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Winnipeg soldier admits beating triplet sons

Studies in the US in at least 3 states show that military kids are twice as likely to die of severe abuse than civilian kids. And for each child that is killed, there are many more living with less severe abuse. Abuse is more likely to happen in families who are isolated, who have financial problems, who move often, who abuse alcohol or drugs,  and who are under a lot of stress.  Kids at most risk are 1-2 year olds and the abusers are usually male.  The point of this is not to blame, but to predict so systems can be put in place to prevent. No wants wants to abuse their kids. 
Honestly I don't want kids, but if I ended up with them, I'd sure as hell take care of them.

That guy is a sicko, and the kids should never have to see him again.
House arrest for Winnipeg soldier who assaulted triplet son
By The Canadian Press

WINNIPEG - A soldier who squeezed his infant triplets so hard he broke their bones 19 times has been sentenced to 18 months of house arrest and ordered to undergo psychological treatment.

Provincial court Judge Marvin Garfinkle rejected the Crown's request for an 18-month jail term, saying the soldier will get better counselling in the community than he would behind bars.

"These offences require strong denunciation. They are terrible ... (but) his comments to the court, his behaviour in court, convey a desire to change," Garfinkle said Tuesday.

The soldier did spend nine months in custody after his arrest last fall.

The soldier, 25, cannot be identified because of a publication ban. He wiped tears from his eyes throughout the judge's comments and stared sadly at the floor when he made a brief statement to the court.

"I really would like to start getting help and counselling or whatever else the court deems necessary to get back to my family," he said.

Court was told the soldier and his common-law wife were struggling with the care of their triplet sons and an older toddler last year. Lacking sleep and under emotional and financial stress, the soldier admitted to habitually squeezing the infants in order to stop them from crying.

It wasn't until a few months later that a doctor's X-rays revealed that the triplets had a total of 19 fractures between them - not clean breaks, but a buckling of the bones. The soldier said he didn't realized until then that he was hurting the children when he squeezed them.

"In this case, it is not necessary to separate this offender from society, provided he gets the treatment and counselling," Garfinkle said in his ruling.

For the next 18 months, the soldier will only be able to leave his home for work, doctor appointments and three hours a week of shopping. He will be required to undergo psychiatric counselling and take all medications prescribed to him.

He will also be banned from being alone with anyone under 18. That includes his children unless a meeting is approved by Manitoba's Child and Family Services agency.

Crown lawyer Jennifer Mann would not comment on the sentence, other than to say she has 30 days to consider whether to appeal.

The soldier's admitted temper stems from several factors, including a tragic childhood and post-traumatic stress from a tour in Afghanistan, according to a psychologist's analysis presented by defence counsel.

The soldier's father was abusive and ran off when the boy was only four years old. Years later, his mother dropped him off at high school one day and never returned.

The analysis also said the soldier was traumatized in Afghanistan - not by being involved in any direct fighting, but by being required to perform menial tasks while others went into battle.

The Crown rejected that argument, pointing out the soldier admitted to police he had also squeezed his eldest child before serving overseas.

The soldier also told police he had trouble with his temper and at one point during the interview punched a wall.

He also appeared thankful for the X-rays and for being arrested, saying if he had continued, he "might have killed" his children.

The children remain in the care of their mother.

" The analysis also said the soldier was traumatized in Afghanistan - not by being involved in any direct fighting, but by being required to perform menial tasks while others went into battle. "

wow.... I didn't know "menial" duties could cause PTSD... sounds like more like envy to me. If he has serious anger and rage issues, it's most likely better he was never in battle anyway!

This whole thing just floors me...
The punishment here does not even come close to fitting the crime. The whole thing is an insult to those little boys and a miscarriage of justice.
"It wasn't until a few months later that a doctor's X-rays revealed that the triplets had a total of 19 fractures between them - not clean breaks, but a buckling of the bones. The soldier said he didn't realized until then that he was hurting the children when he squeezed them."

19 Fractures!?!?!? and the bastard gets house arrest? i say throw him in a military jail and let him rot there.

Gramps said it perfectly

"The punishment here does not even come close to fitting the crime. The whole thing is an insult to those little boys and a miscarriage of justice."
Assuming he's still in the CF I would at least hope some of the guys in his unit take him out drinking one night and "discuss" what he did.....
RCDtpr said:
Assuming he's still in the CF (according to the news today here in Winnipeg, he is still in the CF) I would at least hope some of the guys in his unit take him out drinking one night and "discuss" what he did.....
this whole thing is an insult to everyone except the piece of crap getting off scot free by some bleeding heart judge. Daddy left me when I was 4 - should consider himself lucky - could have stuck around and been like him. Mommy dumped me at high school - maybe this was a good hint to smarten up?? Menial labour for 2 months?? Give me a break. Normally not a fan of blanket parties but this guy certainly deserves several and more. The judge ignored his prior statements to police and swallowed his lies in court - I didn't know it was hurting them?? yeah right, after already telling the police he did.  That one alone should have been enough for the judge to lock him away. Are they going to have someone watch him 24 hours to ensure he doesn't get another chance at the kids? The mother has custody and I bet she is still letting him around the kids.
This guy is part of the generation that some work colleagues and I were just discussing the other day.  What I like to call the "Talk Show" Generation.  The people who blame everything and everyone but themselves for their actions.

"My Dad left me, my Mom left me, my tour in Afghanistan sucked, so I squeezed my kids to stop them from crying (there's logical thinking  ::) ) but it's not my fault.

Yes, this jerk has not received what he truly deserves, however, at the very least, he should also have to undergo a vasectomy so he cannot father any more children.

butler hut-call him out up close and personel (one on one)
proceed to kick the living s*** outa him
if that doesnt work blanket party (everybody )
only used if the regt has'nt fired him outta the army
with a dishonerable all-ready
used in extreme measures
right calming down now...
sorry im old school x-army
hope this doesnt disturb anyone..
mods edit for content please
just my personal thoughts
              best regards..
                    scoty b
ps.s. anyone that want beat up on me use pm ...thanks

I just love " Blanket Party's ". :warstory:

Is my invite in the mail? :evil:

PMedMoe said:
This guy is part of the generation that some work colleagues and I were just discussing the other day.  What I like to call the "Talk Show" Generation.  The people who blame everything and everyone but themselves for their actions.

"My Dad left me, my Mom left me, my tour in Afghanistan sucked, so I squeezed my kids to stop them from crying (there's logical thinking  ::) ) but it's not my fault.

Yes, this jerk has not received what he truly deserves, however, at the very least, he should also have to undergo a vasectomy so he cannot father any more children.

You say it like this dirtbag is reflective of everyone else in his generation, and as if these types of excuses are the sole realm of 20-somethings.
Hopefully his children will recover fully and grow up to be happy, productive people, despite the fact that their father is a jacka$$ and that I hope that he doesn't pass on that legacy to his kids. 
Too bad he didn't get jail time, I'm sure he would get a really great 'blanket party' or other unmentionables there too.  Cuz even hardend criminals have a code of ethics and someone abusing infants is at the bottom of that sh#t pile.
Dog said:
You say it like this dirtbag is reflective of everyone else in his generation, and as if these types of excuses are the sole realm of 20-somethings.

I apologize for that.  I guess I shouldn't have used such a broad brush.  This "syndrome" is definitely trans-generational (is that a word?).  I know there are many people in their teens and twenties much more responsible than older people because I've met some of them, many on this website.
I doubt he even got released.Lets not forget the child porn soldier in gagetown a few years...wisked off to a differnt posting to hide out for a few years.

This army does a poor job at making examples of people.Drug charges=promotions after C&P. etc etc .

The army disicipline is lacking.Edmonton should have more than its share of full cells
I'll be the devil's advocate here.

I agree the sentencing was a bit light.

However, people are confusing corrections with disciplinary action/punishment.

Does he deserve a more aggressive punishment that house arrest? Yes.

However we live in a society where the goal is to correct the behavior of the offender.

I think the judge did right. The guy acknowledges his error. He spent a good bit of time in jail. He has no prior's. He has served his country. The judge wants to correct the behavior hence the house arrest, condition's etc. This guy has pre-existing issues which he transfered to his kids. We think logically and have few or no "issues". He has many.

Good call on the judges part. Hopefully this person gets his act together, sorts his life out, and becomes the father his wife and kids expect of him.

Niteshade said:
I'll be the devil's advocate here.

I agree the sentencing was a bit light.

However, people are confusing corrections with disciplinary action/punishment.

Does he deserve a more aggressive punishment that house arrest? Yes.

However we live in a society where the goal is to correct the behavior of the offender.

I think the judge did right. The guy acknowledges his error. He spent a good bit of time in jail. He has no prior's. He has served his country. The judge wants to correct the behavior hence the house arrest, condition's etc. This guy has pre-existing issues which he transfered to his kids. We think logically and have few or no "issues". He has many.

Good call on the judges part. Hopefully this person gets his act together, sorts his life out, and becomes the father his wife and kids expect of him.

  before he injures them again, or kills them, as is want to happen in these situations.
"Family members came forward last fall to complain their repeated pleas for child-care assistance from the provincial government and Canadian Forces fell on deaf ears."

Shortly after we had a child pass away, I was sent on my 5's.  I went because I needed to not stay at home and dwell on things.  My wife however was not so lucky.  We had an infant daughter at the time and so my wife has asked for respite.  She was treated like pure garbage by the MFRC social worker.  The social workerwas fully aware of our situation and made it very clear she could care less.  We are in the process of trying to deal with this but the MFRC Director is not returning my wife's calls.  Just yesterday I asked the Padre if there was anything he could do to help get us some answers.

I'm telling you this because, even after shit like this has happened (as in the guy who beat his triplets) AT THE SAME FREAKING BASE WE ARE AT, it continues to be the same.

In no way am I saying what this guy did was right in beating his kids, but if the guy's family was pleading for help and being ignored like my wife is, I feel whomever ignored those pleas for help is just as guilty as the guy who beat those children and should be held accountable for their actions or lack thereof.

Things need to change.
I know it's a bit of a resurrection, but I lived with this individual for approximately three months. While they were figuring out what to do, they had him in shacks in the room across from mine. At first we weren't sure why he was there, he had a really beat up hand and some "anger" issues, but was one of the nicest guys you'd ever meet. Leant some movies, some other stuff and then he told us what he did to get the beat up hand and what he was angry about, (my roommate and myself) and we were appalled but had no idea that it was this serious and would have been in no position to enact "shack-justice" for something we knew nothing about. The next day, he disappeared and then the news articles came out and informed everyone about how serious it really was.