  the passport and her return?  All MSM is saying is that her term was up and she's back in Ottawa.  As they say in stats circles:  correlation does not imply causality (translation:  just because things happen at around the same time doesn't necessarily mean some of those things CAUSED any of the other things).

On a simpler level, how would you like being called a twit by someone who knows nothing more about you than what they read in the papers/saw on TV/heard on the radio?
True, we have it pretty good, but the thread is discussing a pretty specific incident involving Canadian officials and a Canadian citizen.

What do you expect them to say, that she was being reprimanded over the issue? As they say in politics, "did she jump or was she pushed".
Quite a few of the problems arise when the “citizens” go back to the country of their birth feeling they are “protected” by the Canadian passport. Many country take the view that once a citizen of their land or by birth, always a citizen and therefore subject to their laws in full. Also by entering another country you are agreeing to be bound by their laws, whether you agree with them or not. I had to convert to marry my wife in Malaysia, regardless of how stupid I think Sharia law is, I am very careful about what I say and my actions when I am there, my Canadian citizenship would only provide me limited protection. Canadian passports are sought after by less than savory types and many overseas “Canadians” are only citizens of convenience. 
Colin P said:
many overseas “Canadians” are only citizens of convenience.

This makes me think of the Lebanese-Canadians who fled back to Canada after their hostilities with Israel, got free health-care with their residency requirement waived, and I presume left again.
"Woman who was detained in Kenya suing Ottawa for $2.5 million":
FFS.  WHY do these people always want a fucking public inquiry, which will waste MORE of my taxdollars.

Woman who was detained in Kenya suing Ottawa for $2.5 million

Then this?

"I don't care about money. ... I'm only (going) to court so this never happens to another Canadian citizen."

Pretty obvious to me...so don't sue, and just go for the apology, because sucking $2.5 million in "damages" or whatever they call it now certainly isn't going to help me, and I am a Canadian citizen.  You want to help me?  Stop pulling the race card and stop wasting the $1134 I paid in federal taxes last month.

Hey, here is an idea.  Don't like Canada?

Go back to Somalia.  I hear its lovely there.
I think she's due to recoup SOME damages.  She incurred expenses she wasn't planning on (child care, hotel bills, loss of income) due to being detained.  And yes, I think she's due some type of compensation for what must have been a terrifying and humiliating experience.

Does that add up to $2.5 mil?  I don't think so - but just because that's the starting number doesn't mean that's what she'll be awarded or accept.

I have no idea what a "fair" number would be for her - I don't think she needs to get rich over it, but some token payment needs to be offered to her.

Somebody in DFAIT screwed up - badly - and really torqued this woman's life around.  The Government of Canada needs to recognize this fact and compensate her.

I'll be interested to see what the final number might be.
Gov't. to issue docs to another stranded Canadian
Updated Fri. Aug. 21 2009 6:39 AM ET The Canadian Press
Article Link

OTTAWA -- Travel documents will be issued to a Canadian stranded in Kenya, after he applies for a passport, federal officials said Thursday.

Abdihakim Mohammed, an autistic 25-year-old Somali-Canadian, has been unable to leave Kenya for three years.

He was taken to Somalia five years ago by his mother because doctors thought being near extended family could help him.

But when Anab Issa tried to bring Mohammed back to Canada through Kenya three years ago, she was told the person with her was not her son because he didn't look like his passport photo.

The case has remained unresolved until now, despite offers from Mohammed's mother to undergo DNA testing.

But the government will issue documents to Mohammed as soon as it receives an application from him, a spokeswoman for Foreign Affairs Minister Lawrence Cannon said Thursday.
More on link

Come on Roy - once you take out her Lawyer's fees, she'll probably get enough for lunch and a coffee at Timmies.
Mohamud produced several other forms of identification to prove her identity, including her Ontario driver's licence, her health card, social insurance card and a Canadian citizenship certificate.

While I understand that it doesn't compare (at least as far as inconvenience, etc), when I went for my EDL, I had a driver's licence, two military IDs, birth certificate, a current passport and all kinds of other ID in my married name and they still wouldn't process me without a marriage certificate.  So if she had a "suspicious" passport, I don't care what other ID she had.
Staff Weenie said:
Come on Roy - once you take out her Lawyer's fees, she'll probably get enough for lunch and a coffee at Timmies.

Which takes away from the justification for some kind of compensation in what way?
and it does come back to burden of proof.  The passport picture did not look like her.  Maybe in the interview she was unable to answer the questions, seemed evasive and came across as someone trying to pull a quick one. I sure as hell do not think she deserves the money and am tired of people getting themselves into situations and expecting the government to bail them out.  It was up to her to ensure her passport was current and up to date - that includes the picture.  If she had done this then none of what happened would have occurred.  Millions of Canadians travel throughout the world every year, including there and it doesn't happen to them.  if you are one amongst millions perhaps the problem is you.

I also like how it is always - I don't care about money, just don't want it to happen again crap. Be honest - damn right you want the money.
PMedMoe said:
While I understand that it doesn't compare (at least as far as inconvenience, etc), when I went for my EDL, I had a driver's licence, two military IDs, birth certificate, a current passport and all kinds of other ID in my married name and they still wouldn't process me without a marriage certificate.  So if she had a "suspicious" passport, I don't care what other ID she had.

What's an "EDL"?

I'm not disputing that she had a suspicious passport - nor that the other documentation she had was "enough".  I AM stating that the existence of the other documentation was enough to have INVESTIGATED her claims - rather than abandoning her to the local government. 

If there were (and apparently there were) doubts regarding her citizenship - then she needs to be given the benefit of that doubt until an investigation can take place.  And an investigation of this type does NOT take weeks and months - part of which time she languished in a foreign jail.

Earlier in this thread I said that I don't think there is a government "policy" which condones this kind of thing - and I still think that.  I ALSO said that there is probably more to the story than has been repeated in the MSM - and I stand by that, too.  But based on her experiences (as reported in the MSM) - she suffered wrongly (apparently at the hands of a perhaps incompetent, perhaps misguided government official) - and incurred legitimate expenses while doing so, and is deserving of some kind of compensation. 

I don't agree with the $2.5 mil figure - but I'm open to at least considering the idea of compensation.

Her jail time was approx 8 days, the rest of the time was in a hotel.

I'm not opposed to compensation of some kind, but this dollar value appears to be more of a cash grab than anything else.

If the govt is proven to have been outright negligent, then the person should be compensated - but this will only come from an investigation, and I doubt the MSM will be interested by the time it's completed.
Roy Harding said:
What's an "EDL"?

Enhanced Driver's Licence.  It has the RFID chip in it so that one can travel (by road only) to the U.S. without a passport.

My comment had nothing to do with the fact that she is suing the government.  Just pointing out the MSM's typical lack of research.

I have no issues with her being compensated for funds out of pocket and a small personal amount.
Staff Weenie said:
Her jail time was approx 8 days, the rest of the time was in a hotel.

So she wants to be compensated ~$310,000/day ($13,000/hour) for that time she spent in jail? Has the government deposited any $310,000 cheques that haven't cleared yet?
Neo Cortex said:
So she wants to be compensated ~$310,000/day ($13,000/hour) for that time she spent in jail? Has the government deposited any $310,000 cheques that haven't cleared yet?

$2.5 Mil is just a number - no doubt pulled out of her lawyers nether regions.  It's an "opening bid".  I don't think she deserves that amount, either - but she deserves SOMETHING.

What amount would you suggest?
Staff Weenie said:
Her jail time was approx 8 days, the rest of the time was in a hotel.

I'm not opposed to compensation of some kind, but this dollar value appears to be more of a cash grab than anything else.

If the govt is proven to have been outright negligent, then the person should be compensated - but this will only come from an investigation, and I doubt the MSM will be interested by the time it's completed.

We're in agreement on all points.  Including, sadly, the MSM's probable lack of interest.