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Will the the army still accept me...


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Recently, I've come across the opportunity to go through an electrician apprenticeship at a college, for FREE, and have decided to delay my enrolment into the military. I'm still considering it, but I can't pass free education up, and would like to join in the future. If I close my file, can I still reapply in a year or two with more education/licenses/etc and still get in? What should I tell them? Will they be pretty peeved or what?

Do whatever you want, why would the Military care? Obviously you were joining the Military for the wrong reasons anyways. You're doing yourself and the Military a favour by not enrolling anyways.

What's wrong with someone wanting to take more time get more education/better prepared before entering the military?

Patrik H, sounds like a good qualification to get. How long is the apprenticeship? Is it really worth delaying your army career for?


I will assume you are addressing me.  Patrick H wants to enroll to be a 043, Combat Engineer.  Now, obviously, something more convenient has come up for him, which is good.  However, if he wanted so badly to enroll in the Military, why would something deter him from that??? If he was joining the Combat Engrs because he wanted to, he would do it. Once he is in the door, he can pursue an OT and pick the path he wishes to go in which case, all courses and training will be free.

Once he is in the door, he can pursue an OT and pick the path he wishes to go in which case, all courses and training will be free.

Sounds like you can get it free now, or free later Patrick H.

I know what you are going through, getting in take so long now, and other interesting opportunities are bound to come up. Currently, the company I am at does not want me to leave (potentially this coming September) and are waiving a big raise in my direction...ahh...so tempting...so very very tempting.  :-

But then I remember why I am trying to join and keep my head down. Perseverance always wins in the end. Really, what it boils down to is what you REALLY want to do?

CHIMO!!!!! said:
If he was joining the Combat Engrs because he wanted to, he would do it. Once he is in the door, he can pursue an OT and pick the path he wishes to go in which case, all courses and training will be free.

Given the experiences on this board with OT's, (I haven't read about anyone having an easy time) I can empathise with Patrick H.'s desire to better himself before he enlists.  As well, the recruiting boards here are chock-full of members with the same TI that you have, recommending more training prior to enrolment.  I could be wrong,(and if I am, please enlighten)  but if he enrolls, there is also no guarantee that he will get the same type of "free" education he's getting on the outside.  I mean, does the army allow for everyone to take whatever courses they want whenever?  That'd be brilliant, but I'm not sure it happens as such.

I thought about pretty hard, as much as I want to get into the military, it would be nice to have something beforehand to fall back on if I do not like it - which I may or may not. If I don't, then I come back to having no specific trade or training and back to floating around in jobs I do not like. This course is totally free and is something I am interested in - the military is also free but starts..... yeah. I still plan on serving in a couple years but the current circumstances are almost too good to be true. How many people would KILL to get a free electrician apprenticeship??

I talked to the recruiter today and she said Toronto holds the application for 3 years since it was a voluntary resignation. That makes me feel a lot better! I guess I have that much more time to TRAIN, haha.

Do you think that resignation, for education atleast, looks not so bad?


Pieman said:
waiving a big raise in my direction...ahh...so tempting...so very very tempting.  :-\

They want to give you *MORE* money?  Sometimes I really hate you...  ;)

Patrick H. - Did the recruiter say that there would be a detrimental effect if you were to pull out now?  I mean, we can speculate here until we're blue (nice colour, BTW) in the face, but they make the final decisions.  How long is the apprenticeship program?

Once completed, you'll have the potential to make quite a bit of money.  I've talked to a few electricians in Calgary, and starting off you're looking at 45-70k a year, depending on the amount of time you want to work.  It'd take you ~4-5 years to reach that level in the military, and you'll top out in the CF a lot lower than you would private sector.  CHIMO, while vitrolic, has a point.  How much do you want it (the CF)?  Is there a possibility that you're looking at the civvie option because you may be getting cold feet?  I'm sure everyone who's signed up has gone through the same thing...

Write down the benefits of joining the CF, as well as the reasons you originally applied.  Do the same for the electrician gambit.  Compare the two lists, and see what your gut tells you, and follow that decision.

Another option perhaps, is ask the recruiting centre about maybe doing reserves?  This would give you the chance to explore both worlds a bit before committing either way.  As an electrician, you'd also be able to get the time off to do tours (at least, in Alberta, electricians are in high demand) if that's what you wanted.

Okay, time to stop typing.  :)

Having a 'plan B' in life is always your best move. Maybe the military turns our to be not your thing, maybe it won't take you where you hoped it would, whatever...if you get your education first, you will always have something to fall back on, just in case. The fact that an expensive and sought after program is available to you for free seals the deal, I would think.
Patrick H. said:
I thought about pretty hard, as much as I want to get into the military, it would be nice to have something beforehand to fall back on if I do not like it - which I may or may not. If I don't, then I come back to having no specific trade or training and back to floating around in jobs I do not like. This course is totally free and is something I am interested in - the military is also free but starts..... yeah. I still plan on serving in a couple years but the current circumstances are almost too good to be true. How many people would KILL to get a free electrician apprenticeship??

I talked to the recruiter today and she said Toronto holds the application for 3 years since it was a voluntary resignation. That makes me feel a lot better! I guess I have that much more time to TRAIN, haha.

Do you think that resignation, for education atleast, looks not so bad?


Its always good to have a trade to fall back too if your injured. No matter what some others bellow.....it doesnt show your not "really into it". Cover your own ass. The world is full of guys discharged for medical reasons who dont know what they can do now.....
They want to give you *MORE* money?   Sometimes I really hate you...  
It's not easy being me   ;D

Some really good points for Patrick on both sides of the equation. Having options in your life and a good skill set is very important. So don't feel pressured by my previous post if it came across that way, make your own decision. Like Toryln said, make sure you understand all your options and consider before leaping. Good luck!
Hey Pat,
I'm am presently waiting for a call with a job offer as an Ed-tech.  I am a journeyman electrician.  I've worked for 15 years in all sorts of environments.  I now at the ripe age of 40, have decided to join the CF (something I have always planned on doing and now I have the opportunity).  I will always have my journeymans ticket.  Which I hope will get me a job when ever I may need one.  It's an excellent trade.  The CF was offering incentive bonus for qualified electrician.  Maybe when you finish your program and still have the the military interest......look it up again you might get a little extra.....you never know.  Anyway like I said electrician...................... great trade.
She didn't say anything about an adverse affect and sounded surprisingly positive about resigning for education, she said it was understandable. (the free thing  ;D)

I was actually thinking about going into the reserves. There is a detachment in Barrie - Grey and Simcoe Foresters - that is available to me. I will mostly likely follow that route. I don't think it is because of cold feet but just out of realism. I'd love to be in the military and the money is not really that important, but like Bead and Ididot have said it doesn't hurt to have something to fall back on. However, opportunity sometimes bite you on the pecker when you least expect it.  I would just like to better myself and have some actual skills before I join so that a plan B will be readily available.

But c'mon... I would deserve a punch in the yarbles to pass away on something like this.

It was a really tough call for me but I think it will work out for the best. Some things are worth waiting for, and I'll be waiting. 

Cheers, and thanks for your responses

Patrick H. said:
But c'mon... I would deserve a punch in the yarbles to pass away on something like this.

Yeah...  A great bolshy yarblockos to you, if you passed it up.  (Great movie, BTW.)

Patrick H. said:
Recently, I've come across the opportunity to go through an electrician apprenticeship at a college, for FREE, and have decided to delay my enrolment into the military. I'm still considering it, but I can't pass free education up, and would like to join in the future. If I close my file, can I still reapply in a year or two with more education/licenses/etc and still get in? What should I tell them? Will they be pretty peeved or what?



I would say that being able to receive the apprenticeship at the college for free is a great opportunity. 8)
When you reapply to the CF in the future, the new education could only enhance your application, in my
Why don't you just enrol as an ED Tech MOS 00302 Electrcal Distribution Tech? Old trade 642. Dumbed down...Electrician.

it will not have an effect on you application, if you wait like 6 months or so to reapply, you will have to do you medical back any way. I think its good that you are intending to pursue higher education. And I think if you want to go in the army, you could go Pres...or go reg after. Its never a bad choice to study. Anyone telling you against it are total morons.
Cdn_chimo.... & mysterious
are you aware you've just answered a post that is umm opver two years old?